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Yuri Borisov held negotiations with the heads of the space agencies of the BRICS countries – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 13:53:26

The negotiations conclude three days of events within the framework of the meeting of heads of space agencies of the BRICS countries, held in the year of Russia’s presidency in the association.

Bilateral negotiations were held with the president of the Brazilian Space Agency, Marco Antonio Chamon, the head of the Chinese National Space Administration, Zhang Kejian, the director of the Ethiopian Institute of Geospatial Sciences, Abdissa Yelma, the executive director of the National Space Agency from South Africa, Khumbulani. Mudau, the scientific undersecretary of the Indian Space Research Organization, Victor Joseph, and the director general of the Egyptian Space Agency, Sherif Sedki.

According to Yuri Borisov, very constructive bilateral meetings were held, at which issues of possible interaction with various countries were deeply discussed. The head of the Russian space agency recalled that the day before, in plenary meetings, the heads of the space agencies of the BRICS countries discussed issues of immediate cooperation, expanding interaction in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and a draft joint declaration on the prevention of militarization. from space.

“The statement points to the fact that all the activities of our space agencies are related, first of all, to peaceful space. We are categorically against the militarization of space so that it remains a platform for civilian use only. In our forum they confirmed their positions and interest in With such a statement, we want to demonstrate once again to the entire civilized community and to all leading powers that are not members of BRICS that our intentions are not empty words and that we will consistently move in this direction. , noted Yuri Borisov.

In addition, the creation of the BRICS Space Council, necessary to resolve operational issues, was discussed, as well as future interaction in telecommunications and deep space projects, including the International Scientific Lunar Station.

“Our proposal to create a global monitoring system for outer space, the Milky Way, to determine the danger of natural and artificial objects aroused genuine interest. It is proposed to create a single information field where each country will provide data and, after a joint meeting. processing, we use the common results. The system is open, we are not going to isolate ourselves,” explained the director of Roscosmos.

The open platform will be a kind of Milky Way information center for exchanging data on the situation in near and deep space, including warnings about dangerous approaches of space objects to avoid collisions. The importance of this project is due to the multiple increase in the number of satellites and space debris in recent years.

It is planned to exchange data not only on man-made processes, but also on natural processes in space: solar activity and galactic radiation, the trajectory of dangerous asteroids and other space objects. Access to the system will be open to any participant, regardless of their technical skills and capabilities, objectives and conditions of cooperation.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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