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6 markers of the behavior of a conscious person and 9 tips to improve this ability

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 10:22:19

psychologist, rector of the Institute of Values-Oriented Psychology

Today’s noisy world, full of stress and tension, often deprives us of the ability to enjoy the moment and feel the harmony within ourselves. However, there is a method that allows you to regain balance and the ability to appreciate every second of life. This is consciousness. How do you know if you have it and what to do to advance its development?

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a state of complete presence in the present moment, without preconceived notions. This is the ability to notice your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations, without giving them much importance, but simply observing them without the desire to change anything.

The concept itself comes from the Latin word “conscientia”, which consists of two parts: “with” (joint) and “scientia” (knowledge, understanding). It’s about being aware of what’s going on around you.

In English, this word is translated as consciousness, a state of consciousness, the ability to understand the world around us and our thoughts, emotions, sensations. Therefore, the term “mindfulness” is a state of being fully present in the present moment without a judgmental attitude. In the Old Russian language, “consciousness” was defined as knowledge, consciousness, and feeling.

Both words are associated with the idea of ​​understanding something. In the context of psychology, “mindfulness” focuses more narrowly on the state of being fully present in the “here and now” moment, while “awareness” more broadly encompasses all aspects of mental activity. of a person.

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Value-oriented psychology considers this quality as an important element in the process of personal development and improvement of quality of life. It is based on the idea that understanding and expressing one’s own values ​​helps a person find meaning, direction, and satisfaction in their actions and relationships.

Instead of making decisions based on feelings or peer pressure, a conscientious person can better understand their needs and values. As a result, make smarter decisions.

Mindfulness also helps to resolve internal contradictions between different values ​​and eliminate disagreements in relationships with other people. Thanks to this ability, a person becomes more open to understanding his own needs and those of others. He begins to strive for cooperation and mutual understanding.

The man finds support within himself. He does not depend on external circumstances or the opinions of other people. This builds self-confidence.

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Signs of a conscious person.

A conscious person is fully immersed in the current occupation, be it work, conversation, or just relaxation. He is absent from the past or the future and does not get lost in one’s thoughts for long periods of time. A conscientious person does not allow emotions to control their behavior or influence decisions. Instead, find support in your deepest values. Their presence gives the ability to act decisively, even in the presence of serious resistance. A conscientious person is able to show sincere empathy for other people, listen without judgment, and be open to new ideas. A conscious person understands his values, beliefs. and motivations. This helps you make more informed decisions and build a balanced life.

The benefits of mindfulness

This ability brings many benefits to a person’s physical and mental health. Mindful practices can reduce the level of internal tension and stress. This has a positive effect on general well-being.

Developing mindfulness, a person becomes more attentive and focused, which increases the efficiency of his activity. These people find joy in simple things and are able to enjoy life better regardless of external circumstances. Through the ability to accept themselves and others, they create harmonious and deep relationships.

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How to develop mindfulness?

There are many ways to develop mindfulness. Let’s analyze the main ones.

Meditation. Regular practice helps train the mind in mindfulness and presence. There are many such techniques, among which concentration on breathing and body scanning are especially popular. For example, the latter implies the gentle accompaniment of attention to each part of your body, starting with the legs and ending with the head. This makes it possible to feel the full Yoga presence. Combine exercise and breathing. This contributes to the development of harmony between body and mind Walks in nature. They help to disconnect from everyday worries and stimulate the feeling of presence in the present moment. Keep a diary. Tracking your thoughts and emotions helps you better understand yourself and your reactions to various situations. Stop and breathe. This practice is based on the simple idea of ​​a conscious pause. It consists of you stopping several times during the day to take a few deep breaths, releasing accumulated tension The study of sensory perceptions. This method is associated with a deeper awareness of the world through sensations. For example, you might focus on the taste or texture of food as you eat, or on the sounds around you. This helps shift attention from thoughts to external impressions. The practice of gratitude. Every day you can think about what you are grateful for. This allows you to focus on the positive aspects of life, improves your mood, helps you see beauty and deep meaning in simple moments.Awareness of your values ​​in any business. Before you start performing any action, you need to ask yourself the question: what values ​​do I want to realize in the process of doing it? In the case of difficult life situations, when it is difficult to make a decision, one can turn to the experience of wise people, those who have made progress in personal development and spiritual growth.

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You can also openly discuss situations that concern you with colleagues, friends, partners, those you trust. This makes it possible to find informed decisions based on real values.

The modern rhythm of life often does not give us the opportunity to notice the moments of beauty and enjoy them. By developing consciousness, we have the opportunity to find inner peace and harmony, become more open to new things, and live fully every day of our lives.

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Differences between a conscious and an unconscious person

Practicing mindfulness is an ongoing process that requires patience and perseverance. But it’s worth it, because in this way we open the door to deep self-knowledge and wonderful moments of joy in life. Conscious and unconscious people differ in their attitude towards thoughts, emotions, actions and the world around them. Here are the main features that help to understand the difference between them.

A conscious person notices and understands what is happening around and inside him, without being distracted by the past or the future. The unconscious person, on the contrary, is preoccupied with his thoughts, worries about the future, or distraction. This prevents him from living fully in the present moment. A conscious person knows how to recognize his emotions and accept them without resistance. He does not try to suppress negative feelings, but simply observes them without judgment. The unconscious person can get caught up in his emotions and react to them impulsively without understanding what is causing them, the conscious person makes decisions based on their values ​​and clear ideas about the possible consequences. He is able to assess the situation in a balanced way and make informed decisions. The unconscious person can act under the influence of emotions, external circumstances or someone else’s opinion. A conscious person is prone to introspection and development. He seeks to understand himself, his strengths and weaknesses, works on personal growth. An unconscious person avoids introspection and facing recurring problems by not understanding what is causing them and not taking steps to improve the situation. A conscious person builds more empathetic and harmonious relationships with other people. The unconscious may have difficulty understanding its own emotions and those of others. This, in turn, leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.A conscious person feels the will of life in relation to him and responds to this call with his actions. The unconscious is guided by the meanings and values ​​that your mind throws at it.

It is important to note that mindfulness is not a permanent property. It is a skill that can be developed and improved. A person, as a rule, passes from a conscious to an unconscious state in various life situations. However, it is a valuable resource that helps to live a fuller and more content life.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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