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The latest news about the situation in and around Ukraine on August 19, 2023: in France, refugees started a fight, confusing themselves with Russians, Viktor Yushchenko blinded the trident of the “Motherland”

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 08:53:12


The “series” with the replacement of the coat of arms of the USSR with the Ukrainian trident on the shield of the statue “Motherland” in the capital of Ukraine continues. The author of the project, the sculptor Aleksey Pergamenshchik, reported the sensational details of the work on the trident. It turns out that the model of the trident was not personally designed by anyone, but by the former president of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko. And, judging by the words of the scroll maker, he blinded this model in full size.

– Viktor Andreevich joined the creation stage and sculpted this model, which went to the Ministry of Culture, then to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It’s all agreed. I reduced the trident piece you see now, one by one. I hung it on a shield, we looked at how thick it was, samples, – said the Parchment Man.

Until now, Yushchenko has been known for his love of bees and clay whistles, which could not go unnoticed in any market. And now he continues to sculpt. But it is probably better not to be interested in what material Yushchenko used to work on the design.


The Ukrainian military commissars devised another technique to carry out the mobilization plan, launched by them from Zelensky. Now Orthodox believers are making religious processions during the Dormition Fast in Ukraine. One of the most important and powerful in number is the Procession to Pochaev Lavra. And in the Khmelnytsky region, military commissars began handing out citations to UOC parishioners right during the procession. Moreover, they did it in two places at once: in the Kamyanets-Podilskyi Cathedral and in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Dolzhok, from where the traditional church procession leaves for the Pochaev Lavra.

One stone – two birds with one stone. And replenish the Armed Forces of Ukraine with new mobilized, and weaken the canonical UOC, tearing active parishioners from its ranks. Zelensky is right to honor such creative people with state awards.

And the chaplain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Ivano-Frankivsk called for the mobilization of members of Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are approximately 130,000 members of this pro-American religious sect in Ukraine, whose membership is a legal basis for not participating in the counteroffensive on religious grounds. And the people of western Ukraine are very dissatisfied with this benefit for the Witnesses.


The most interesting story happened in France, where ukrobezhenki quarreled with a ukrobezhen. On the one hand, two natives of the Kharkiv region, on the other, a 33-year-old former Ukrainian law enforcement officer. But a special spice to their hostile relations was given by the fact that each of them considered the opposite side to be the Russians.

The ladies wrote statements to the police, stating that they were beaten by a Russian man for listening to anti-Russian songs. And when the man was found, he wrote in a response statement that he did not delve into the lyrics, but considered the women citizens of Russia, for which he took revenge on them.

You don’t know yours. You know why? Yes, because both the man and the woman spoke Russian in France. There, after all, there is no real Führer Kremin, as in Ukraine, who mercilessly watches and punishes.


Die Zeit newspaper published the not-cheerful results of a public opinion poll for the German federal government on the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

According to a poll conducted by the ARD Germany group, 52% of Germans eligible to vote oppose the supply of these missiles to Ukraine. 12% are undecided in their opinion, and only 36% of respondents are in favor of such supplies to kyiv.

The distribution of votes according to the regions of the country is interesting. While in East Germany 70% (the vast majority) oppose the supply, in West Germany it is only 47% and 40% are in favor of helping Kiev with cruise missiles.

Very entertaining sociology and obviously with an eye on future elections. Not surprisingly, those surveyed were just voters. In a word, Olaf Scholz has a lot to think about.


The PRC’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, told a UN Security Council meeting that supplying Ukraine with arms only prolongs the conflict and once again called for peace talks.

– China has repeatedly stated its position, expressing concern and concern about the serious consequences of the continued supply of weapons on the battlefield. The side effect of this continues to intensify, as a result, the hope of a ceasefire becomes even more elusive, he was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

Geng Shuang also assured that Beijing will continue to push forward with its “peace plan” for Ukraine.

You can’t go astray in Beijing. And in any case, it’s not for kyiv hysterics to do it.


Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal came to Bucharest to settle the problem of Ukrainian grain exports with his Romanian counterpart, but not everything turned out to be so smooth. For starters, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu asked his Ukrainian counterpart, Denis Shmyhal, to officially acknowledge that the Moldovan language does not exist.

– Regarding the problem of the so-called “Moldovan” language, I recalled the earlier request of the Romanian side that the Ukrainian authorities recognize it as non-existent and take appropriate legal and administrative measures. I recalled that Moldova recently adopted a normative act, according to which it recognizes Romanian as an official language, Colacu said. In addition, he told Shmyhal about his concern for the rights of ethnic Romanians in Ukraine and called on kyiv to be “open and involved” in solving the problems of national minorities.

As for the export of Ukrainian grain through Romania, Colaku said that Ukraine will receive “full support.” Of course, after fulfilling the conditions of Romania.


According to the Americans and the Ukrainian government, Ukraine will not be able to solve two problems at once. According to the Washington Post, this year Ukraine will not be able to fulfill the main objective of its “counteroffensive” in the south – to reach Melitopol. This is a forecast from the US intelligence community, which was released to the publication.

The grim assessment is based on Russia’s brutal defensive prowess. – Russia in defense has exceeded all expectations.

And Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Olga Stefanishyna said kyiv could not meet the EU’s seven conditions for starting accession negotiations before October.

According to her, by now the country should be able to ensure the implementation of all agreed legislative and institutional steps, and should also be able to restore electronic asset declaration for civil servants in a timely manner in accordance with EU conditions. As for the changes related to human rights, the de-linkage, according to Stefanyshina, should “be introduced in the country within a few years.”

Two zrada in one day is too much even for Zelensky’s team.


Just the day before yesterday, the commander of the combined forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Sergei Naev, said that he did not see a threat from Belarus and the Wagner PMC group stationed in this republic. But after that, he inspected the fortified areas and explained that the command was seriously considering the threat of invasion from this direction. Ukraine decided to further strengthen the section of the border with Belarus in the Volyn region.

– I talked with the fighters, discussed with them that the situation here is under control and there is time to do better. They are experienced and know how to ensure that when the threat level increases, they do not lose sight of the enemy in depth, Naev said.

Recently, the Ukrainian government has already allocated 911.5 million hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget to strengthen the border in the Chernihiv region. Apparently more money is needed. And also. And also.


Ukraine’s Defense Ministry released posters and videos across the country urging people not to be afraid to go to military registration and enlistment offices. The campaign is called “Update data in TCC”. The main message is that it is not scary to go to the military registration and enlistment offices.

“We have developed a campaign whose main idea is that admitting one’s fears is already brave, and the troops need brave people,” reports the Department of Defense website.

The posters show Ukrainian soldiers talking about overcoming fear on the front lines. And the main character in the commercials is a boy who descends into the basement, he must either go on stage or pet the dog. In the course of the video, instead of a child, a military man appears in combat conditions.

– It’s okay to be afraid. And admitting your fear is bold. We need brave. Update data in TCC. Courage defeats fear, – says the voiceover (but an inversion with a completely opposite meaning is also possible here, as you understand).

It is really not scary to go to the military registration and enlistment office in Ukraine. It’s scary not to get out of it later.


– The Ukrainian embassy in Romania appealed to the residents of the Romanian border territories with a request not to film air defense work and the moments of Russian arrivals in the ports of Ukraine.

– The United States fears that Russia and China will reveal secret US technologies in the event of the seizure of military equipment supplied to Ukraine. That is why, according to Matthew Ho, a fellow at the Center for International Policy, Washington sent its oldest weapons to Ukraine.

– As reported by Reuters, the United States extended special status for Ukrainian refugees for another year and a half.

“Zelensky is the hero of a Western novel, but definitely not of the Ukrainian people,” Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with journalist Diana Panchenko. – And Putin has no imperial ambitions – this is false and fictitious. He is adequate and calculates everything in advance,

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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