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Who is Mark Eidelstein, who received the Palme d’Or at Cannes? He shoots naked film tests, “slept” with Nastya Ivleeva, played Kolya Gerasimov.

Date: June 17, 2024 Time: 22:06:59

ActorMark Eidelstein


The comedy about rampant Russian drunkenness and escorts in the United States “Anora” received the Palme d’Or at Cannes. For us, this news would be mundane and meaningless if it weren’t for the cast of the project. As usual, Alexey Serebryakov (see the series “McMafia”: also an oligarch, also evil), Daria Ekamasova (because of her deliberately Russian face she ended up in the American series “The Americans” and the Norwegian “Occupied”, so in ” Anora” played a similar role), as well as Yuri Borisov and Mark Eidelstein, both shone in the new film “One Hundred Years Ago”, a remake of the Soviet television hit “Guest from the Future”, each other and dragged to the screen ” Anora”, recommending him to director Sean Baker. And if everyone already knows Ekamasova, Serebryakov and Borisov, then Eidelstein is not yet so well known to the general public. “KP” fills in the gaps with brief information.

Photo: still from the film.

Versatile teenager for the next five years

He replaced Gleb Kalyuzhny (“Territory”, “Vampires of the Middle Zone”, “Red Bracelets”), who at the age of 25 finally gradually stopped playing schoolchildren. By the way, in seventh grade, Mark Eidelstein auditioned for the television series “Street”, where he ended up playing Kalyuzhny, but never got the role.

Fortunately, the 22-year-old actor has nothing to do with pseudo-historian and foreign agent Tamara Eidelman*. As well as producer Mark Rudinshtein. The protagonist of “Anora” is a genetically theatrical person. Mark’s grandmother is a folk theater director and her grandfather is a musician. The boy grew up in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of the speech teacher Olesya Eidelshtein. However, no one attracted Mark to drama school. He worked part-time as an entertainer Petrushka in a Georgian restaurant and went to the music school named after Villuan to study piano and violin.

“I played the violin for five years and then I broke it because I got tired, since playing music was not exactly my desire, but that of my parents,” admitted the artist, essentially playing himself in the television series “Bow.” .”

Photo: still from the film.

Mark was not a very good student, he was expelled more than once, he graduated from school as an external student, but he successfully participated in reading competitions (with such a mother, it is not even surprising). In 2018 he reached the final of the Living Classics competition and got a trip to Artek. There he was noticed by the dean of the GITIS acting department, Taras Belousov, and advised him to permanently enroll in a theater university. Eidelstein obeyed and entered the Moscow Art Theater School (workshop of Maria Brusnikina and Sergei Shchedrin), after reading the virgin’s monologue from the novel “The Catcher in the Rye.”

“That’s how I met girls: with poetry,” the actor is not ashamed of his charming fraud. “I’m not very strong and I’m not a very good kisser.”

In 2022 he debuted on the New Stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, playing Jesus Christ in Alla Sigalova’s play “Passion…Questions…”. He no longer appears in the theater.

Well, “naked”

Mark turned his big ears, his long face and his slim figure into his trump cards, going where they value everything unconventional: in a model. First, he filmed for the Nizhny Novgorod clothing brand Rodina, and then Gosha Rubchinsky, a Moscow designer who now collaborates with Kanye West, one of the richest rappers in the United States, came to Eidelstein. After several successful shoots, modeling agencies invited the high school student to work in Japan, Italy and China. But she decided to enter the theater institute in Kamergersky.

Photo: social networks.

The main internal question of every artist is “What are we going to surprise with?!” Mark always took it with great care. At school, in competitions, he reads a monoplay by a boy from a mental hospital (“But if I had a gun, like Kurt Cobain, I would shoot myself”), he still believes in the butterfly effect, he doesn’t understand the expression. “Tight schedule”, he dreams of flying to Chukotka and once falls in love with a girl attracted by a neural network.

At the Cannes Film Festival.


Eidelstein is even more sensitive to his appearance. She has stylists who helped her, among other things, choose her look for the Cannes Film Festival (ODOR t-shirt, sweatpants): “I feel even more beautiful in nice clothes.” However, in special cases, Mark is willing to open up (no wonder he loves the super-outspoken Gaspar Noe so much) towards art; His experience as a model helps. In particular, “Anora” director Sean Baker admitted that he was surprised to receive from Eidelstein… an audition of just two hours. In them, the young artist appeared without clothes, but with a vaporizer, moving away from the camera.

“It was a little annoying, but I thought, ‘How can we not give him the role?'” the director explained.

In bed with Ivleeva

Photo: still from the film.

Now Mark actively acts, but his career includes only a dozen works. The brightest were “Justeous” and “One Hundred Years Ahead”, the most interesting and non-standard were “We must make films about love” by Roman Mikhailov, “Pharma” and “Country Sasha”, which were shown at the Festival of Berlin Cinema. Festival.

Photo: still from the film.

Mark was afraid to kiss in front of the camera, but now in almost every project, Eidelstein’s crush timidly but confidently approaches a woman. In the highly publicized and scandalous series “The Monastery”, thanks to which the public saw Nastya Ivleeva without clothes, Mark played the restless newbie Yura, who fell in love with the slutty Masha (Nastya Ivleeva), who is trying to take the path of correction in the monastery. The blogger remembered the intimate scenes with Eidelstein for a long time.

Photo: still from the film.

“Everything was somehow special: beautiful, warm, romantic and meaningful!” — shared Ivleeva. “I remember how Mark and I tried to remember every second of this scene… By the way, it was one of the last ones, so it automatically became special.”

It got to the point where joint photographs of Nastya and Mark gave rise to many rumors about the couple’s romance. Even Ivleeva’s ex-husband, rapper Eljay, noted in the comments that the girl seemed too happy. “It seems to me that already [влюбилась]”, he wrote.

Photo: social networks.

“Well, let’s say,” Nastya jokingly replied, posting a new photo with Eidelstein.

“You cannot join a horse and a trembling doe to a cart.”

Photo: still from the film.

Because of his similar hair and long nose, he was nicknamed the “Russian Timothée Chalamet” (the face of Chanel and the star of “Dune”), although if he changed his hairstyle, he would obviously be more reminiscent of “The Unfreeze” star Anna Chipovskaya . However, Mark, who does not deny the resemblance, modestly admitted that he would recommend his French Dune colleague cut his hair if they met in person. Well, apparently, so they don’t get confused so often in Hollywood.

Photo: still from the film.

Mark’s two signature movements are “a shy, gentle romantic”: a languid, dreamy look with a 45-degree turn or tilt of the head, and “relived trauma”: the frozen fear of a trembling, chased doe (mouth barely open , endless fear). in the eyes – Kolya Gerasimov, in fact, two I rode this skate for more than an hour).

This is approximately how the artist appears on all posters and photo shoots; The cameramen and directors who work with him really like these shots. Until now there has not been a single project in which an artist could express himself outside of these two models, which are certainly compelling; After all, Eidelstein changed three schools in Nizhny, in each of which he was “extinct and discriminated against.” But he is only 22 years old, he still has a long way to go. In addition to the fact that Mark is interested in rap (like Kolya Gerasimov in his acting), he writes music for television series (Pharma), organizes festivals in his native Nizhny and tries to write scripts, a film about orphanages “Summer is coming.” , where Eidelstein interpreted, as he considers, “absolute evil.” The actor has an upcoming filming in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s Pinocchio as the poodle Artemon, where Mark will probably look, as expected, distant and sad.

Eidelstein as Perelman

Photo: still from the film.

And now Eidelstein is finishing work on the biographical film “Showcase Copy”, where he plays the young Grigory Perelman, a mathematical genius from Leningrad and also a very unusual character.

*Tamara Eidelman is recognized as a person acting as a foreign agent

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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