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HomeLatest NewsZyuganov: Descendants of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War fight and...

Zyuganov: Descendants of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War fight and win in the NMD

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 10:20:13

the leader of the Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov, and the governor of the Oryol region, Andrey Klychkov. Photo by Yuri Alexandrov

“Alyosha” repeated the feat of Ivan Lyubushkin

… – Gennady Andreevich, good morning. This is Zyuganov’s assistant.

– … Orlovshchina, Sash, sends greetings.

– I know where you are. Thank you so much. I’ll just ask you a couple of questions.

– Come on.

– When it became known that our Alyosha tank had crushed an armored column of Ukronazis, a guy from this team on TV greeted his small homeland, the Yakuts, and spoke a few Yakut words there. And all Yakutia trembled. And they have a national holiday there for several days.

– Well done!

– And I called your friend Aisen Nikolaev, the head of Yakutia. And he tells me: yes, this is our boy. And this hero is from a town where they do agricultural work and where most of the Heroes of the Soviet Union came from during the Great Patriotic War. Tell me there’s some connection, right? And – some kind of logic in this, that even now the fascist column was defeated by these guys, where this descendant of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, who defeated fascism in 1945, serves.

– I’ll tell you directly, “Alyosha” repeated, in fact, the feat of Ivan Lyubushkin, who detained the Nazis near the village of First Warrior (a settlement in the Oryol region. – AG) in the fall of 1941. He only then removed 9 tanks.

Then this huge column was stuck for almost a week. Guderian flew to find out why these tanks, going to Moscow, were stuck in the Oryol region near Mtsensk.

And I must say that our tankers have always been distinguished by heroism. The first tank army, the guard, was born in the Oryol region.

So, I congratulate our friend from Yakutia and all the guys. The very fact that they bravely and desperately fight against modern Nazis, fascists, against Bandera, continuing the military work of their fathers and grandfathers, deserves all the support, approval and great awards. So let’s fight!

The first victory salute was in Orel.

– Gennady Andreevich, how are you now in Orel?

– The Oryol region these days is preparing to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis at the Oryol-Kursk bulge and the liberation of the cities of Belgorod and Orel.

Stalin then signed his first order on the cities of the first salute. And the Homeland of 120 guns with 12 artillery volleys greeted this Great Victory.

When the brilliant and talented commander Zhukov, whose military operations are studied in all academies of the world, was asked: what were the three main events that most influenced the moral and political state of the Soviet people?

He said: this is Stalin’s speech on July 3, 1941, when he addressed the people: “Brothers and sisters”, and the whole country rose up to defend the Motherland.

By the way, more than 5 million volunteers signed up in the first week alone.

Think about it: over 5 million in the war against the Nazis!

The second event is a military parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941, when almost 30,000 soldiers immediately set out for the defense of Moscow after the parade. The Nazis stopped a few kilometers from the capital.

And the third main event – fireworks in honor of Orel and Belgorod.

So I want to congratulate our guys, who are fighting modern fascists today, for the fact that they continue the glorious work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers and show great heroism and dignity.

Therefore, we wish you all good luck and new victories!

… And now, when you call me, my comrades and I will go to glorious places in the center of Orel.

Today there will be a parade here and large gatherings. So, we continue, the glorious Oryol region celebrates a great date – 80 years of victory and defeat of the Nazis on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge.

17 traditional Russian values ​​endorsed by Putin

– Tell me, did you remember Comrade Stalin, and our current Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Vladimir Putin, signed a decree last November on the definition of 17 traditional values ​​​​of Russia, our Russian principles. And, even, there it is about patriotism. And now, speaking of the heroes – participants of the NWO, we are once again convinced that these are our values, principles and traditions, they are not only and not only on paper. And in life too. Is that so, yes, am I on the right track?

– Alexander, I will tell you directly, patriotism is a feeling of love for the Motherland.

In general, I believe that a Russian person is one who loves the Motherland and serves it. And in that sense, my Oriol region has always been distinguished by heroism and patriotism.

We were the first to open a monument to tankers and a pioneer Komsomol post here, when we always carried out this service. Even in the gallant times of Yeltsin, they failed, they did not know how to cope with these patriotic steps of ours, but they wanted to ban it.

In my opinion, in addition to our 17 values, Putin has set another very important task – to strengthen state sovereignty and return to national traditions. The national traditions of our people are, first of all, heroism, patriotism and victory.

We have survived in history thanks to seven great victories, from Lake Peipsi, through Kulikovo Pole, Borodino, Prokhorovskoye Pole, to this day.

And patriotism is formed in the family, at school, at the university. And now we must study the true history, and not speak through gritted teeth about Soviet victories, about Soviet power. It’s time for them to learn and understand that the pinnacle of our Russian civilization was Soviet power, Soviet victories, Soviet space. So we have to move on.

* * *

– And, perhaps, the last question, fellow Secretary General. If Governor Klychkov walks next to him, or maybe meets him, tell me, are there a lot of Oryol guys now on the NVO front line: tankers, artillerymen, infantrymen?

– I must say that the Orlovites are holding there with dignity, they are fighting gloriously. Klychkov has already been on the front line ten times. We send large convoys every week. The Oryol region is not very rich, but it has already raised 1.2 billion rubles to support families, children, in general.

And we, our party, send 115 convoys, 19 thousand tons of everything that is needed.

Once again, Happy Holidays everyone!

– Hurrah!

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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