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HomeLatest NewsDeputy Dmitry Gusev on a new procedure for dealing with stray animals:...

Deputy Dmitry Gusev on a new procedure for dealing with stray animals: new individuals will come to replace the captured ones, mostly thrown away by their owners – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:47:43

I want to say right away that it is impossible to completely exclude dog attacks on people. No one in the world has been able to do this. But you can drastically reduce their number and the severity of the consequences of them.

How to do it in practice? First, we must accept that the responsibility for attacks on people, including stray dogs, lies with the people.

Both those who throw their pets out into the street, leaving their summer home in the fall, and those who simply throw their annoying pets out the door. Boring, again, because the owners do not know how to raise dogs, and they become owners of a load. And on our streets there are up to 85% of those dogs that used to belong to someone else.

Human irresponsibility becomes the basis for the constant replenishment of the number of stray dogs on the streets, where they crowd into packs, at the head of which is always the strongest and most aggressive individual, after which the entire pack can attack people.

But even in this case, there is a way to drastically reduce, if not completely stop, the attacks of such a herd on people. Russia has a law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals”, which establishes a model of OSVV (capture, sterilization, vaccination, release), which the authorities of the regions had to comply with everywhere. However, the regions often do not make sure that the program works. However, in those regions where it is performed as expected, the situation is quite favorable.

The main thing here is to understand that the complete isolation of captured dogs will not solve the problem, because new individuals will come instead of the captured ones, mostly expelled by their owners. Nature, where there is room for life and a food base, will always be full of one animal or another. It will be better for people if these are sterilized, non-aggressive dogs than angry, non-sterilized individuals who again come to an empty place and begin to terrorize the entire district until they are captured. Not to mention the possible rebound in the population of rats and other equally dangerous animals, whose reproduction, by the way, is restricted by packs of dogs.

Now about the number of attacks on people. Statistics show that people suffer from dog attacks with an owner and walking with him, in just over 64% of cases, with an owner, but walking without him, in around 35% of cases, and only around 0, 4% of attacks. in people, which caused their injuries, it falls on generally neglected dogs. But it is these cases that have the greatest resonance in the media.

To drastically reduce the frequency and severity of the consequences of dog attacks, it is necessary, first of all, to implant the mandatory chipping of all domestic dogs, so that it can be determined who exactly is responsible for a dog that has been expelled or attacked people. And secondly, correctly and honestly comply with the requirements of the law “On responsible treatment of animals.”

And then the pleasure of communicating with pets will be as safe as possible for each of us. And I am sure that the State Duma will return to the “dog” question.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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