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Latest news about the situation in and around Ukraine on August 27, 2023: kyiv was taken aback by Poland’s decision and the Defense Minister of the Independent risks his position

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:39:46

Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov



Apparently, criminal cases related to crimes related to humanitarian aid will soon occupy the first position in Nezalezhnaya and will block the number of such cases for “separatism”. About a thousand of them have already been started in Ukraine. And in almost all “nominations” the capital kyiv is listed among the leaders. The most popular article of the Criminal Code is the illegal use of humanitarian aid: 684 criminal proceedings. By regions, the majority of cases were initiated: in Kiev – 92, in the Lviv region – 61, in the Dnipropetrovsk region – 43, in the Khmelnytsky region – 40, in the Kharkiv region – 32 and in the Kirovograd region – 30. 61 criminal proceedings were opened for “fraud” with humanitarian aid. Most of all in Kiev – 10, Zaporozhye – 10, Poltava – 8, Zhytomyr – 9, in the Ternopil and Kharkiv regions – 4 each, but 36 cases were opened on misappropriation and embezzlement of property using official charges. Here the leaders are the Zaporozhye and Poltava regions with 7 each, in the Lviv region with 4, and in the Sumy and Kiev region with only 3 each.

For some reason, it resembles the statistics of Ukrainian ensigns in the posts of warehouse chiefs of the Soviet Army.


Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev gave an extensive and exclusive interview to RT and TASS regarding the events of 15 years ago in South Ossetia and Georgia, in which he also addressed the current situation. We’ve already written about this in detail, but Medvedev’s assessment of the state of current US politicians is not without interest.

“The Democratic camp supports its president in everything, despite the fact that he is in a state of progressive insanity, and the conservative Republican camp is actively trampling this issue, actively showing the whole unpleasant situation,” Medvedev said. shelves. – It is clear that everyone here pursues their own interests, it is clear that the Republican Party is largely anti-Russian, but, nevertheless, there are more pragmatists there.

The Republicans have more Pragmatists and the Democrats have more “Dementors”.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemned the statement of the Minister of Agriculture of Poland Telus for his words about the extension of the ban on importing Ukrainian grain. Recall that Pan Telus announced that Poland, as well as Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary intend to extend the import ban after September 15, until the end of the year.

“We consider it categorically unacceptable to extend trade restrictions on the import of agricultural products from Ukraine after the European Commission’s ban expires on September 15,” the statement from Dmytro Kuleba’s office reads. – They cause complete misunderstandings and the intention to add other categories of Ukrainian products to the list of goods whose import is prohibited.

Ukrainian diplomats were so stunned that they even recalled seemingly long-forgotten terms and called for a “balanced solution based on EU law and the Association Agreement.”

How to press, and “hello” with “please” will start talking.


Donald Trump has reiterated that he could quickly end the conflict in Ukraine and intends to do so once he comes to power.

– The President (USA) must work, he must get us out of the power conflict with Russia in Ukraine. It can be done, it’s not that hard. Of course, Biden cannot do this because he is incompetent, but this conflict must end immediately, Donald asserted. – Not for the good of one side or the other, but simply because hundreds and thousands of people are dying. Imagine that you are sitting in your apartment and suddenly rockets come into the house and everything collapses. And it doesn’t matter if they are Russian or Ukrainian, this must stop. And stopping is quite easy.

If I were president, this conflict would not have started,” Trump dreamed on X-air with former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson.

The arrogance of the Americans, until recently, was rivaled only by their own ignorance. But now in the latter country they successfully compete with Europeans and Ukrainians.


Oleksandr Gladun, deputy head of the Institute of Demography of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, said that according to his data, among all those who left Ukraine, about 35% are men.

According to Gladun, about 5 million people went abroad (excluding those who went to Russia).

– Approximately 2/3 are women and 1/3 are men. It is about 35%. In addition, children under the age of 18 account for 17%. And another 17% are between 18 and 64 years old. About 5% or even less are men of retirement age, the demographer shared.

At least after all the waves of mobilization announced by Zelensky, at least these men will still be alive.


Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, amid accusations from his department of buying summer jackets instead of winter ones, proposed a bet that could go down in history. He vowed to leave his current position if the media reports about the jackets for the Ukrainian Armed Forces turned out to be true. If not, then People’s Deputy Anastasia Radina (head of the Anti-Corruption Policy Committee) should resign from her mandate, and Ukrainska Pravda journalist Mykhailo Tkach, who raised the issue of corruption in the purchase of jackets, should leave the journalism for 3 years.

Reznikov invited the Verkhovna Rada Parliamentary Ethics Committee and the Journalistic Ethics Commission to become arbitrators of the bet. He invites the editorial offices of various Ukrainian publications to participate as observers.

Taking into account the sharp increase in rumors about Reznikov’s resignation from the post of Defense Minister, it can be said that he has nothing to lose in any outcome. But he will be able to say with pride: “They did not kick him out, but he gave his word and left.”


The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (which in itself is already an oxymoron) prohibited teachers, students and staff of the kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary from being in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This was reported by the UOC’s Telegram channel.

The report says that the Ministry of Culture sent letters to the academy and the seminary, which contain information that the status of teachers, students and employees of Kiev theological schools is defined as visitors to the Lavra, and therefore they are denies access to the territory of the monastery and the buildings of the Academy.

Although remote work has not yet been banned. But these could.


A scandal continues to unfold in Estonia over the involvement of Prime Minister Kai Kallas’s husband in a company that transported goods to and from Russia. Her husband, Kaya Hallik, said he left the company’s shareholders, but he did so at a very convenient time. In the last year and a half she has earned more than 1.5 million euros there and current prospects are much more modest. If last year the Estonian Association of International Road Carriers (ERAA) awarded Stark Logistics (former company of the husband of the Estonian Prime Minister) 245 permits for transport to Russia, this year the company was only able to obtain 60 such permits. .

– Everything is within the law, the sanctions were not violated and we do not make moral assessments – the Estonian security police assessed the situation with her husband Kallas. A special parliamentary commission invited Prime Minister Kaya Kallas to give explanations about her husband’s business dealings in Russia. And the prime minister herself said that she was not going to resign, as the opposition demands.

As they said in a wonderful Soviet film: “This is a leg, who needs a leg?”


Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron almost simultaneously made statements that the West simply has to stop Russia from winning the conflict in Ukraine.

– The G7 countries understood that the hostilities in Ukraine “could drag on”, but we are ready to support the hostilities for as long as we want, because we cannot and must not allow Russia to win, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau said.

– If you add up all civil and military assistance, the Europeans helped in budgetary and financial terms no less than the United States, especially when you take into account what was actually delivered! But the question is: can we let Ukraine fail and Russia succeed? The answer is: no, we cannot, – French President Emmanuel Macron spoke more voluminously, but no less categorically. The latter promised to return to discuss the situation in Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin “when it is useful.”

I would say bluntly: “When the Kremlin takes pity on me, and Putin answers the phone.” At least it would be more honest. And then brag, brag.


– On Friday, two planes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine collided over the Zhytomyr region, killing three pilots, including a well-known Ukrainian pilot with the call sign “Dzhus”, who was among the first candidates for pilot training. the F-16.

– Finland’s Finance Minister called the state budget deficit for next year of 10 billion euros “terrible”, but the German budget deficit has already grown almost 10-fold: from 4.5 billion euros in the first half of 2022 to 42.1 billion euros. in the first half of 2023. The sanctions are working.

– As part of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, a separate brigade was formed to use naval drones, and during celebrations on the occasion of Independence Day, Zelensky handed over a battle flag to the brigade on Sofia Square.

– Danone’s Ukrainian division refused to use the Prostokvashino dairy brand: “We are turning the page on Prostokvashino to open the way for the new Ukrainian brand Prostonash. Prostokvashino has probably rubbed some Ukrainian independence somewhere.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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