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The Stavropol region has set itself the task of supplying the region with its own vegetables – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:08:34

king of the fields

The yield and rate of tuber extraction, which uses both labor and specialized equipment, exceed last year’s figures. Some of the products are shipped directly from the field for sale to retail chains, while others are stored for off-season storage and sale.

Providing the Stavropol region with its own plant products (this subsector occupies an important place in the agro-industrial complex of the region) is one of the strategic tasks that Governor Vladimir Vladimirov set for farmers. The region is among the top ten producers of open field vegetables, and the share of potatoes grown in the region accounts for two percent of the gross harvest of all of Russia.

To stimulate the development of vegetable cultivation in the region, there are measures of state support that are traditionally provided to the agro-industrial complex as part of the implementation of the state program “Development of agriculture of the Russian Federation” and the state program of the Territory of Stavropol. “Development of Agriculture.”

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Territory contributes to the development of the agricultural industry in 19 areas: six of them are financed from the Stavropol budget and 13 – co-financed from the federal treasury. This includes support for elite seed production of potatoes and vegetables, the production of cereals, oilseeds, potatoes and open field vegetables, land reclamation, agricultural insurance, horticulture and viticulture.

New items for your collection.

This year, new areas of state support for agricultural production have emerged. Among them is the payment of subsidies through the advance payment mechanism. This mechanism has been introduced in three areas: the selective production of cereal seeds, potatoes and vegetables, as well as the production of beef cattle for commercial breeding.

This is the first time that such a feed mechanism has been used. With its help, farmers can receive money by providing information about planned costs, the purchase of seeds, the area planned to be sown, as well as the costs of feed, veterinary drugs, etc.

“The accelerated transfer of funds allows our agricultural producers to accumulate material and technical resources for timely field work,” says Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Sergei Izmalkov.

In addition, this year the Stavropol region participated in the federal project “Development of vegetable and potato producing industries”, within the framework of which farmers receive funds from the treasury. In the region, taking into account co-financing from the federal budget, more than 227 million rubles are allocated to support this sector of the agro-industrial complex, 47 percent more than in 2022 (119.2 million). Furthermore, in the first half of the year, farmers already received all the assigned allocations.

Agricultural producers of potatoes and vegetables receive funds from the budget in the form of reimbursement of part of the costs incurred for carrying out agrotechnological work (small forms), supporting the production of a ton of open field vegetables and potatoes, vegetable cultivation . on protected land using so-called additional lighting technology. Money is also allocated to the purchase of elite seeds, the breeding of young cattle and cattle.

The region is among the top ten Russian regions in open field vegetable production.

In addition, farmers involved in the implementation of investment projects are exempt from paying corporate property tax and their corporate income tax rate is reduced. The region also participates in the national projects “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Business Initiatives” and “International Cooperation and Exports”.

Agricultural producers are in high demand, especially in the context of economic sanctions, for preferential loans, allowing farmers to complete the full range of seasonal field work in a timely manner and with high quality.

In 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation allocated 789.3 million rubles from the federal budget to the Stavropol Territory for the implementation of this mechanism. 506 applications worth 17.3 billion have already been approved (14 percent more than a year ago), including short-term applications (for 13.1 billion) and investment applications (for 4.2 billion of rubles).

Regional authorities constantly work to improve the quality of life of local residents within the framework of the implementation of the state program “Comprehensive Development of Rural Territories”.

Two insurance programs

In the Stavropol region, much attention is also paid to the agricultural insurance mechanism.

– The region is located in a risk agricultural area, so this tool helps ensure the financial stability of agricultural producers and reduce the risk of loss of income during production. Agricultural insurance allows you to protect your property interests associated with the risk of loss (destruction) of agricultural crops, perennial plantations and farm animals. Every year, the insured area is 15 to 20 percent, says Sergei Izmalkov.

Starting in 2022, along with the standard multi-risk crop insurance program, another type of agricultural crop insurance is available in case of emergency. That is, a choice is offered: farms can insure crops or plantations in case of loss under a multi-risk program or damage insurance due to a declared natural emergency (it is possible to use two programs simultaneously).

In the first case (multi-risk program), the agricultural producer pays 50 percent of the accumulated insurance premium and the State transfers the remaining half to the insurance company’s account. In the second (emergency insurance), the farmer contributes between 20 and 30 percent of the accumulated insurance premium, depending on the commercial entity (small or medium-sized business), and the State transfers the remaining amount of the subsidy to the insurance account. company, the minister stressed.

The plots were assigned

Two large investment projects are being implemented in the region’s agro-industrial complex. At a meeting of the Stavropol Regional Coordination Council for the Development of Investment Activities and Competition, two projects were considered. In the Soviet region, the construction of a plant for deep processing of 30 thousand tons of corn per year is planned. And in the Blagodarnensky district – a 500-head farm for cattle breeding. The investors received land without public competition.

By the way

For the implementation of the state program of the Stavropol Territory “Development of agriculture” of two levels of the budget in 2023, it is planned to allocate 5.5 billion rubles (support remains at the 2022 level), including 4.4 billion in federal government funds. Treasury, 1.1 billion rubles – regional.

This year, grants and subsidies will be provided to farmers in the region in 40 areas of support, including co-financing with the federal budget in 29 areas.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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