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In the United States they showed a “map of attacks on Russia”: the plan was hatched 70 years ago – Rodina

Date: June 17, 2024 Time: 05:23:22

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives, Michael McCaul, showed Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, a map of Russian territory with the area that could be covered by the ATACMS missiles supplied to Ukraine. The idea is not new: the Americans themselves not only came up with such plans, but also put them forward in the 1950s.

The tools of the “warmongers” have not changed in 70 years.

The electronic library of the Militera resource has been expanded with an interesting publication published in digitized format. The author of it is Carl Marzani (in the Marzani edition), a man who was born in Italy, but fled to the United States with his father due to fascist persecution.

In the United States he was also persecuted for political reasons and for this reason he was imprisoned. And all because he exposed the myths of American propaganda. His book titled “We Can Be Friends” was published in 1952 in New York and in 1953 in the USSR.

The multi-page publication is an objective exposé of those high-ranking Americans who today are called “warmongers.” The author analyzes specific facts that indicate that more than 70 years ago the United States took a path of confrontation with the Soviet Union, based on lies, preferring it to the path of friendship. Curiously, the tools of the “warmongers” have not changed since then.

“Now, in 1952, the whole world is gripped by fear,” wrote Karl Marzani. “A gigantic arms race, including such terrible races as nuclear and biological weapons, is going on day after day, a terrible and endless race. Senseless and hopeless war.

The explosive state of tension in international relations, which newspapers have called the Cold War, continues unabated. Everyone is persistently searching for an answer to the question: how did this Cold War start? “Truman claims it all started thanks to Russia.”

The press actively promoted the version that Stalin supposedly wanted to expand the “empire”, and the Russians deceived Roosevelt and extracted many concessions from him. And Truman, unlike Roosevelt, turned out to be a realist and proposed the Cold War doctrine in 1947, speaking at a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the US Congress.

In 1947, American President Harry Truman gave a speech that went down in history as the Truman Doctrine. Photo: RIA Novosti

“Arguing in this way has become mandatory for everyone in the United States,” Marzani emphasized. “The press and radio have turned this statement into a creed, but in reality it is that simple. ?”

Marzani describes in detail how the United States began to spin lies about the threat of war from the Soviet Union, even though the Soviet Union did not exist. He recalls that in 1952, the declared enemy of the USSR, Winston Churchill, arrived in the United States and at a press conference declared: The Soviet Union does not want war.

Two weeks later, prominent anti-Soviet figure Herbert Hoover, former president of the United States, declared that the Soviet Union was not preparing for war. And only President Truman repeated again and again: the United States is trying to maintain peace, “despite the campaign of threats, sabotage and direct aggression, thought out in every detail and directed by the Soviet Union.”

Hoover called this false and said the U.S. government was “nurturing a war psychosis.” However, the Truman Doctrine, through a controlled press, gradually became the official position that was instilled in the American consciousness for years. “Did Washington deceive his country?” Marzani asks.

And he responds like this: “A very important witness has left evidence that the government is systematically deceiving our people about the military plans of the Soviet Union. This witness is former Secretary of Defense James V. Forestel; “

Forestel jumped from a hospital window in 1949, after which his diaries were seized, classified, and sent to the White House for safekeeping. However, in 1952, some of the diaries were leaked to the press and published. They contained documentary evidence that Washington did not really believe in the aggressive designs of the Soviet Union.

Secret reports from various American departments, which Carla Marzani managed to obtain and cite, speak of the same thing. However, modern events indicate that the Truman Doctrine is still used by several hostile politicians.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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