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HomeLatest NewsThe initiative to shorten working Friday for women was considered inappropriate -...

The initiative to shorten working Friday for women was considered inappropriate – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 11:08:59

Earlier, State Duma Deputy Chairman Boris Chernyshov proposed shortening Friday work for women by two hours, while maintaining the average salary. In addition, if implemented, this measure should be mandatory for the public sector, state and municipal employees, and for private companies it may have an advisory nature. The deputy sent an appeal on this issue to the head of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation Anton Kotyakov.

“Now that our country is carrying out a special operation and resisting the pressure of Western sanctions, the Russian economy needs to function more than ever,” Sergei Kolunov stressed. “Our factories, companies and small and medium-sized businesses contribute to well-being.” victory over the enemy.”

At the same time, in general, shortening the working day is a good initiative, but not in the current conditions, the deputy clarified. “In my opinion, there should not be a mandatory requirement for employers. It may be a recommendation, but nothing more,” added the parliamentarian.

The deputy head of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR), Alexander Shershukov, also stated that the initiative is premature, given the shortage of personnel in Russia. Furthermore, this could potentially harm working women, said an expert quoted by TASS. The fact is that employers will avoid hiring women, he clarified.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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