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HomeLatest News“Keep your back”: doctor dispelled myths about scoliosis and told how to...

“Keep your back”: doctor dispelled myths about scoliosis and told how to deal with it – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 30, 2024 Time: 19:07:06

Will you develop scoliosis if you slouch frequently?

There is a common misconception that scoliosis develops due to the incorrect position of children at their desks and the large amount of time they spend in front of gadgets. In fact, this is far from the truth: dysplastic scoliosis develops against the background of hereditary disorders of the connective tissue, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to influence the development of this deformity by lifestyle adjustments.

Does your back hurt with scoliosis?

Scoliosis is associated with muscle imbalance, so even in the early stages of development, the disease causes discomfort. Over time, the discomfort intensifies and the pain syndrome increases. More pronounced deformities begin to affect the functions of internal organs.

What signs of scoliosis should you look out for?

It is necessary to check your child’s back from time to time.

Warning signs:

asymmetry of the shoulder blades; asymmetry of the muscles (a muscle roll begins to form on one side) misalignment of the shoulder girdle;

If parents suspect any changes in the spine, this is a reason to contact an orthopedic traumatologist or vertebrologist.

How is the diagnosis made?

The standard method is spinal x-ray. It is performed to evaluate the overall balance of the spine, determine the location and nature of the deformity, and then create a treatment plan.

In more complex situations, the doctor will prescribe a CT scan or MRI to further evaluate the anatomy of the spine in the area of ​​the deformity. These methods, in addition to a general assessment, allow planning surgical treatment tactics.

How is scoliosis treated?

Less severe first-degree scoliosis usually does not require treatment; children “outgrow” it and forget about the problem once bone growth is complete.

For more severe deformities of II-III degrees, the doctor prescribes corset treatment to stop or slow down the development of the disease. In some cases, it is possible to achieve a relative correction.

If the form of scoliosis does not require surgical intervention, treatment with a corset is combined with rehabilitation techniques, various variants of asymmetric gymnastics. Often, thanks to an integrated approach, patients can achieve good results, and when bone growth is complete, the deformity does not exceed grade III, which does not require surgical treatment.

When is surgery needed?

First of all, this is the degree of deformation. According to international standards, surgical treatment is not indicated for curvatures less than 40-45°. The exception is situations when the disease and the associated cosmetic defect have a strong impact on the patient’s psychological state.

What is the surgical treatment for scoliosis?

Currently, the gold standard in surgical treatment of scoliosis is dorsal correction and stabilization of the spine using titanium metal frames. During the operation, surgeons install transpedicular screws into the vertebrae along the area of ​​the deformity, which are connected to each other by rods. Doctors then realign the axis of the spine using special corrective maneuvers and perform final rigid fixation to ensure further bone fusion of the vertebrae in the area of ​​the deformity.

The operation is performed once and the patient does not require additional treatment. Over the years, the metal structure acquires additional bone tissue, which increases its strength.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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