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“I thank God for my path.” Interview with Bobrovsky – Russian Hero of the NHL Season

Date: July 27, 2024 Time: 05:25:11

Sergei Bobrovsky last season, the NHL eclipsed all other Russian stars in the strongest league in the world. The Florida goaltender, who has come under much criticism in recent years, has been a key factor in the Panthers’ sensational performance in the Stanley Cup playoffs. Bobrovsky started this crazy season on the bench, but then pushed a younger colleague once again, instilling calm and confidence in the team and leading Florida to a dream. In the final, the Panthers were stopped by Vegas, but Bobrovsky’s performance in the playoffs will be remembered by hockey fans for a long time.

In an exclusive interview with the Championship, the Russian goalkeeper commented for the first time on the events of the 2023 Stanley Cup, analyzing each episode and talking about his attitude to public praise and criticism.

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“I understood and I understand that love on social networks is not real”

“Congratulations on a great season. Going to the final, you played phenomenal. Is there still satisfaction from the season, despite the loss to Las Vegas? – Thank you. Yes, the season turned out to be productive. It all came together at the right time and we managed to show some good hockey in the playoffs.

– In fact, your game this summer did not come out of nowhere, every year in Florida you added. What factors contributed to this steady improvement? “Things in Florida are slowly aligning and getting into the right shape. I like the process and the progress we are making. The competent work of the management in the offseason allowed us to bring the club to a new level.

– You have repeatedly said that you are not distracted by the press and discussions on the Internet. But all the same, after all, pride should have played? You’re one of the most expensive goalies, they’re counting on you, and then Knight, then Dredger, then Lion are on your heels, then they’re out of the playoffs early. — It was a very useful time for me. I received many lessons from which I drew the right conclusions. Difficulties build character and strengthen the will.

– Even after the playoffs, you didn’t want to read what they wrote about you? Social networks in the course of the playoffs choked with affection for you. I understood and understand that this is not true love. Consequently, this room of my consciousness is closed, and I see no reason to go there.

Sergei Bobrovsky

Photo: AP/TASS

“In no period of the series with Boston did I feel like they relaxed. But the Lord God was on our side.”

“Florida this season is like a roller coaster. How did your emotions change during the season? – With the arrival of Paul Maurice, the requirements for the guys have changed a bit. It was a difficult period. We take time to adjust. But in the playoffs, everything our leader said came true and served as a powerful core to believe in the unbelievable.

– It so happened that you started the playoffs as a substitute goalkeeper, something that hadn’t happened to you for more than 10 years. How difficult was it psychologically to join the series with Boston? – Yes, it was not an easy moment, but I knew and believed that I had to go through this situation. I also understood that this is a unique opportunity to approach important matches fresh and motivated, so I didn’t waste time on resentment, but rather prepared, worked and waited for an opportunity.

– Why did you manage to come back from 1-3 in the series with the best team of the regular season? The Lord God was on our side. Boston is a smart, trained team. Competent attack, powerful defense, excellent goalkeeper. At no point in the series did I feel like they relaxed. They fought and gave 100%, but this is hockey and as I said earlier, praise God for our triumphant series win.

– Marchand’s “one-nil” start in the final seconds of the fifth game is something. The most important save of the season for you, because without it nothing would have happened? — Looking back, some moments in the game seem more vivid. Circumstances turned out like this, and I managed to keep the team in the game, but if Tkachuk had not been beaten in overtime, everything would have lost its meaning and no one would have remembered the save. Each player has contributed to the success of the team. Someone was lucky to be in the right place at the right time, someone did a lot of hard work, and someone, despite injuries, found the strength to go out and help the team.

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Bobrovsky’s game of a lifetime in the NHL! He saved 44 shots and made a last-second super save.

“It’s unique to play a playoff series in the hockey capital and win”

– After three straight victories over the Bruins, did you realize that your team is already on the shoulder? – Of course, the victory over Boston gave us confidence in our abilities and gave us hope for new victories.

– Your entire team went into the series with Toronto in one go, completely neutralizing the all-star attack of the Blades. How did you manage to leave stars like Matthews, Marner, Tavares on dry rations? “Toronto has a really powerful offense. The guys you listed, plus a few other guys, are really high-class teachers, but my partners didn’t give them a place or time to demonstrate their level. It was a unique experience to play a playoff series in Canada, in the hockey capital and win.

– In this series alone, he won two overtimes, and overall, Florida won all seven overtimes in the playoffs, showing one of the best results in NHL history. What was your secret? “There is no secret here. We as the opponent could easily be on the losing side. Each game, each series is unique. As, however, and overtime. Nobody knows what will happen, what will happen. I think the team’s trust in the system, in each other, released the energy needed to win.

Sergei Bobrovsky

Photo: AP/TASS

“A 140-minute match is an interesting experience. In the second game, you had the feeling that the first meeting was taking place”.

– The first game against Carolina lasted 140 minutes. How does a goalkeeper feel when he plays 80 minutes in a row without the right to make a mistake? – An interesting experience. Interesting sensations. Good psychological test. The opposing goalkeeper did wonders in extra time, and it was largely thanks to him that extra time lasted so long.

– I remember someone posted your photo after overtime with Toronto, and you’re almost transparent there. And how much weight did you lose during that game with the Carolinas? “To be honest, I don’t control my weight. For the game, on average, from one to three kilograms are needed.

– After such games, you come to the room and fall exhausted? How to wake up the next day, how does a goalkeeper recover from those games? Yes, the recovery time has been reduced. It was important to make the right decisions for optimal rest. I liked how I felt in the second game. I felt as if the first game had continued, and I immediately went into a state of flow, where everything is convenient and comfortable.

– Was it the most difficult game of your career? — I think this is one of the most memorable matches of my career.

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Season record and 63 saves for Bobrovsky! The NHL played a crazy six hour game

– In general, it is often said about Carolina in Russia that this team plays rather primitive hockey, based on shots from all positions in a row. To what extent do you agree with this point of view? Carolina is very strong defensively. It was a great test for us. The guys skate very well, they play very tight, and therefore there is no free space on the ice. All the games with Carolina were very difficult. To be honest, the score in the 4-0 series does not reflect the level and intensity of the fight.

Sergei Bobrovsky

Photo: AP/TASS

“I heard about the diagnoses of some guys and then I was surprised to see them on the ice in the final”

What went wrong in the Vegas series? Serious injuries to your team’s key hockey players (Tkachuk, Montour, Ekblad, Gudas) no longer allowed you to play at full capacity? — I think the first two games we were a little emotionally drained. They wanted too much to win, and sometimes emotions prevailed over cold reason. We started making mistakes, making unnecessary deletions. In this sense, they gave the opponent a feeling of confidence. Although, despite all of the above, we had chances to even the series. We lost a bit in the fourth game. Well, the opponent showed a smart hockey team.

– What are the general moods when the leaders are barely alive? – The boys played with serious injuries. After learning the diagnoses for some of the injuries, I was a bit surprised to see them on video from the next game. Two months of stubborn struggle, of course, affects.

– Did the Las Vegas field players come up with something radically new in the game against you, or didn’t it seem that way? – Vegas has a very powerful and balanced team. Great defenders that skate great. Smooth craft four links. They showed good hockey, with which I congratulate them. It was very interesting for me to play against them. I had a wonderful experience.

What can you say about the Hill phenomenon? The 31-year-old goaltender has never been No. 1 in the NHL, and in this tiebreaker he showed the game of his life. – I agree with you that he showed a solid game. He played very well. Some of the saves from him were just amazing.

What must Florida do to win the Stanley Cup? Only luck to attract, so that the next time without injury? Each season has its black and white stripes. A lot depends on a stable psyche, both individually and as a team. We had a good experience and we have a very good team. I think that this preseason we have become stronger. Management did a good job. But hockey is a game and you never know what’s going to happen. The league is very strong, the competition is incredibly high.

– Barkov and Tkachuk are so different. A calm Finn who goes unnoticed on the ice and an explosive Matt, a very talented ringleader of sorts. How much have the dynamics in the team changed and how do two such different leaders influence each other? We’re lucky to have guys like that. Sasha Barkov is one of the smartest players in the world. Professional with a capital letter. Quiet and calm in the locker room, but on the ice she leads the team that follows her with her game. He is almost never wrong. Her ability to make the most effective decisions on the court is phenomenal.

Tkachuk is an aggressive and assertive striker. A leader both in the locker room and on the ice. Also very smart. In my opinion, he is the most valuable player of the regular season and the playoffs.

Do you yourself now feel that you have really returned to the desired level? – As I said earlier, things are slowly aligning and getting the right shape. I am grateful to the Lord God for the path in which he leads me.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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