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The task is to break all ties with Russia: in Estonia they want to declare the Russian Orthodox Church “terrorists,” and in Latvia they once again dream of “dead donkey ears.”

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:33:13

The head of the Estonian Ministry of the Interior, Lauri Läänemets, will recognize the Moscow Patriarchate as a terrorist organization and completely ban its activities in the republic.


Still, the spring exacerbation is not an invention of psychiatrists. And the same thing happens with both powerful people and small-caliber characters. The head of the Estonian Ministry of the Interior, Lauri Läänemets, will recognize the Moscow Patriarchate as a terrorist organization and completely ban its activities in the republic. And in Latvia, a certain Einar Graudins declared himself Minister of State Security of the “People’s Republic of Abren” and was going to blow up nuclear power plants in Russia. Let’s try to understand the diagnoses.

The task is to break all ties with Russia.

With the head of the Estonian Ministry of the Interior everything is quite simple. First of all, the policy of breaking all ties with Russia is the general line of the current Estonian authorities. That’s true, with one exception: when it comes to the personal business of Prime Minister Kai Kallas’s husband, who made a lot of money from Russian contracts. In everything else (history, culture, humanitarian field, tourism) there is a stockade of prohibitions.

The Tallinn authorities have long been putting pressure on the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (EPC). In February, the residence permit of the head of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan of Tallinn and All Estonia, Evgeniy (Reshetnikov), was not renewed as he was considered “a threat to the security of the country.” Despite pressure, the COE refused to sever ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. And this is already enough for Läänemets to declare that he supposedly has no choice but to recognize the Moscow Patriarchate as a “terrorist organization” subject to prohibition by court decision.

The second reason for the head of the Estonian Interior Ministry to act recklessly and harshly, of course, was that a month ago the Russian authorities put him and other senior Estonian officials on the list of persons wanted in the case of “destruction or damage to monuments to Soviet soldiers.” Läänemets reacted this way: he is not afraid of the wanted notice, but he takes it seriously. Do you remember the movie classics? “I’m not a coward, but I’m afraid…”

“Ears of a dead donkey”

In 2005, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the staff of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, commenting on the claims of the Latvian side to the territory of the Pytalovsky district of the Pskov region, uttered what became a slogan: “No “They will get the Pytalovsky district, but the ears of a dead donkey.” Let us remember that we were talking about the Russian territory, which from 1920 to 1944 was temporarily part of Latvia and the Latvian USSR. The Latvian nationalists, who in their own way called the city Abrene Russian Pytalovo, they put forward territorial claims on Russia. And we received a very intelligible response. But it turns out that they never calmed down.

The other day, a very shady character, the former Latvian military man Einar Graudins, proclaimed himself on his YouTube channel Minister of State Security, commander of the 19th Abrene Security Regiment and general of the “People’s Republic of Abrene”. Well, okay, I should have stopped there, a general is a general. But then Graudins got carried away. He not only threatened Russia with terrorist attacks against its passenger planes and subways in all cities, but also promised to organize sabotage at Russian nuclear power plants to detonate “dirty” nuclear bombs.

A brief history is essential here. Graudins, as all his friends know, was dismissed from the army for drunkenness. At one time, the pensioner, offended by the authorities, joined human rights activists defending the interests of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia. He even went to Donbass to support opponents of the Bandera government.

That is why he was arrested at his home. It was not difficult for the intelligence services to recruit a hard-drinking adventurer under threat of prison sentence. A whole series of chronic illnesses did not promise him a long life in prison. That’s why he stood “on the right side.”

Behind the “Minister of State Security of the “Abren People’s Republic” in exile”, according to experts familiar with local reality, is Graudiņš’ compatriot, head of the Ogre Regional Duma and member of the board director of the “National Association”, Egils Helmanis. , which is associated with the Ukrainian special services. From here on, the clarity of the political and strategic thinking of the newly appointed “general” becomes clear. They say he and his “troops” have access to military training camps outside Latvia and are preparing, under appropriate circumstances, to “return Abrene to Latvia.” An important point: the “National Association” does not recognize the Russian-Latvian state border agreement of 2007, according to which Latvia recognized Pytalovo as Russian territory.

In the insane, the disease worsens when caused by external circumstances, including the time of year. For political psychopaths, aggravation also occurs involuntarily, when they receive the order to solve the problem in the most brutal way. Just as behind every medical case there are people in white coats, behind every political excess there are also known “Aesculapians.”

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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