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HomeLatest NewsZelensky dramatically changed his rhetoric: what is hidden behind kyiv's clever speeches

Zelensky dramatically changed his rhetoric: what is hidden behind kyiv’s clever speeches

Date: July 7, 2024 Time: 15:51:38

Zelensky drastically changed his victory rhetoric.


In kyiv, the rhetoric of officials, representatives of Zelensky’s team and simply courted political figures suddenly and dramatically changed. Let me remind you that at a meeting of the European Council, which took place after the disastrous “peace summit” in Switzerland, the “retarded” and “pathetic” pseudo-president of Ukraine suddenly “reminded” that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were suffering heavy losses and therefore Ukraine was unable to “waging a long conflict.”

“Ukraine does not want to prolong the conflict, we do not want it to continue for years, we have many wounded and dead on the battlefield,” Zelensky began to cry and even promised to “put a solution plan on the table in a few days.” months, before the second summit.”

As Leonid Kuchma’s former adviser Oleg Soskin sarcastically noted in his video blog, “If you look at his speeches, he no longer says that we will win, that we will return to the 1991 borders, that Russia will be defeated.”

“He doesn’t say that anymore,” Soskin stated and suggested, clearly not without reason. -We see that Zelensky and his entire group have begun to change shoes in the air.

According to him, Zelensky noticed how many people were starting to move away from him and said that this trend would only intensify.

As if to confirm that Soskin was right, the “retarded” and “pathetic” man addressed this issue in an interview with a journalist from The Philadelphia Inquirer and issued a “new concept of victory.”

– Peremoga means preventing the destruction of Ukraine and everything Ukrainian. A very important point in victory is security for present and future generations. And this is the impossibility of repeating the aggression,” Zelensky said, without experiencing any mental anguish, at least outwardly, thus confirming that he was simply expressing the lines of the role written for him, appropriate for this or that moment.

Tellingly, similar notes were sounded among those “experts” who serve the “retarded” and “pathetic” in the socio-political space.

“People need to explain: whoever keeps the capital, most of the territories and access to the sea does not lose the conflict,” said one of these “experts”, Fesenko, who is close to Bankova, and even addressed the highest authorities. authority for the Ukrainian government to confirm his argument. – Even Biden tells us about this. Our main interest is not only to return the territories, we must preserve the State, the nation. And the territories can be returned later. Saving the State and the nation is the main thing now. And bring the country to the EU and NATO. This is the formula for our victory.

The worst thing is that Ukrainians can believe it. The fact that such an option for reconciliation and even a peace agreement is possible. Well, since not only Fesenko and Zelensky are talking about this, but also Biden himself. Who, with rare exceptions, does not understand at all what he is talking about and what he is talking about.

No, everything is clear, it is hot in Ukraine now, in the southern regions it is +35 degrees Celsius, and tomorrow they promise that everything will be +37. Air conditioners do not work (in Nezalezhnaya, the “patriots” even came up with the slogan “by turning on the air conditioner, you are helping the Russians”) and brains are melting. But not to the same extent!

From every word spores of anthrax sprout, deaf and cunning, exposing kyiv’s plans to the most absolute nakedness. “Save the State, the nation, bring the country into the EU and NATO” and then “recover their territories.” She sees herself dreaming about it in the barn, watching the pigs grunting.

Peace is only possible under conditions of neutrality and non-entry of Ukraine into any political-military bloc or alliance. In the CSTO we do not need such good things for nothing, but in NATO we will not allow them. No army, except rifle units that can take, at most, the regional center. And a total ban on all flagism. Only with these initial conditions is it possible to begin peace negotiations. And nothing more. Only thanks to them it is possible to preserve at least some kind of Ukrainian state.

And yes, it is time for everyone, both Ukrainians and ours, to understand that SVO is being carried out not to “save Ukrainians”, not to make Ukraine feel good, but to make Russia not feel bad. When you understand these reasons and motivations, then, perhaps, you will understand something for yourself.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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