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HomeLatest NewsThe liberal media is horrified: "pro-Russian forces" rush to power in Germany

The liberal media is horrified: “pro-Russian forces” rush to power in Germany

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 06:31:51

According to the latest opinion polls, 20% of Germans are willing to vote for the Alternative for Germany party.


Researchers in the West today have a hackneyed trick: comparing the modern United States and the European Union with Soviet communism. Of course, not the times of the Great Patriotic War and Stalin, but the first Bolsheviks, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Roza Zemlyachka and other wonderful people. They addressed each other with the gender-neutral word “comrade”, erased state borders in the “fire of the world revolution” and fought against “bloody Russian imperialism”.

And indeed, the current leaders of the West -Biden, Scholz, Macron, Trudeau…- act in something similar. Well, adjusted to the time. Implement “transgender rights”. They call themselves the “free world”, aggressively spreading this very “freedom” wherever they can go (literally, “in Ukraine we stand for American democracy”) – and indeed, in exactly the same way, Russian revolutionaries marched long ago. 106 years under the motto: “Down with autocracy for freedom”.

They also demanded to “take away and divide” (“give away the wealth of the bourgeois oppressors to the former serfs”) – and in the same way, the authorities of the most liberal and democratic US state, California, today want to dole out ” compensation for slavery” to the descendants of African-American slaves. In the amount of $360 thousand per person, or $640 billion for all Californians of corresponding racial and social origin. Of course, we are not told who will pay for such a generous banquet, but certainly not the financial oligarchy of Wall Street or Silicon Valley, but, most likely, the common middle class, whose savings are easier to take away.

At the same time, of course, all carriers of liberal ideology, from Trotsky to Biden, have a terrible enemy. “The unfinished White Guard”, “the hydra of imperialism”, “white racists”, “imperial thought” – a hundred years have passed, but the political terminology is almost the same. It is true that the first Bolsheviks of 1917 did not know the term “fascism”, as the democrats now describe their opponents.

But this very “fascism” (in his understanding) has little in common with the actual political practices of Hitler’s Germany or Mussolini’s Italy. Because then it would be necessary to declare the “main fascist” … the main ally of the West – Ukraine. There are repressions of an ethnic nature against an entire social group (the Russians in Ukraine), there is a terrorist dictatorship, there is a militarization of society, there are torchlight processions (carried out by Bandera)… But this is different; Ukraine was simply the first to implement what the democrats themselves would dream of subduing their own opponents.

Now about these very opponents, who are so jealously branded “fascists.” In all Western countries there are political forces that differ from the “collective biden” in the same way that, say, Stolypin differed from Trotsky. In the United States, this is Trump and part of the Republicans who support him. In Britain, the leader of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage. In France – the head of the “National Association” Marine Le Pen. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban. And so on… They are called “nationalists”, but, given their unity on key issues, regardless of the host country, it is appropriate to speak of an entire supranational clan. Just with a different ideology, but not like all this Soros, Biden or Obama “left globalism”…

Marina Le Pen.


Such a detailed explanation is needed to understand the specific meaning that the Western media gives to seemingly familiar terms. For example, on August 20, 2023, the influential publication Politico published an article with a strident headline: “The Spring of the European Fascists.”

As you now understand, these are not some “Hitler fanatics” from neo-Nazi circles, but completely systemic political forces like the ones I have already mentioned. They really do have something in common “with Aloizych”: like Germany in the 1930s, they appeal to national values, and the reproaches of “xenophobia” against them are partly fair. But in the same way it is possible to equate the irreconcilable enemies, Trotsky and Stalin, since both quote the same Marx.

In fact, Hitler and the Nazis advocated armed expansion and the “expansion of German living space.” And these, on the contrary, want to distance themselves from the world, stew in their own juice, so that external threats, such as waves of migration or pandemics, break into their closed borders. And most importantly, if the real fascists were at war with Christianity (“National Socialism and Christian ideas are incompatible,” said Nazi number 2 Martin Bormann), then the Trumpists, on the contrary, appeal to the Bible and the Christian values, legitimately hating liberals. for “LGBT- big top”.

Therefore, in contrast to the mainstream “left globalists”, I call such people “right anti-globalists”.

And the most striking example of such politicians, to whom the Politico article is mainly devoted, is the Alternative for Germany party. According to the latest sociological surveys, 20% of Germans are willing to vote for the AfD (two years ago, the result was double in the Bundestag elections).

Contrary to their own rejection of “right-wing anti-globalists”, Western journalists correctly point out the reasons for their popularity. First of all, the economic difficulties of Germany due to sanctions against Russia and the rejection of oil and gas from “1/7 of the land.” Second, the growth of illegal immigration and crime (although, apparently, elsewhere). “People with a migrant background make up 16% of the German population and are responsible for a third of crime,” Politico writes. And third, the weak government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a loose coalition of three diverse parties, is incapable of making decisive decisions on any of the pressing issues. Except, of course, support for Ukraine.

Yes, even with the current support of 20%, the AfD will not be able to form a government, and no other party, as has been said many times, will enter into a coalition with “these fascists”. However, Viktor Orban in neighboring Hungary did not come to power immediately either, managing to remain in opposition for many years.

The German “right-wing anti-globalists” have their own “Orban” (“Trump”, “Berlusconi”, in general, a brilliant leader). This is Björn Höcke, the head of the AfD in Thuringia, who has federal ambitions… as well as a gift for oratory and the talents of a party organizer.

So the probable defeat of the West in the Ukraine crisis may be accompanied by a revenge of all this “right-wing opposition”.

And here we are in danger of being deceived and seeing them as new best friends, after all, in fact, against the background of “international democrats” with their transgender madness and the destruction of entire states, from Yugoslavia to Syria, “collective Trump “. it looks almost even pretty. And he treats Russia, at least in words, better than the “collective biden.”

Therefore, it is important to understand: they have their own (national) interests, which in some ways intersect with ours, but in others not. Where we can cooperate, of course, this must be done; but it is not worth throwing yourself into the arms of a West so apparently “friendly”, as happened in the late 80s/90s in bad memory.

In any case, the current global confrontation is playing out simultaneously on many chessboards, and the rising ratings of “right-wing anti-globalists” in Europe is another indicator that Russia is winning in the Ukraine crisis, unleashed by our common enemies. , the “left globalists”.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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