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HomeLatest NewsNebenzya: Russia will respond to the West's militarization of space - Rossiyskaya...

Nebenzya: Russia will respond to the West’s militarization of space – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 21, 2024 Time: 12:01:08

“Of course, the current situation will require analysis and response measures on our part. At the same time, Russia will remain committed to its obligations in outer space in accordance with international law,” the diplomat said, quoted by RIA Novosti. . “Despite the aggressive attitude of the United States and its allies, we will continue to work in this direction and make every effort together with responsible UN Member States to maintain peace in space,” Nebenzya added.

Previously Nebenzya had said that Western countries had completely exposed themselves and taken off their masks by opposing the Russian Federation’s draft resolution.

Recall that the Security Council did not adopt the Russian Federation’s draft resolution on preventing an arms race in space. The Russian resolution was supported by 7 members of the Security Council, while 7 countries opposed it and another decided to abstain.

The Russian project provided for a ban on the placement in space not only of weapons of mass destruction (as previously proposed by the United States and Japan), but also of any weapons in general.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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