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International expert Pavel Seleznev said whether the West will be able to stop the rapprochement between Russia and the global South KXan 36 Daily News

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:46:40

To understand the motivation of the Saudi princes, one must remember that their country, under all circumstances, is highly dependent on the United States for finances, which is why, under American pressure, they cannot but take certain steps towards they. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia, being a major player in the global economy, is still a second-rank country in politics, and it is clear that they are trying to take a place in the front row, even using the Ukraine crisis. The more so since the Saudi authorities, unlike the West, have maintained good relations with Russia, so they can act as mediators, and this is an important political advantage.

As for the possibility of pressure on Russia through oil prices, this is extremely unlikely. Saudi Arabia is cutting production under the OPEC+ deal not because it wants to help our country. In this they pursue their own interests. In fact, the cost of oil production in Saudi Arabia is low, but the entire Saudi “social program” and numerous development programs depend on oil revenues. So the price of oil, at which the Saudi budget is cut without a deficit, is over $80 a barrel. In reality, they are fighting over these prices, reducing production. And here we are situational allies with them.

And by hosting the meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is testing the role of leader of the global South, meeting the collective West on its soil. In reality, the West does not hide the fact that the aim of the summit is to attract developing countries to its side. And here the main goal is not even Russia, but China, and Ukraine is just a pretext. Appealing to the values ​​of international law, which the West itself derailed back in the 90s of the last century in Yugoslavia, the United States and Europe want to group the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America around them, thus interrupting the victorious China . march across these continents.

Will representatives from developing countries come to Jeddah? Yes, most likely they will. We must not forget that the United States is Brazil’s main trade and political partner, and if Washington politely advises them to go to Saudi Arabia, they will be there. The same is the case with India, which relies on the United States against China: the largest countries in the world have a painful territorial dispute, which from time to time takes on the character of bloody clashes. Among other things, India sincerely wants to overtake China in terms of economic power in the unspoken rivalry. South Africa is also heavily dependent on US and European capital, as are many other countries in the global South. Then they will come and listen politely.

Whether they will join the West in putting pressure on Russia is another matter. Obviously not, and not at all because they love us very much. On the contrary, sociological surveys very often show a cold attitude of the population of these countries towards Russia, which is understandable: the main sources of information about events in Ukraine are Westerners, which cannot but influence sentiment. public. Despite this, building a global bloc against China and Russia will not work simply because we can offer the global South what it needs, but the collective West cannot.

Developing countries would like to have what it takes to create efficient health care, agriculture and industry, and they also need roads, airports, power plants and much more. For them it is extremely important to collaborate in the fight against terrorist organizations and gangs that make normal life impossible. France, after decolonization, has been actively present in West Africa for several decades. And? Was she able to stand up to religious extremists and outright bandits? No. Was she able to provide West Africa with high rates of economic growth? Also not. They can mine gold and uranium for next to nothing, but they can’t promote development. They may want to, but they just don’t know how to build cheap, massive drugs. The United States failed at that time to isolate Cuba from the rest of Latin America simply because Cuban doctors, landing in neighboring countries, were able to manufacture such a drug for them, but the Americans could not and would not.

The same history repeats itself before our very eyes. The countries of the global South are not ready to join the US-led anti-Russian front, because they remember the consequences of colonial rule and understand that participation in this front will not bring them anything good.

This understanding was clearly demonstrated by the results of the Russia-Africa summit in July, which was attended by delegations from 48 of the 54 African states, 27 of which were represented first and second person. Africa needs physical and food security, and Russia can meet its needs. In exchange, they can provide markets for Russian products, power equipment or trucks, for example, and provide access to critical natural resources such as uranium or raw materials for non-ferrous metallurgy. So here a mutually beneficial two-way movement is planned, and the West is powerless to stop it.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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