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HomeLatest NewsExperts predict an increase in fish production and consumption in the country...

Experts predict an increase in fish production and consumption in the country and the world – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:55:26

In 2022, Russia became the fourth country in catch volume with a market share of 5.4%, according to FAO estimates. Ahead are China (14.3%), Indonesia (8%), India (6%), Peru (5.8%). At the same time, according to the All-Russian Fisheries Association (VARPE), at the end of 2023, Russian fishermen caught a record 5.36 million tons over the past 30 years, allowing even Russia to rise to fourth place. At the end of 2023, Russia maintained its position as one of the largest exporters of fishery products (seventh place), despite a decrease in export volume in monetary terms of 5%, to $5.8 billion.

Our country is the largest producer and supplier to the world market of resources such as pollock, herring, Pacific salmon, cod and top-quality crabs, recalls the president of VARPE, German Zverev. At the same time, it will be possible to maintain his leadership position despite anti-Russian sanctions, he emphasizes.

We have consistently high stocks of pollock, one of the most caught wild fish species in the world, and there is no reason to reduce its production, despite difficult market conditions, Zverev believes. Good catches of ivasi sardine, an analogue of herring, are recorded: last year a production record was set for the entire post-Soviet period – 540 thousand tons. Catches will continue to increase in the coming years, the expert predicts. This year, capelin fishing showed good results: our fishermen caught 51 thousand tons, 2.2 times more than last year. A promising object is the Caspian sprat: in 2020 a period of “renaissance” of this fishery began in Russia.

The FAO predicts an increase in the consumption of fishery products in the world. The main reasons are rising incomes, urbanization, modernization of processing and distribution approaches, and changes in the population’s diet.

Fish consumption in Russia is also growing. According to ROMIR, in 2023 it increased by 22%, while the consumption of pork and poultry decreased by 8%. According to the All-Russian Fisheries Association (VARPE), in 2023 consumption amounted to 22 kg of fish per person.

The main driver of the market is the development of production technologies and the expansion of the range of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook products, says Zverev. “The modern consumer does not want to cook for a long time and create “reserves.” Demand creates supply: manufacturers are actively developing new food products, the production of canned fish, semi-finished products and snacks is growing, including in Russia. Another factor is the development of distribution channels. Online fish sales, also in Russia, are growing rapidly,” he explains.

Zverev is sure that all conditions exist to increase fish consumption in our country. The Ministry of Health’s recommendations for the consumption of fish and fish products are 28 kg per person per year.

“The growth point is the development of logistics and the evolution of products. Archaic infrastructure limits the volume of supply and demand in the domestic market. Retail trade is interested in expanding fish purchases, but the problem arises with the storage of a large volume of products. Stimulate the development of the wholesale sector, including through government support measures, will contribute to the creation of modern warehouses for storing fish throughout the country and its stable supply to the shelves. In combination with the expansion of the subsidized delivery program, this can significantly increase the price availability of fish products for consumers. At the same time, the main driver of the development of the domestic market, in my opinion, can be the expansion of the assortment. and working with the product image to create a new consumer culture in the country,” considers Zverev.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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