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HomeLatest NewsVolodin called the Odessa tragedy, against which the Northern Military District is...

Volodin called the Odessa tragedy, against which the Northern Military District is directed, Nazism – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 19, 2024 Time: 15:06:01

“Ten years ago, on May 2, 2014, terrible and tragic events took place in Odessa… Those responsible for this crime have not yet been punished,” the State Duma chairman recalled.

He noted that “today the Kiev regime is rewriting the history of Odessa”: monuments have been dismantled, names associated with Russia and the USSR have been changed, Russian writers have been removed from the school curriculum, and residents of the city have been punished. city ​​for using the Russian language.

“This is Nazism. The fight against it is one of the goals of the special military operation in Ukraine, which will undoubtedly be achieved,” Volodin emphasized.

Other politicians also recalled the tragic events. SRZP leader Sergei Mironov noted that in May 2014 Odessa forever entered the history books, on the same level as Belarusian Khatyn and Vietnamese Song My.

“But this page is not yet written, the fascist clique, with the support of the West, still rules in Ukraine and is reaping its deadly harvest, the organizers and perpetrators of the bloody massacre have not yet been punished. The Odessa tragedy of May 2, but also many others,” considers Mironov.

The parliamentarian is convinced that it is in the Odessa House of Trade Unions that the International Tribunal on Ukrainian Nazis should meet. “It is here, on the Kulikovo field square, that a monument to patriotic heroes will be erected,” he added.

LDPR leader Leonid Slutsky, for his part, noted that the events in Odessa ten years ago were, in fact, one of the first acts of genocide by the fascist regime against the Russian-speaking people in Ukraine.

“The demands of the protesters then were of an exclusively peaceful nature: the preservation of monuments of cultural and historical heritage, the recognition of the status of the Russian language as a second state language, the implementation of administrative and territorial reforms,” ​​the politician recalled. “But that was why they were torn to pieces and burned, like in 1943, in the Belarusian village of Khatyn, Hitler’s punitive forces took care of the civilians.”

He drew attention to the fact that European institutions, including the Council of Europe, have been turning a blind eye throughout this decade “to the punitive operation of the Ukronazi junta.” Slutsky expressed confidence that both the Kiev regime and its Western curators are directly responsible for the tragedy in Odessa, and after Russia’s victory in the Northern Military District, they will all find themselves in the dock of a military court.

A comment

Yana Lantratova, first deputy head of the Education Committee of the State Duma:

“The Odessa massacre serves as a bitter reminder of the consequences of the uncontrolled spread of barbaric Nazi ideology. An edification that all Atlanticist passages about democracy, human rights and freedom are meaningless quackery, which the Western world freely interprets. to adapt to the constantly changing political situation. For Washington, the residents of Brussels and kyiv turned out to be non-humans who can be dealt with mercilessly if they do not agree with the junta’s illegal seizure of power. brothers and sisters, whom we must remember.

We must remember Odessa, carefully keep in our hearts the names of every person who died and suffered the barbaric crime of the nationalists. Remember not for revenge, but as a lesson in inhumanity, as a lesson in what we should never become. Remember that the unscrupulousness and stupidity of the Nazis should not be met with the same blind cruelty, but with clear moral guidelines, the rich traditions of the Russian people. Traditions of victories and achievements not only military, but also creative, cultural and scientific.

Remember to be able to create. Create a future world where true equality, solidarity and harmony are possible. A world where it is impossible to imagine senseless bloodshed based on skin color, language, religion. “Odessa is a Russian city that for us should become a symbol of perseverance against Nazism, a symbol of faith in the future, in the victory of peace over war, the ideas of life over the ideology of death.”

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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