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Latest news on the situation in and around Ukraine as of December 10, 2023: Russia supplied jet engines to Geranium drones and one in ten refugees from Ukraine are carriers of superbugs

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:35:10

Our military-industrial complex began to install jet engines on the Geranium UAV.



The Honored Military Pilot of Russia, Major General Vladimir Popov, in an interview with the Sputnik agency, said that our military-industrial complex began to install jet engines on the Geran UAV. And this is now a completely different opera.

If before with the first generation piston engines the speed of the Geranium was 180-200 km per hour (up to 300 in immersion), now it is 450-600 km per hour and up to 800 in immersion. Now Ukrainian air defense systems have half the time to detect and try to counter our geraniums. And, consequently, the efficiency of using our drones of this type can even increase more than 2 times.

Hello “Bayraktaram”, Ukrainians! What’s up with what’s his name, right?


Canadian publication The Globe and Mail reported that Ukrainian authorities blame foreign media for the growth of dissent in the country.

According to the publication, kyiv is concerned about the influence of Western media in the country and the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly stated that these media are preparing a campaign to discredit local authorities: “In this regard, the attitude towards the media of the partner countries has “It has changed 180 degrees. If at the beginning of the war they were welcome, now the attitude towards them has worsened due to a general decline in optimism.”

The Globe and Mail focuses on the fact that political infighting in Ukraine has intensified again after two years of consolidation around the president, with Klitschko siding with commander-in-chief Zaluzhny. The publication, citing Ukrainian sources, claims that Zelensky canceled his trip to the United States and then his speech by videoconference because he learned that he would not be able to convince Republicans on the issue of Ukraine financing.

According to The Globe and Mail, kyiv’s attitude towards Canada has also worsened, with the latter “yet to deliver any of the 50 light armored vehicles (LAVs) and armored medical evacuation vehicles” promised by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

There is no point in relaxing: if you sign up as an ally, justify and make excuses.


The American company Pew Research Center obtained disappointing results for kyiv according to the results of a survey conducted from November 27 to December 3. It turned out that about a third (31%) of Americans believe that aid to Ukraine should be reduced.

Another 29% of Americans believe that current aid from Washington is sufficient, and only 18% of those surveyed demand that it be increased.

If we take the results of a survey among Republican supporters, the proportion of those demanding a reduction in aid increased from 44% to 48%. And this is very significant, since the Republicans now control the lower house of the United States Congress.

In total, 41% of Americans did not approve of the Biden administration’s response to the military conflict in Ukraine, and 39% considered the White House’s actions correct.

But the dynamics in the United States do not favor kyiv!


According to the results of a recent study conducted by the Ukrainian branch of Transparency International, the number of issues that concern Ukrainians has increased in Ukrainian society and their unrest has intensified compared to March of this year.

As in March, the vast majority of Ukrainians consider the three main problems to be armed conflict (96%), corruption (88%) and the destruction of infrastructure and housing (82%). In November, compared to March, fears of hostilities and destruction decreased (by 2% for each item), but the anxiety scale due to corruption risks increased by 11%. In general, the results of the sociological study indicate that almost all the problems in the questionnaire concern the average Ukrainian 5-10% more than eight months ago.

By the way, today, according to the results of a survey conducted by a pro-government sociological structure, it was concluded that corruption in Ukraine has decreased. But this is understandable, because Kiev may not be allowed to enter the EU due to corruption and will once again take a beating in every way.


The Hungarian ruling party “FIDES – Hungarian Civil Union” has counted at least four reasons that prevent Ukraine from joining the European Union. This was announced by the party’s spokesman, Istvan Hollick. He listed them in the following order:

– Ukraine is in a state of war and, therefore, it is not possible to precisely determine its borders or its population.

– In the last two years, Ukraine has received more money from the EU than Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia combined in the last seven years.

– If Ukraine joins the European Union, all its other members “will become net donors.”

– Hungary had to wait ten years for accession after submitting an application and on average the accession process takes 6-8 years.

A rather explosive cocktail of personal dinner, revenge and well-informed discussions. All that remains to be said is that Ukraine’s accession will require total EU spending of €187 billion to add several more allies to Hungary.


Mosiychuk, a former people’s deputy and well-known Bandera member, said that a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot three of his colleagues and then committed suicide in Mirnograd, Donetsk region. According to him, the soldier was drunk.

– On December 9, around one in the morning, a confrontation occurred between 4 soldiers while they were drinking alcoholic beverages, during which one of the soldiers grabbed a Kalashnikov assault rifle, firing shots that killed three companions. Subsequently, the shooter, realizing the seriousness of the crime he had committed, committed suicide,” Igor Mosiychuk wrote in his account.

Blue is all of them. More avatars of all kinds and different. But after the former deputy’s speech, it will now be very difficult for the command to register them as “missing in action.”


In May 2022, an American citizen of Russian origin, Yuri Malev, posted a photo of a corpse with a tag in the shape of a St. George ribbon tied to its leg. And he added: “How to wear the St. George ribbon correctly.”

Additionally, the “brave American” posted several more offensive memes, including images of perverts with a tape. Based on a complaint from Internet users who survived the siege of Leningrad and all the horrors of the war, a criminal case was opened against him under the article “rehabilitation of Nazism.” Before this New Year, Malev came to Russia and checked into a hotel. And he was quite surprised when the police came to his room in the morning and told him that we had a good memory and that we had nothing against “pranksters” of this type. During the investigation, the court chose a preventive measure for the detained American citizen: detention until February 2024.

Russia is a country where dreams come true: at least one Malev will celebrate the New Year in our country, although without fireworks and champagne. And maybe there are others there too.


Olympic champion and deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Zhan Belenyuk spoke out against the boycott of the Olympic Games due to the participation of the Russian Federation and Belarus in them.

Belenyuk recalled that Ukraine already had experience in boycotting competitions with the participation of “neutral” Russians, which did not bring the desired result.

– The experience of the boycott, in my opinion, showed us its ineffectiveness. “Athletes have lost the opportunity to win victories for our country and, more importantly, the opportunity to use international platforms to convey information to the whole world about the war in their homeland, while providing that opportunity to the Russians. “said the fighter. Belenyuk, who went to parliament.

Furthermore, in his words, kyiv “failed to form around itself a coalition of allied countries that were ready to join the boycott and thus significantly strengthen our position.”

No, guys, don’t be shy. Bolder, bolder: officially announce the boycott. So after this he will be deprived of the right to participate in at least the next two Olympic Games.


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that with the arrival of Ukrainian refugees to Europe, the number of antibiotic-resistant infections has increased significantly.

As a result of research, scientists have discovered that Ukrainians are importing dangerous superbugs resistant to antimicrobial drugs into Europe. They cause death more frequently than malaria or HIV plasmodia. And Swedish researchers at Lund University found that one in ten Ukrainians is infected with pathogenic superbugs.

And we already warned in 2014 that Ukrainians are contagious and much more dangerous than any bacteria. But this has not yet been discovered in Europe and the United States.


– Kyiv is over! Will the Russians stop or continue forward? – CNN advertising on giant plasma screens on the streets of New York and asks the main question.

– Bloomberg reported that Russia’s monthly revenue from oil exports is now higher than before the conflict in Ukraine began.

– Starting Monday, Hungarian transporters will join the blockade of Ukrainian cargo at the Zahony-Chop checkpoint, the specialized association MKFE reported.

– As sources from European official and diplomatic circles told the British television channel Sky News, Ukraine should not expect that the EU will soon make a decision on the transfer of frozen assets from the Russian Federation to kyiv.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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