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In Mordovia, for the first time in the Russian Federation, fines were introduced for inducing pregnant women to abort KXan 36 Daily News

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 09:09:35

The new law was adopted at the last session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova on the initiative of the Public Chamber (OP) of the republic.

– The demographic problem is one of the main challenges today, – stated Ivan Kapitonov, Chairman of OP RM, presenting the project to the deputies. – According to the UN, Russia is the world leader in the number of abortions: 53.7 per 1,000 women. Five out of ten pregnancies are artificially terminated. Mordovia looks a little better against the background: we have 46 abortions per 1,000 women. During the Soviet period from 1920 to 1991 in the RSFSR, according to the most conservative estimates, approximately 180 million children died in their mothers’ wombs. According to Rosstat, for 30 years, from 1991 to 2021, 50 million 695 thousand abortions were performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, excluding cases of termination of pregnancy in private clinics. In total, more than 230 million children have been killed in our country in the last 100 years by their parents alone. This is a monstrous figure, which is not fully understood by society, and has not received a proper appreciation.

The author of the law, Natalia Moskvitina, a member of the OP from the Republic of Moldova, president of the Women for Life charitable foundation, spoke about the results of the project launched in Mordovia. Now the doctor at the antenatal clinic at the first appointment says to the pregnant visitor: “Congratulations, you are the expectant mother!” The woman receives brochures on all social support measures for families with children, a congratulatory letter from the head of the region Artem Zdunov, a baptismal kit from the diocese and a “dowry” for children. According to the head of the fund, in a year and a half, these and other simple measures achieved a 42 percent decrease in the number of abortions in the republic.

– In Mordovia, the word “abortion” no longer sounds in the offices of antenatal clinics. However, close relatives and co-workers may send the mother-to-be for an abortion. But she has the right to make a decision without advice, without pressure and without aggression, – said Natalia Moskvitina. – All over the world, demography is now in decline, there is a mass migration and replacement of the indigenous population. It was Russia that opened this “Pandora’s box” in 1920, legalizing abortion by decree of Lenin. Today our country is the flagship of traditional family values. We understand that each person has a free choice and cannot influence this choice. But we can surround a pregnant woman with care and attention. She must be protected during the nine months, because she is pregnant and this is sacred.

On behalf of the medical community, Larisa Solodovnikova, a member of the Social Policy Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Moldova, spoke in support of the bill.

– The law will create a barrier to the so-called reproductive violence, – said the deputy. – Unfortunately, many times the husband, partner, close relatives and health workers prevent a woman from making the decision to continue with the pregnancy. As a doctor, I know how important it is to support a doubting woman in time, both with a kind word and with wise professional advice. I am sure that the implementation of the bill will have a positive impact on the birth rate in our republic.

The initiative was supported by the Saransk Metropolitan and Mordovian Zinovy:

– In my life I have received tens of thousands of confessions from women. Those who succumbed in a moment to the temptation to destroy the nascent life, and those who did not succumb to such pressure. We must accept and support this project. Because it’s for life. And against death.

Metropolitan Zinovy ​​​​of Mordovia supported the initiative of Natalia Moskvitina. Photo: Press service of the head of the Republic of Moldova.

Only the opposition representative Dmitry Kuzyakin, the head of the Communist Party faction, offered to wait.

– It is very difficult to interfere legislatively in such a sphere, – he pointed out. – So far, the bill is “raw” and the public has not spoken widely about it. We will abstain from voting for her.

– I’ll tell you man to man – abstinence is generally harmful in this case, and taking into account the relevant legislative initiative – and even more so, – cut off the interim opponent. head of the administration of the head of the Republic of Moldova Bulat Khairutdinov, who spoke on behalf of the representatives of the Muslim community. – It is necessary to decide: or “for” – or “against”. And so, it turns out, everything suits you.

In response, Dmitry Kuzyakin urged “not to go to extremes”: “Abortion is not a cause, but a consequence. This problem should not be solved by prohibitions, but by creating conditions for population growth. We say that so far social measures They haven’t taken it long enough for this.”

The original version of the bill also provided for a ban on promoting abortion. However, later the lawyers insisted on the exclusion of this article, since it falls within the competence of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In addition, new amendments to the law on administrative responsibility proposed such punishments for inducing abortion as expulsion from the Russian Federation (for foreign citizens) and suspension of activities for 90 days (for legal persons).

– Both are the exclusive competence of the Russian Federation, – reminded the head of the committee of legislation and legality of the GS RM Valery Alekhin.

After a heated debate, the law was approved. Its initiators expressed the hope that other regions would follow the example of the Mordovian legislators.

It should be noted that in terms of the birth rate, Mordovia is in the top five foreign regions of the Russian Federation, together with the Tula, Ryazan, Smolensk and Leningrad regions.

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According to the new law, induction of abortion by persuasion, blackmail, bribery, deceit in Mordovia will be punishable by a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. For foreign citizens, its amount will be from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. For officials – from 25,000 to 50,000, for legal entities – from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

At the same time, an administrative offense is considered to have been committed regardless of whether the abortion was performed or not.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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