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Dozens of girls complained about surgeon Khaidarov after ‘silicone scandal’: lawyer spoke of unexpected twist in history

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:44:04

In response to the subscribers’ attacks, Khaidarov called Slava and Uspenskaya “extortionists” on social media.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

The scandal with Slava and star surgeon Timur Khaidarov took a new turn: after the publicity, the singer and her lawyer Elena Senina began writing to other women who, according to them, also suffered at the hands of a doctor. In addition, Elena Senina told KP.RU that Timur Khaidarov himself offered compensation to Slava.

“Timur Khaidarov himself offered compensation to singer Slava, but then stopped communicating. We talked about this topic with his wife Svetlana, who is the director of the clinic. Almost agreed, but then they disappeared. In addition, Timur wanted to redo Slava’s breasts himself, but it is good that she refused, because then the girls wrote to us, complained that they had altered it 4-5 times, but did not achieve the desired result, “said KP.RU Elena Senina.

According to the lawyer, the trigger in this story was Khaidarov’s own comment on social networks. In response to the subscribers’ attacks, he called Slava and Uspenskaya “extortionists,” which they could not tolerate.

“Lyubov Uspenskaya didn’t remember it at all,” Senina continues. – I note that Lyubov Uspenskaya and Slava are not one-day artists, they are blocks of the national show business who are not involved in judicial extremism, but sing and work all their lives. And if you don’t like the criticisms you were forced to express, as public figures, so as not to deceive people, then these are your psychological problems.

What about medical secrecy?

Elena Senina told KP.RU that on behalf of her clients, she requested medical and payment documents from the Khaydarov clinic, as well as video recordings of the operations, but has not yet received a response.

“At the same time, we requested an inspection of the clinic and specific operations in connection with numerous appeals by citizens to Roszdravnadzor, the Ministry of Health and the prosecutor’s office. We wrote an appeal to Khaidarov himself to refute information that does not correspond to reality. They filed a defamation complaint (Khaidarov called Slava and Uspenskaya extortionists) to the police and the prosecutor’s office. We also submitted a statement about the program on NTV, in which he gave an interview, where he divulged the medical secrecy of Lyubov Uspenskaya’s operation,” the lawyer shared with KP.RU.

Elena Senina.

Photo: Personal archive

In addition, Senina requested documents on the education of Timur Khaidarov in Rosobrnadzor from Uzbekistan and Russia and appealed to the medical associations in which the doctor is a member, with a request to evaluate the correctness of his actions.

There are many complaints

“We received numerous appeals from girls who were operated on by Khaydarov and are dissatisfied. They write to me on social networks, to the singers, to their directors. Now an initiative group has been formed from the victims, as they call themselves, in the number of 30 people. And that number is growing. We are currently creating a general chat where everyone shares their stories. And I would say that the cases of Slava and Uspenskaya are still flowers.

According to Elena Senina, Slava and Lyubov Uspenskaya are now definitely not ready to retire, as they feel a great responsibility to the people.

“Slava’s public statement that she was not satisfied with the result, and this whole story, which Lyubov Uspenskaya also joined, all this gave people hope that this is not a fashionable surgeon who will be covered up by everyone, and it is useless to sue him and deal with him, but that justice can prevail. We feel responsible for the ordinary people who trusted us,” says KP.RU Senina.

Elena Senina has repeatedly emphasized that Slava and Lyubov Uspenskaya will act honestly and only according to the letter of the law.

“If, after all the numerous checks, it turns out that Timur Khaidarov is absolutely clean and there are no violations, then we will announce it publicly,” Elena Senina summarized.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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