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The golden ratio in the human body: how to understand how far your appearance is from the ideal?

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 06:27:07

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The golden ratio works everywhere. It is what determines how attractive a person looks, based on proportions. To understand this in more detail, I propose to start with formulas, learn about the Marquardt mascara, and then discuss the topic of beauty more globally.

By the way, at the end you will find a bonus – tips on using the principles of the golden ratio in photography.

What is the golden ratio?

The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio that occurs when a segment is divided into two parts in such a way that the ratio of the smaller to the larger equals the ratio of the larger to the entire segment. Equals approximately 1,618. This is a harmonious proportion that is used in art and architecture, but not only there.

The golden section formula expresses the relationship between two parts of a segment divided in proportion to the golden section. This ratio is approximately 1.61803398875, but is usually denoted by the symbol “φ” (after the Greek sculptor Phidias).

So, it looks like this: a / b = (a + b) / a = φ, where “a” and “b” are two parts of a segment divided in proportion to the golden ratio, and “φ” is a constant value equal to the proportion of the two parts of the segment, which determines the golden ratio.

Too hard? Then you can simply remember the principle of the golden section: the smallest part is related to the largest, as the largest is related to the whole. To make it clearer, let’s try to understand the example of a person’s appearance. This topic is interesting to everyone, because everyone wants to know how attractive he is.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

Golden section of the face: how to measure

So, in relation to the appearance of a person, the golden ratio is the proportions of facial features. If they fit the formula, the appearance will be attractive to others.

To understand how close you are to the ideal, you need to perform the following manipulations and measurements:

1. Divide the face into three equal parts: from the hairline to the eyebrows; then from this mark to the tip of the nose; now from here to the chin.

2. Measure from the hairline to the beginning of the eyebrows and from the beginning of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The distances must be equal.

3. Divide the distance from the beginning of the eyebrows to the end of the nose into two equal parts. The point where the separation occurs will correspond to where the end of the eyebrows should be.

4. Measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin and divide it into two equal parts. The point at which the separation occurs will correspond to where the end of the chin should be.

5. Check that the distance from the beginning of the eyebrows to the end of the nose is equal to the distance from the end of the nose to the chin.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

The man in the golden ratio: general proportions

The proportions of the golden section in the body of a man and a woman may differ slightly, but in general they are as follows.

Face. The distance from the forehead to the tip of the nose should be equal to the segment from the tip of the nose to the chin. The distance between them should be equal to the width of one eye. Mouth. The distance from the lower lip to the chin should be equal to the distance from the upper lip to the nose. The distance from the navel to the floor should be equal to the distance from it to the top of the head.

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golden section mask

What are we talking about? If you’re too lazy to measure and count, you can simply put a Marquardt mask on the face image. What are we talking about? Stephen Marquardt is an American plastic surgeon who studies the proportions of the face. He helps people correct cosmetic defects resulting from injury, disease, or congenital anomalies.

One of Marquardt’s achievements is the development of a template for determining the ideal proportions of the face, based on the golden ratio formula. This is the “Marquardt mask”. It consists of polygons, the sides of which are related to each other in the same proportion: 1 to 1,618.

The more exactly the lines of the face fit into this template, the closer the appearance will be to the ideal. To check it, you can try putting a mask on your photo (as is done with the images of celebrities).

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

If there is no mask, you can repeat the calculations that are included in it. To do this, it is necessary to divide the face into several geometric shapes, each of which has its own specific proportions.

One of the main ones is the square that determines the size of the face. In it, you can mark several key points that will be used for further calculations.

For example, the top edge of the square corresponds to the edge of hair growth, and the bottom edge corresponds to the chin. The horizontal line that divides the square into two equal parts corresponds to the line of the eyes. The vertical line that divides the square into two equal parts corresponds to the line of the nose.

To calculate the proportions of the nose, Marquardt proposed the following formulas:

The size of the nose should be one third of the width of the face. The size of the nose in the area of ​​the wings should be equal to the size of the longitudinal section of the eyes. The angle between the back of the nose and the forehead line should be 35 degrees, men – 95 degrees.

Therefore, studies have shown that the closer a human face is to the Marquardt pattern, the more attractive it is to others. His features are pleasing to the eye. The appearance as a whole has itself.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

It is important to understand a number of points here. The golden section formula, while a fairly accurate tool for evaluating appearance, still fails to account for many nuances. For example, it may not apply to all races and nationalities. But the most important thing is that here only an approximation to the concept of beauty is given. Still, we are dealing with a very ambiguous issue.

Should you be upset if you don’t fit these formulas? Of course not. Beauty is a subjective concept. There is also individuality. Each person is unique and beautiful in their own way.

Where else is the golden ratio used?

The list of possible applications of this formula is huge, because, in fact, we are talking about creating harmony. In what areas without her exactly nowhere?

1. Architecture. This method allows you to create aesthetically pleasing shapes.

2. Design: graphic, web, interior, landscape, industrial. Here the golden ratio allows you to create a balance in the composition.

3. Music. Of course, there is no place without harmony either. Musical works that can be listened to endlessly are created using the described principle.

4. Chart. Everything is clear here. It is according to the golden section that the proportional forms and the composition are built. This also includes animation.

5. Photo. How do you get an aesthetically pleasing frame? Looks like you already guessed it. But since we are now inseparable from the camera, I offer a small master class. How to use the golden section principle here? Take four tips.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

4 tips to create harmonious shots:

1. Place the main subject of the photo at the intersection of the lines corresponding to the golden ratio. This will help create a more balanced and attractive composition.

2. Use the golden ratio to position the horizon in the frame. Let him go through the same line. The composition will be more harmonious.

3. Use it to find the most interesting angles. For example, if you are photographing a person, try to place your eyes on the line of the golden ratio. So the frame will become dynamic and aesthetically attractive.

4. Use this principle to place items in a frame. For example, if you’re shooting a landscape, make trees or other objects align with the golden ratio.

I wish you to see beauty in everything and strive to create it.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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