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HomeLatest NewsLolita, after the cancellation of concerts, told how she plans to make...

Lolita, after the cancellation of concerts, told how she plans to make a living

Date: June 17, 2024 Time: 19:27:49

Lolita Milyavskaya.

Photo: Ivan MAKEEV

After the “naked party” organized by blogger Nastya Ivleeva, many guests of the scandalous event faced serious problems. One of its participants, Lolita Milyavskaya, was left without concerts: the singer’s performances were canceled throughout Russia.

On social media, the 60-year-old artist says that she now lives a modest pensioner’s life: she does housework and spends a lot of time with her daughter Eva.

If this continues, the singer will apparently have to look for new sources of income. However, Lolita is not discouraged; According to her, she already has a couple of ideas. The artist discovered how she would live if the cancellations of her shows continued.

“I’m counting on retirement and Onlyfans. The last thing is a joke”, he shared his plans with the Reedus portal.

Onlyfans is an international service with spicy video content, which can be accessed through a paid subscription. The service is popular in the adult entertainment industry, but is also used by trainers, fitness instructors, and musicians. Lolita’s business idea is already causing a lot of talk on the Internet: “What? She doesn’t even have to undress and can put her party costume back on,” users claim.

However, Lolita has another possible source of income. There was a time when the artist invested heavily in real estate. She considered that buying apartments in Moscow was an excellent opportunity to save the money she earned. It is true that then the artist felt disappointed with her purchases and she decided that she had accumulated so much real estate in vain.

Now the apartments he bought are idle. According to the star, he’s too lazy to rent them because it’s too much trouble: he has to make sure the tenants don’t flood his neighbors or ruin the renovation. But, as a last resort, Lolita can rent these apartments and receive a regular income. Or simply sell the property and live off the profits.

In addition to real estate in Moscow, Lolita bought an apartment and a house in Bulgaria several years ago. The artist spent her vacation in this country.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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