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HomeLatest NewsHow Mikhail Efremov prepares to leave the colony on parole: work and...

How Mikhail Efremov prepares to leave the colony on parole: work and clubs in the colony, monetary compensation and the opinion of the family of the deceased driver will be taken into account

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 09:23:58

Sofya Kruglikova, Mikhail Efremov’s wife, hired a lawyer dealing with parole issues


Mikhail Efremov, 60, hopes to be paroled early this summer. The Penal Code gives the actor that opportunity. Whether or not the court will accept Mikhail Efremov’s request for parole, we will find out this spring. How do the actor and his lawyer prepare for this event?

In March 2024, actor Efremov will have already served half of his sentence, so he will be able to apply for parole. The artist is serving his sentence in penal colony number 4 in the Belgorod region. For a fatal accident, Efremov was sentenced to seven and a half years. The actor has been under house arrest since June 2020, and in a colony since November 2020. Thus, in March 2024, Efremov will have the opportunity to apply for parole. According to Part 3 (clause “b”) of Article 79 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “partial early release from serving the sentence” can be applied after the convicted person has served at least half of the sentence assigned for a serious crime. crime. Mikhail Efremov’s lawyer declined to comment. But the artist’s friends confirmed to us that Efremov will apply for parole. Actor, director and writer Ivan Okhlobystin confirmed to KP.RU: “We really hope that he will be released on parole in the summer.”

They immediately began to argue on social networks: did the family of the deceased forgive the actor, is the opinion of the offended person important for parole? They immediately began to quote the words of the driver’s common-law wife, 57-year-old Sergei Zakharov, who died in an accident, but Irina Sterkhova was not recognized as a victim in the case, since she lived with him in an unregistered marriage. In the morning, she Sterkhova thinks: “Let him sit down,” and in the evening she already says: “We can let him out, let his conscience torment him.” They will listen to his family. The victims were recognized as: Zakharov’s mother, children from his first and second marriage (Vitaly, 32, and Valery, 29), as well as his second wife, Margarita Zakharova (they said that they had not lived together for many years, but the divorce was not filed). Mikhail Efremov paid compensation to the victims: moral damages, lawyers’ compensation, funeral expenses – in total more than 4.4 million rubles.

The deceased driver’s mother passed away several years ago. Now Mikhail Efremov’s lawyer has contacted and asked the opinion of Sergei Zakharov’s children and widow: do they agree with the actor being released on parole (this was a week ago)? The Zakharovs have not yet given an answer. But previously they did not have any property rights against Efremov. Will they now want some kind of reward for passing parole? This question and answer is unlikely to be discussed publicly. But, as we learned, Zakharov’s children and brother received an offer for a television interview for a fee, on the topic of the actor’s parole. So far the television crews have received a refusal. But public resonance in such a case plays an important role. Will the Zakharov family go to the TV show in exchange for money or not? Maybe not: they say they are glad the media and bloggers “forget” about them for a while.

Lawyer Timur Matveev

Photo: Personal archive

Lawyer Timur Matveev explained to KP.RU how the opinion of the injured party can influence parole: “Of course, the court accepts the opinion of the injured party when deciding on parole. But even if the victims’ side is against it, the court has the right to make a decision and put the person on probation from the colony. Therefore, the opinion of the victims is taken into account here, but it will not be decisive. The court itself has the right to make decisions.”

What will play a big role in the parole trial? Special attention is paid to the reimbursement of material compensation – it was paid. Very important is the opinion of the administration of penal colony no. 4 on the personality of the convicted person, the presence of incentives and sanctions during the period of serving the sentence and his attitude towards work. A representative of the colony’s administration will be present at the trial, who will tell you how Efremov was reformed (or not). It is known that in the colony Mikhail Olegovich works diligently and uncompromisingly: he inserts zippers into work clothes. In his free time at work he actively participates in the circle of correspondents and amateur performances. The documentary projects that Efremov and his unfortunate colleagues carried out in the colony received prizes in contests among prisoners.

When considering the issue of Mikhail Efremov’s parole, the court will take into account his behavior and correctness; and compensation for victims. And she will also study his opinion on parole; It will be important, but not decisive. Friends and family hope that after serving half of his sentence, Efremov will end up home. Taking into account the timing of the parole application, if the decision is positive, the actor will be able to be home at the beginning of summer. Okhlobystin worries about his friend: “Mikhail himself is a very conscientious person and the worst punishment for him is his own torment. Of course, the crime committed required a certain punishment. But Mikhail already had health problems before this. Furthermore, the water there is chalky and now Misha’s lower teeth have fallen out and it is impossible to fix them in place because she needs implants. Well, this is a “part of home.” At the same time, Mikhail is undoubtedly of great interest to Russian culture, because he is a great actor and director.”

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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