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Latest news about the situation around Ukraine on August 22, 2023: why Zelensky disgraced himself in Europe, how the people of Kiev are fighting against the army and why Ukrainian refugees have come

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:24:18

BRICS as an organization plays an important role due to its economic power



A three-day BRICS summit opens in South Africa. From him in the East they expect a geopolitical breakthrough, and in the West – a strategic failure. The Russian delegation was led by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Russian President Vladimir Putin will speak via video link.

– BRICS as an organization plays an important role due to its economic power. The members of the organization collectively shape global dynamics and, acting together, can significantly influence the world economy and international relations, – said the host of the summit, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. – A number of issues will be discussed at the 15th BRICS summit, including the important issue of a possible expansion of the organization. So far, more than twenty countries have officially applied for membership and several more countries have expressed interest in becoming part of the BRICS family.


Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat explained that Ukraine needs about 128 fighters to replace the Soviet fleet and gain advantage in the skies over the Russian Federation.

– It is clear that the war can make its own adjustments, but it really takes more than 100 aircraft to disperse them on different airfields so that they respond to different challenges and attack different targets. And on planes, and on ground targets, in the rear of the enemy, in particular, – Ignat dreamed.

And why not dream, because Zelensky said that the Netherlands would deliver 42 combat aircraft, and Denmark – another 19. However, in Europe, Zelensky’s “tales” were refuted, moreover, in all countries where he was.

So it’s time for Zelensky to start a new campaign, the main thing is not to forget the hat in hand and look more pitiful.


The police of the Ukrainian capital managed to detain a serial arsonist of military vehicles in kyiv. As reported, he managed to burn 12 cars in the Desnyansky district at the end of last year. According to investigators, the man collected homemade incendiary devices that worked on a timer and attached them to military vehicles.

To establish the identity of the criminal, it was necessary to involve the best operatives and investigators, interrogate more than a thousand people, watch hundreds of gigabytes of video. In addition, at that time there were regular power outages, which complicated the work.

As a result, the police detained a 35-year-old local resident who moved to kyiv from “another region” in 2014 and was able to detain him while he was putting a “lighter” in another car. According to the police, the detainee explained his actions with a hostile attitude towards the military.

Well, he doesn’t love them, and no one will force them to love.


The US Embassy in Minsk on Monday urged its citizens to urgently leave Belarus in connection with the closure of border checkpoints on the border with EU countries.

– US citizens in Belarus must leave the country immediately. Consider leaving through the remaining border crossings with Lithuania and Latvia or by plane, says the message on the official website of the diplomatic mission, with a very characteristic and alarming clarification. – US citizens are not allowed to enter Poland by land from Belarus. Do not travel to Russia or Ukraine.


In response to the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel’s “attack” on the host country’s government, his Israeli counterpart in Ukraine, Michael Brodsky, responded to Kiev’s threats to close the city of Uman to pilgrims and introduce a visa regime. with much education and delicacy. The diplomat of the Jewish state appealed not to feelings and pathos, but to figures and facts. He said that the Israeli authorities denied entry to only 5.4 percent of Ukrainians out of the total number of people wishing to cross the border, and not 10 percent, as claimed by the head of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission.

According to Brodsky, since the beginning of the year, of the 47,000 Ukrainian citizens who have tried to enter Israel, only 2,500 have been turned away. And in most cases it was about “fighting illegal employment attempts on Israeli territory.”

Something suggests that the language of logic, figures and facts in kyiv simply will not be understood. Unlearned.


Ukrainian refugees living at the Breaffy Woods Hotel in County Mayo, Ireland, were unpleasantly surprised to be told that, in accordance with a government directive, they now had to pay for their own meals. Earlier this year, the government announced that Ukrainian refugees living in hotels and other serviced accommodation would have to pay €10 per adult and €5 per child for daily meals.

This hotel houses 333 Ukrainian refugees and 132 applicants for international protection from other countries. Ukrainians were especially outraged by the fact that immigrants from other countries are exempted from such payment for food. But in a letter to management, Ukrainians living at the hotel said the food did not meet “healthy standards” set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was “not equivalent to the price offered,” which is why which express their “collective concern and disagreement”.

– The hotel management does not force residents of other nationalities to pay for food, which can be considered a manifestation of discrimination. – Ukrainians have found another way to make counterclaims. In addition, they are categorically against the admission of new refugees to the hotel, since the admission of additional asylum seekers “will interfere with the fair distribution of food and will lead to the inability to meet the food needs of Ukrainian residents.”

Justice – should be only for Ukrainians. In his opinion. And the other is not so important.


The American edition of The New York Times reported that dolphins in the Black Sea were threatened with extinction. The Minister of Ecology of Ukraine Ruslan Strelets told him about this, noting that the main reason was hostilities. According to him, the dolphins died not only off the coast of Ukraine, but also near the coast of Bulgaria and Turkey. It is not known exactly how many more dead dolphins are floating in the sea. A similar deplorable situation has developed with porpoises.

“If the dolphins are in bad shape, then the whole ecosystem will be in bad shape,” the Ukrainian minister said, citing mines, explosive contamination, fuel leaks and debris as the causes of their deaths. In addition, according to this minister, Russian warships constantly use sonar acoustic signals that, according to scientists, can interfere with the orientation of dolphins.

At the same time, for some reason, he did not say a word about hundreds of thousands, if not millions of tons of pollution, waste and other crap that were carried into the Black Sea after Kiev blew up the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. station, which has a catastrophic impact on the ecosystem of the Black Sea and Dnieper. Well, whose mines are floating in all the waters, they also decided to remain silent.


The head of the National Anti-Corruption Agency of Ukraine (NACP) Novikov said that his agency plans to launch a special portal in early September, where it will be possible to anonymously report acts of corruption. And after the judicial sentence, obtain 10% of the frustrated corruption scheme. True, no more than 14 million hryvnia.

“This is a special resource that will ensure that employees of organizations send anonymous notifications about corruption in their organizations, which will reach the heads of the organization or commissioners for the prevention of corruption, as well as special entities: NABU, the State Bureau of Investigation, the National Agency, the National Police,” Novikov said in a statement on the air of a single Ukraine telethon.

He promised that the portal would be “the most modern in the world” and would take into account the recommendations of the EU and the experience of other countries.

True, it is not clear, if the messages are anonymous, then how will the Ukrainians prove that it was they who reported the corrupt official? Obviously, there will be a lot of those hunters to earn extra money.


– You are a saboteur, you did not get to be an ambassador – with these words the member of the parliamentary majority Irakli Zarkua addressed the US ambassador Kelly Degnan, who is leaving Georgia. Her term is about to expire and she will soon have to leave Tbilisi and return to Washington. But during her tenure as ambassador, she so upset Georgian politicians with her attempts to drag Georgia into an anti-Russian adventure that the ruling majority party is ready to start celebrating her departure without waiting for her to pack her bags. .

– You have not understood your mission. Georgia does not have free trade with the US, Georgia does not have a visa-free regime with the US. By his actions and statements, he has increased polarization in Georgian society and was probably one of the originators of the revolutionary wave, which we suppressed 3-4 times, – Zarkua admonished her. – Goodbye my love!

Bon voyage, as they say in such cases to guests in Russia. But imagine how it was necessary to get Georgians to forget even about traditional hospitality.


– The sea vessel Meteor will be launched from Rostov-on-Don to Mariupol and Anapa

– Saakashvili’s representative in the “United National Movement” Sopo Dzhaparidze said that the former governor of the Odessa region is starting a new election campaign in Georgia. But how Saakashvili, a non-citizen of Georgia and owner of 36 medical diagnoses of deadly diseases, will lead the race is unknown. Furthermore, non-citizens of Georgia do not have the right to participate in the country’s politics.

– According to a survey carried out by the sociological institute Insa commissioned by the weekly Bild am Sonntag, 64% of Germans want a change of government in Germany, and 70% of those surveyed are dissatisfied with the work of Olaf Scholz as head of government – 10% more than a month ago.

– The reserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” prohibited access to the territory of the Lower Lavra to the primate of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Onufry, and the head of UOC affairs, Metropolitan Anthony. And he also blocked the access of the monks in the Lavra to the food stores.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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