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Neuromarketing and 9 more new professions in the field of studying the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 10:23:28

“In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to the development of brain science and neurotechnology. In this regard, new terms and concepts are actively appearing that reflect modern achievements in this area. One of the most popular prefixes used to denote brain-related concepts is the “neuro-” prefix. Let us consider the words and professions that arise from their use and their meaning in the context of modern science and society.”

Neurosurgery and neuropsychology.

The beginning of neurosurgery as a specialized field of medicine is often associated with the activities of Galen, an ancient Greek physician who, in the 2nd century AD, described many neurological disorders and conducted animal experiments to study the nervous system. However, in the 19th century, significant advances in neurosurgery began.

One of the first important steps was taken in 1884, when German surgeon Otto Bang used the first successful method to locate brain tumors. Since then, neurosurgery has continued to evolve, including the development of new technologies, techniques and tools for brain surgery.

Neuropsychology as a field of study dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Scientists such as Gustav Fechner, Hermann Ebbinghaus, and Wilhelm Wundt made landmark contributions to the development of neuropsychology. They conducted experiments to study the connection between the physical processes of the brain and mental phenomena, which became the basis for understanding the neurophysiology of the psyche.

However, it was during World War I, when medical research focused on traumatic brain damage, that neuropsychology received a big boost. Starting in the 1950s, active work began to create models of brain functioning and develop methods of neuropsychological diagnosis and treatment.

The term neurobiology appeared much later, in the middle of the 20th century, when neuroscience began to actively develop as an independent scientific field. The emergence of neurobiology was due not only to advances in neurosurgery and neuropsychology, but also to the development of methods to study the nervous system, such as electrophysiology, neuroimaging, and molecular biology.

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Neurobiology combines knowledge about the structure and function of the nervous system at all levels of organization, from molecular and cellular processes to behavioral and cognitive functions.

Thus, neurosurgery and neuropsychology have ancient roots, but their emergence as scientific disciplines in the modern sense occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries thanks to the work of outstanding scientists and progress in methods for studying the nervous system.

New professions with “neuro-”

The emergence of new professions related to neuroscience can be explained by several factors:

Advances in scientific research. With the arrival of new methods and technologies, we acquire more and more knowledge about the brain and nervous system. This opens up new opportunities for research and understanding of brain activity, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of new professions, technological progress and innovation. Advances in technology, deep learning and artificial intelligence are opening new horizons for the application of knowledge about the brain in various fields such as medicine, education, technology and design. Increased public interest in neuroscience. In recent decades, there has been increased public interest in understanding the brain and mental processes. This brings more attention to neuroscience and stimulates the development of new professions in this field.


It is a field of marketing that uses knowledge about the brain and consumer psychology to create more effective advertising and marketing strategies. Neuromarketing studies how the brain responds to various stimuli and how these responses can be used to attract attention and enhance the impact of advertising.

Photo: istockphoto.com/martin-dm


The field of pedagogy and education studies the relationship between brain activity and learning. Neuroeducators study how the brain perceives, processes and remembers information and develop teaching methods based on this knowledge.

The goal of neuropedagogy is to optimize the learning process using the latest advances in neuroscience to increase the effectiveness of education and develop the potential of each student.


It integrates knowledge from the fields of neuroscience and ecology to explore how environmental factors influence the functioning of the nervous system and the behavior of organisms, and how the nervous system regulates adaptation to the environment.

Neuroecologists study the effects of various factors, such as air, water, sound and climate pollution, on the nervous systems and behavior of animals and humans, and strive to develop strategies for sustainable interaction with the environment. environment to maintain health and well-being. of organisms.

Neurocomputing science

It is an interdisciplinary field of research that combines knowledge from the fields of neuroscience (neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, etc.) and computer science (computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.). The goal of neurocomputing science is to create computing systems and technologies inspired by the principles and functions of the nervous system.

The science of neurocomputing explores the use of neuroscientific principles and methods to create more efficient and intelligent computing systems, and develops methods for modeling and simulating neural networks to solve various computing problems.

Photo: istockphoto.com/gorodenkoff

Examples of applications of neurocomputing science include the development of artificial neural networks, bioinspired machine learning algorithms, brain-computer interfaces, and image and speech recognition technologies.


This is a line of research that combines knowledge from neuroscience and astronomy to study how the human brain perceives and processes information about space and astronomical phenomena.

Neuroastronomers study the brain mechanisms underlying the perception of cosmic objects such as stars, planets, galaxies and cosmic phenomena, and also study the impact of astronomical discoveries and research on human thinking and perception of the world around us.

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Neuroastronomy may also include the study of the effects of the space environment, such as gravity, radiation, and weightlessness, on the functioning of the human brain and the psychological state of astronauts and space travelers.


This is a specialist who uses knowledge from the field of neuropsychology and coaching techniques to help people achieve personal and professional goals, based on the principles of brain neuroplasticity. Neurocoaching is used to develop skills, change thinking, solve problems and achieve desired results in various areas of life.


He is a specialist who designs and develops architecture and design of buildings and spaces, taking into account the principles of neuroscience. He considers the impact of architecture on people’s psychological and physiological well-being, using knowledge of how the environment influences brain function and perception. Neuroarchitects strive to create convenient, comfortable, and functional spaces that promote people’s health and well-being.

Photo: istockphoto.com/RossHelen

Neurorehabilitation specialist

This is a specialist who specializes in the rehabilitation of people with neurological disorders such as strokes, traumatic brain injuries, diseases of the central nervous system, and other conditions that can affect motor function and neurological performance.

The tasks of a neurorehabilitation specialist include assessing the patient’s functional capabilities, developing individual rehabilitation programs, including physiotherapy, working with therapeutic exercises and other recovery methods.


Specialist who studies the effects of plants and surrounding vegetation on the nervous system of humans or animals and develops methods of using plants to improve mental health and well-being.

Photo: istockphoto.com/gadost

She studies the effects of aromatherapy on brain activity, the influence of flowers and plants on mood and emotional state, and develops garden designs based on their neurophysiological effects on people.


An artist who uses insights from neuroscience, brain activity, and perception to create works of art that intentionally impact viewers on a neurological level. He experiments with different colors, shapes and textures to create works that can evoke specific emotional or cognitive reactions in viewers.

You can also explore the effects of different artistic styles and techniques on brain activity and psychological experience.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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