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HomeLatest News83.6% of citizens want to lower the personal income tax for income...

83.6% of citizens want to lower the personal income tax for income of less than 40,000 euros

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 05:58:30

The third ‘tracking’ of the general elections prepared by the DYM Institute for Information reflects that a large majority of citizens approve of the reduction in Personal Income Tax (IRPF) proposed by the Popular Party as part of a ” great fiscal plan Alberto Núñez Feijóo has promised to lower personal income tax for incomes of less than 40,000 euros in his first 100 days in office, a measure supported by 83.6% of citizens, according to the latest survey. convention initiative to a large proportion of those polled, regardless of the party they opted for in the 2019 elections or their self-positioning on the left-right ideological scale.

In fact, the citizens who voted for the PSOE in the last general elections are the ones who are most in favor of this reduction in personal income tax, up to 87.8% of them support it, compared to 86.2% of PP supporters and 77.5% of those who support Vox at the polls. Nor are there very significant differences due to ideological positioning, 87.5% of center-left citizens opportunely believe this is lowered, compared to 84.2% of center-right citizens, while those located to the left and to the right keep a difference of eight percentage points.

However, other of his proposals such as extending the useful life of nuclear power plants or eliminating the tax on large fortunes are less popular. Less than half of the citizens (44%) advocate extending this source of energy that has sparked strong controversy in several countries of the European Union, after the war in Ukraine has jeopardized supply chains and different voices They have seen in nuclear energy the way out of Vladimir Putin’s blackmail. While only 23.8% support the extinction of the solidarity tribute to great fortunes, which the Government launched last year.

The DYM Institute has also asked citizens about one of Yolanda Díaz’s main commitments, the progressive reduction of the working day until reaching the horizon of 32 hours in 2032. The current Minister of Labor has found in this a proposal from the main ways of mobilizing the vote, by ensuring that if they opt for their ballot they will leave an hour before work in 2024.

Up to 86.9% of the citizens who voted for the PSOE in the last general elections and 82.3% of those who opted for Unidas Podemos endorse Sumar’s measure, compared to 60.2% of the voters who supported the PP and 59.1% of those who chose Vox. Left-wing voters directly reject the increase in restrictions on the entry of immigrants proposed by Vox, only one of the UP voters supports this initiative, although among those of the PSOE this position is close to half of the total (44%). At the same time that the majority of those who in the last elections opted for Vox (70.4%) or the PP (60.8%), are in favor of this hardening of the tickets.

They expect the PP to win the elections

More than half of the citizens, specifically, 55.8% believe that the Party that defends that Pedro Sánchez’s party will be able to support itself in other political parties to continue leading the Government. On this issue, citizens are divided according to the left-right axis, such that those who opted for the PSOE or UP and place themselves in the center-left or the left believe that the PSOE has opportunities to win by a small advantage, while than those located on the other side of the political spectrum considering that Feijóo will be the next head of the Executive.

The institute points out that the intention to vote for the center-right party stands at 32.8% in the last week of the pre-campaign, which would give it between 135 and 138 votes, this represents a slight drop compared to the previous ‘tracking’, of four tenths percentage. In parallel, 27.8% of citizens would vote for Pedro Sánchez’s party, which would give him between 105 and 107 representatives, so that he would lose six tenths of a percentage compared to the previous study. At the same time, both Sumar and Vox would improve their voting expectations. Díaz’s platform will have 13.3% of the votes (31-33 seats) and Abascal’s with 15.2% (38-40), so that only the right could gather the 176 necessary votes in the investment.

The representatives of the PSOE and Sumar have dedicated a good part of the pre-campaign to warning about the dangers of this possible coalition between Vox and PP, however, the set of surveys carried out between June 30 and July 2 reflects that the concern of citizenship for these issues is reduced. In addition, it stands out that the highest proportion of ‘certainly yes’ and ‘probably yes’ indicates that this coalition government would deteriorate relations with Catalonia and the Basque Country, while 40.8% perceive that it would affect the LGTBI rights and another 39.3% consider that it would affect the current measures against gender violence. However, only 20.8% of those surveyed believe that it would be a good government.

The valuation of Santiago Abascal as a leader falls

The third ‘tracking’ of the barely general ones registers variations in the score that the leaders receive from the citizens. None of the four main party heads get the approval, but Feijóo is in first position with a score of 4.1, followed by Sánchez and Díaz, who tie at 4, while the Vox leader loses two tenths to stand in 2.5, being, therefore, the worst valued leader.

A few days after the representatives of pp and psoe face each other in their unique ‘face to face’, the valuation of both is set, although the citizens prefer to increase the purchasing power of Pensions, Improve Public Health and manage relations with the autonomous communities; while they choose Feijóo to have greater legal certainty, tax reductions, control of public spending and transmit confidence to investors.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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