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HomeLatest NewsSobchak revealed the secret of the birth of children Pugacheva and Galkin*

Sobchak revealed the secret of the birth of children Pugacheva and Galkin*

Date: June 17, 2024 Time: 08:43:43

Alla Pugacheva with children Harry and Lisa. Photo: social networks.

There have always been many rumors about Alla Pugacheva’s late motherhood. Twins Harry and Lisa were born in 2013, when the singer was 64 years old and her father Maxim Galkin * was 37 years old. The couple did not hide the fact that their children were born to a surrogate mother. However, many still do not believe that Alla Pugacheva used her own eggs to conceive her heirs.

Immediately after Harry and Lisa’s birth in 2013, Galkin* said in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov that Pugacheva froze her eggs in advance.

“Alla froze her eggs 11 years ago. Moreover, she told me about it only after the wedding, two years ago,” Maxim confessed.

Judging by her words, Alla froze her eggs in 2002, when she was 53 years old. However, reproduction specialists are sure that this is simply impossible, since these technologies appeared much later.

The inconsistency of the versions of Pugacheva and Galkin* was demonstrated by Ksenia Sobchak. Recently, the documentary “IVF: Wild Myths and Inconvenient Truths” premiered on her YouTube channel “Careful, Sobchak.” What is happening in the laboratory with the embryos? Ksenia spoke with integrative reproductive specialist and candidate of medical sciences Olga Balakhontseva and received answers to pressing questions. One of them is whether a patient over 50 years old can undergo IVF with her own eggs.

Sobchak spoke negatively about women who say they have frozen their eggs, although until now that technology was not available. At the same time, the name of Pugacheva was not heard in the air, but it is not difficult to guess who we are talking about.

“No names or surnames. There are public cases, we will not name names, in which a 60-year-old woman says that “she did not give birth herself, but her egg was mine.” My gynecologist says that the egg cannot be fertilized. Only if he froze her when she was 20 years old. But that technology did not exist. Therefore, if you see an adult woman, it means that the facial features were simply selected from one donor now, quite precisely, but this is someone else’s egg. There are no miracles,” Sobchak said.

Ksenia Sobchak.

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

A very effective method of freezing eggs was invented by the Japanese doctor Kuwayama Masashige only in 2005. But until 2013, this method was considered a scientific experiment. In Russia, this service began to be offered only in 2014.

Previously, former State Duma deputy Roman Khudyakov publicly stated that Galkin*’s children were not born to Alla Pugacheva.

“Pugacheva is not his mother at all, but, at best, his grandmother. None of the reproductive specialists even consider the frozen egg version,” Khudyakov highlighted on social media.

The former State Duma deputy also referred to the fact that when Pugacheva was able to become a mother and allegedly donated biomaterial, there were no technologies capable of preserving eggs yet.

Khudyakov hinted that he knows who Harry and Lisa’s real biological mother is. But he did not name this woman. Apparently, he suspects that she may be Pugacheva’s daughter, Kristina Orbakaite.

“It is clear who the children’s real mother is. However, let’s not take the family skeletons out of the closet: they are very ugly, no matter what,” Roman wrote.

*Recognized as a foreign agent by decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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