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USA officially returned to UNESCO after 5 years of absence

USA officially returned to UNESCO after 5 years of absence

The United States has officially returned to UNESCO after a 5-year absence. This was reported by “Kommersant” in reference to the organization’s executive director Audrey Azoulay. She called the country’s re-annexation “great news.”

“Our initiatives will be strengthened around the world,” he commented on the incident.

The United States’ return ceremony to the organization will take place at the end of July. It will be attended by VIP guests. After the return of the United States to the organization, the number of its members will be 194 countries. The United States was already a member of UNESCO, but in 2017 the administration of President Donald Trump decided to leave it. A year later, this decision came into force. It was justified by the “continuation of the anti-Israel policy” of the organization.

The administration of current President Joe Biden has requested $150 million from the US budget to cover UNESCO’s contributions and arrears by 2024. In the following years, Biden hopes to pay off the organization’s entire debt. : this is 619 million dollars, more than UNESCO’s annual budget.

Previously, Prada Group and UNESCO launched an educational program for children. They are classes in the lagoon for the study of flora and fauna. We talk about it in more detail here.

The Treasury stops receiving 4,600 million for tax exemptions for airlines

The Treasury stops receiving 4,600 million for tax exemptions for airlines

Transport & Environment, the European federation that brings together the main environmental organizations of the old continent, figures at 4,610 million euros the import to which the annual tax exemptions granted by Spain to the aviation sector will increase. This figure makes our country the second economy that stops receiving the most money due to these tax privileges, only behind France. In an investigation disclosed today —available at the end of this article—, the organization estimates the total amount that the EU member states abandoned in 2022 at 34.220 million euros for maintaining the regime of application of tax exemptions to the aviation sector. .

This ‘fiscal hole’ is caused, in the organization’s opinion, by government policies that allow the airline sector not to pay taxes on the fuel it uses, or that avoids taxing value added tax (VAT) on international flights is . The lack of a tax on airline tickets or the fact that the emission rights trading system only applies to flights in the European Economic Area means that Spain is, after France, the economy that stops entering the most funds per this activity, which, however, is key to the Spanish tourism industry.

Up to 6,000 million that are not entered

Specifically, the study figures at 4,610 million euros that the State stops receiving due to this ‘fiscal gap’ compared to the 182 that it does receive in the form of VAT, since this tribute only taxes peninsular routes with a reduced rate of 10%. The study indicates that if all bills were taxed, regardless of their destination, this figure could be multiplied by 13, up to 2,440 million. To this would have to be added another 990 million if all flights paid their corresponding emission rights – Spain is an important air ‘hub’ to Latin America and, for example, those flights do not have to pay for them. The Treasury could also collect another 1,720 million if a tax on kerosene were set.

In addition, if the forecasts of increased air traffic and passenger demand are confirmed, this amount could grow by 23% to 5,980 million euros in 2025. At the European level, this revenue deficit for public coffers amounts to 4 7,100 million euros in the same year.

Intercontinental airlines, the most benefited

Transport & Environment not only focuses on the states, but also on the airlines, which also do not pay for what they emit on transoceanic or intercontinental flights. He cites as an example the case of the Spanish Iberia, whose extensive activity in Spain would make it responsible for a fifth of these exemptions. These would amount to 851 million, of which 484 correspond to taxes on kerosene and the payment for the emissions generated. The rest (367) would fall on the travelers, who would pay it on their tickets.

This ‘tax gap’ is substantially lower than that generated by some of its competitors from neighboring countries such as Air France, whose ‘gap’ amounts to 1,936 million; British Airways —from the same group, IAG—, which ‘saves’ 1,528 million; the German Lufthansa, 1,403 million; or the Dutch KLM, which should pay 1,009 million more, according to the organization. Different is the situation of the ‘giant’ of the European low-cost, Ryanair, whose activity ‘only’ would stop contributing 159 million to the continental arcades. This amount would be the lowest among the 16 airlines studied, given that most of their activity is already subject to the emission rights trading regime.

Ask to raise ticket prices

The organization, which advocates “eliminating the huge tax breaks of the air transport industry,” proposes increasing ticket prices as a way to save on carbon emissions into the atmosphere. THESE Increases Would Come Motivated by the imposition of a Tax on -kerosene, the application of a 20% to all tickets or amplilets the regime of emission rights Ara That Applies to Those Flights That Depart from the European Union, Including those of Long distance.

In case of not applying any of these measures, it is proposed to set a tax on the price of the ticket “equivalent to the country’s fiscal hole”. In the case of Spain, this would raise the price of the ticket by an average of 19 euros for national routes (which is already applied), 49 euros for routes to European destinations (including routes to the Canary Islands, which are now exempt from VAT) and 275 euros for trips outside the EU In addition, they advocate that the income collected be reinvested in promoting technologies and alternative and cleaner means of transport, such as the railway.

Environmental organizations that are part of Transport & Environment, such as Ecodes or Ecologistas en Acción, point out that this figure “is the equivalent of the annual budget of Barcelona and Valencia together, and enough to maintain the subsidy for free passes for Cercanías and Media trains Distance for almost 7 years”.

Aviation Tax Gap Report: Transportation and the Environment


Olympic squats: why are they so popular and how to perform them correctly?

Olympic squats: why are they so popular and how to perform them correctly?

Many people confuse Olympic squats with weight lifting. The main difference is that the former are more common, while the latter are specifically designed to lift as much weight as possible. This is the goal of powerlifting competitions. Olympic squats are a complicated variant of the usual ones. And today, together with a fitness trainer, we find out who and what benefit this exercise can bring.

top trainer of the World Class network of fitness studios

This is one of the most popular and effective exercises in the gym. Olympic squats allow you to build strength and endurance in your legs and glutes, as well as improve coordination and balance.

What is the Olympic squat?

The Olympic squat is a deep squat used by powerlifters more for mobility and joint mobility than breaking new records. The main difference from the classic version is that they are performed with a barbell, which greatly complicates the exercise, but at the same time makes it more effective.

If you are doing the exercise for the first time, then use the golden rule: do not hang pancakes right away. Try doing empty bar squats first and gradually increase the load until you find the right weight for you.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

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What muscles are worked when doing Olympic squats?

Everything is simple here, because the Olympic squats do not change the classic ones much, they only make them more difficult to perform. So, here the muscles that work are the same as in regular squats: the quadriceps muscle, the adductors of the thigh, the gluteus maximus, as well as the muscles of the lower leg and the back of the thigh.

Olympic squat technique

Grabbing all the exercises in a row without understanding is a bad idea. Even taking into account the fact that these are all the same familiar squats, only with a barbell, a prerequisite is the study of the technique of execution. You will spend quite a bit of time on this, but it is this part of the preparation that can save you from injury or simply make the session more effective.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

How to perform?

Starting position standing with a barbell across the shoulders, feet slightly wider than the pelvis, shoulder blades adducted and lowered. As you inhale, squat down, drawing your knees to the sides of your toes, maintaining the correct curves of your spine. down as low as possible, the lower the better. . They should touch the buttocks and the back of the thigh. If so, then you are doing everything right. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

We have collected three exercises for expressive relief in the material:

Ideal trainer for pumping biceps. Everything you need to know about the Scott bench

Who is the Olympic squat for?

top trainer of the World Class network of fitness studios

Olympic squats can be adapted to any sport, as they are extremely beneficial for the elasticity of the ligaments of the leg muscles. A good stretch and excellent joint mobility are the result of a wide range of motion.

But of course, not everyone can do Olympic squats. First of all, you need to have a good training experience so that, as already mentioned, you do not get hurt. Therefore, it is better to start this exercise if you have already worked out the technique of classic squats, and the muscles of the target leg that will be involved are well developed. Without her, nowhere. If you have problems with your knees, you feel pain, then you need to perfectly know the technique of execution, otherwise you are at great risk of aggravating the situation.

The benefits and harms of Olympic squats

Olympic squats have a wide range of motion, including load on the knee and hip joints. But just as there is no silver lining, and vice versa, therefore there are still disadvantages, although there are few of them. Olympic squats put a lot of stress on the knee joint. At the same time, the back of the thigh is less loaded, and the quadriceps are more. These are the details of the execution technique, if you want to work out all the muscles of the legs evenly, combine different variations of squats.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

How to replace Olympic squats?

Olympic squats, as has been said more than once, are not suitable for everyone, so we offer an alternative to those who want but cannot try. The exercise can be replaced by squats on one leg, in ordinary people – with a pistol. Start with the elastic tied at the top or in the TRX loops. Then complicate and do it against the wall, sliding along it with your hand. When you realize you’re ready, try to push yourself with your own muscle power.

Beauty secrets from a posture correction instructor below:


How to remove the cross on the neck in 10 minutes a day? Video instruction from the trainer with exercises.

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Russian Foreign Ministry: US treats Ukraine as a source of international adoption of children KXan 36 Daily News

Russian Foreign Ministry: US treats Ukraine as a source of international adoption of children KXan 36 Daily News

The Russian diplomatic department noted that all attempts by the United States to position itself as “the leading defenders of children’s rights” are not supported by law, stressing that the intercountry adoption process in the United States is “extremely corrupt” and “subject”. to the neocolonial political conjuncture”.

The diplomats called the adoption of Russian children in the United States a “regrettable” practice in which there were “numerous cases of serious violations of the rights of underage citizens of Russia.” The Russian Foreign Ministry recalled the ban on this practice since 2013.

Naturgy’s board closes ranks with Reynés despite pressure from funds

Naturgy's board closes ranks with Reynés despite pressure from funds

Naturgy’s board of directors pronounces itself after days of speculation about the possible arrival of a number two for Francisco Reynés. “Given the various pieces of information that have appeared in recent days, all the shareholder representatives have wanted to ratify their firm commitment to the company’s industrial project and their total confidence in the management team,” the company stated in a private information sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The 12 members of the council were stored yesterday for more than four hours to study the new distribution of powers in the gas company and the role that the future CEO will have. However, the statement sent to the CNMV does not give more details about the role that the future CEO will finally have. Yesterday the withdrawal of Ignacio Gutiérrez-Orrantia appeared after almost realizing his appointment during the last week. The pressure from CVC Capital Partners and Global Infrastructure Management (GIP), which together account for 40% of the capital, for Reynés to delegate part of his functions is what would have motivated the Bilbao manager’s no.

The Mallorcan executive has been the president and CEO of Naturgy since February 2018 and for his signing he made it a condition to have 100% of the executive functions. Isidro Fainé, who did not have them, took over as his trusted man when Reynés was vice president and delegate director of Abertis. His appointment also meant the departure of the then CEO of Gas Natural Fenosa, Rafael Villaseca. He was reelected to the post just a few months ago for another four years.

Relaunches Gemini

The management team of the gas company also discussed the update of the Geminis project. The council once again confirms its “strategic sense” and called on its team “to continue analyzing the possible execution alternatives and their associated calendars.” Naturgy’s objective continues to be to split into two companies. One of the two groups will manage the liberalized businesses in an integrated manner (Naturgy MarketsCo): the development of renewable energies; For its part, the other will glue all the part of regulated infrastructures (Naturgy Networks) of distribution and transmission of energy

On the other hand, the board analyzed the evolution of the 2021-2025 strategic plan, which is in the middle of its execution, and reassessed the dividend policy, as promised in July 2021. In this sense, it raises the floor of the annual dividend for the period at 1.40 euros per share, always subject to the maintenance of a BBB credit rating by S&P. “This new floor is consistent with the average ‘payout’ of 85% announced in July 2021. Based on current share prices, this represents a return of 5.4% and compensates the company’s shareholder miles for the rise in costs due to interest rates and inflation,” says the company.

The company will release more information on updating its 2025 targets on July 24, coinciding with the publication of its half-year results. However, it has given a few small brushstrokes: it plans to achieve a gross operating result (Ebitda) of 5,100 million euros, compared to the previous objective of 4,800 million, and to reduce the net debt to 16,000 million (900 million less). For its part, investments will drop from 14,000 to 13,200 million euros. Naturgy was the first Ibex 325 company to benefit from the reform of the law that allows not presenting quarterly results.

“The board has recognized the high degree of commitment of the entire Naturgy team, which has contributed decisively to achieving these results despite a difficult and volatile situation in the energy markets,” the letter states.

Daler Kuzyaev became a player for French Le Havre (photo)

Daler Kuzyaev became a player for French Le Havre (photo)

Russian midfielder Daler Kuzyaev, who left Zenit as a free agent, has decided on a new team.

Today, July 12, the footballer signed a contract with French Le Havre. According to the club’s press service, the contract is for the summer of 2025. The midfielder’s salary has not been specified.

FC Le Havre

Kuzyaev is 30 years old. He has been playing for Zenit since July 2017. On the player’s account 183 games, 23 goals and 29 assists. In addition, the player has 46 caps and 2 goals for the Russian national team.

As for Le Havre, last season the team played in the second division and secured participation in Ligue 1.

Wow. 16-year-old Russian woman defeated 4 top-ranked opponents to reach the 1997 Wimbledon semifinals

 Wow.  16-year-old Russian woman defeated 4 top-ranked opponents to reach the 1997 Wimbledon semifinals

Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova’s best result in Grand Slam tournaments is reaching the semifinals at Wimbledon 1997.

The very young Kournikova caused a sensation by knocking out several eminent rivals. Only future champion Martina Hingis could stop her.

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“She’s a bitch, I despise her.” Wild American brutally hunted down Kournikova at Wimbledon 2008

June 7, 1997 Anna Kournikova celebrated her 16th birthday. Two and a half weeks later, she attended her Wimbledon debut. Anna has already played on the other TBSH once. She performed best at the 1996 US Open, reaching the fourth round. She also had eliminations in the first round of the Australian Open and in the third round of Roland Garros in 1997.

At Wimbledon, the young Kournikova was not expected to achieve great things. Many did not believe that Anna would pass at least the initial stage of the tournament. As a rival she had the American Chanda Rubin, who in the 1996 season showed the best tennis of her career and ranked sixth in the WTA ranking. However, Kournikova defeated the more experienced Rubin with surprising ease: 6:1, 6:1.

Anna Kournikova at Wimbledon 1997

Photo: Gary M. Prior/Allsport

The Russian’s advantage was so total that one of the journalists at a post-match press conference asked if she was going to reach the final. Kournikova modestly refused to answer. She had never been asked such a question before. Anna herself has been drawn to the media from a young age, mainly for nonfiction reasons. Slender, pretty, fashion savvy, Ella Kournikova once said that she wouldn’t mind trying herself out as a model. Since then, the media have been telling her about her prospects in the modeling business and have also tried to find out the details of her personal life. After defeating Rubin, to a cheeky question about whether she had a boyfriend, she Anna replied: “I don’t have one. And in general, now I only think about tennis.

In the second round, Kournikova had a nominally weaker opponent compared to Rubin – the German Barbara Rittner, who lost the stars from the sky. Anna was on the verge of defeat, but still achieved victory in three sets: 4: 6, 7: 6 (9: 7), 6: 3. In the third round match, the Russian woman defeated another finalist Australian Open German: 1996 Anke Huber. She took three sets again to win, but this time she wasn’t so nervous: 3:6, 6:4, 6:4.

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Inconceivable. The 16-year-old Russian knocked out 4 superstars in a row at a tournament in Miami in 1998

Getting into the fourth round is already a good result for Kournikova. Anna really focused exclusively on tennis, although the media continued to focus on aspects related to the sport. The Russian woman looked very good, journalists paid a lot of attention to her precisely because of her bright appearance, with this she attracted the public to her fights. All the London newspapers regularly published pictures of her during the tournament.

At the same time, Kournikova played solidly, but some maximalists demanded more. The prospects of a rivalry between Switzerland’s Martina Hingis and Kournikova have been seen by several pundits as a reincarnation of the rivalry between Chris Evert and Martin Navratilov, who each earned 18 TBSH in the 1970s and 1980s. In particular, Evert saw shortcomings in both in the game of 16-year-old Hingis, who had already become the first racket in the world and won her first Slam at the Australian Open in 1997, as in the performances of Kournikova, who is generally considered more of a model than a tennis player.

“I think five years ago Steffi Graf was the best number one in the world than Martina Hingis is now, and 10 years ago Martina Navratilova was even better Graf. Anna Kournikova did not convince me with her clever play. She has the face of a fashion model, a magnificent figure, it is easy to “unravel” her. But this is not all a tennis player needs,” Evert said after Kournikova’s success in the first week of Wimbledon.

Chris Evert was not impressed by the performance of the young Anna Kournikova

Photo: Gary M. Prior/Getty Images

It is important that Kournikova did not pay attention to criticism. In the 1/8 final match, Anna met former fourth racket in the world and multiple Czech TBSH finals entrant Helena Sukova, who was twice her age. Sukova, 32, first played at Wimbledon 15 years ago, when Kournikova was just 1 year old. Helena’s career peak came in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but she can’t take the tremendous experience out of it. It was this aspect of her that was her main advantage over Kournikova. However, the young Russian coped with the pressure and moved on to another eminent opponent. Anna, by tradition, lost the first set, after which she turned the tide of the meeting – 2: 6, 6: 2, 6: 3.

In the quarterfinals, Anna’s rival was the fourth racket in the world and current Roland Garros champion, the Croatian Iva Majoli. Here, almost no one believed in a 16-year-old Russian woman. However, Kournikova once again disappointed the skeptics. This time Anna managed in two sets: 7: 6 (7: 1), 6: 4, the tiebreaker of the first was won extremely convincingly. Perhaps Kournikova was helped by the warm support of British fans. The stands at Anna’s matches were constantly filled, as for the sympathy of the public, only the British Greg Rusedski and Tim Henman could compete with her at Wimbledon.

Chanda Rubin, Anke Huber, Helena Sukova and Yva Majoli are four eminent tennis players Kournikova knocked out en route to the semifinals. And yet, every fairy tale comes to an end.

The fans rooted for Kournikova, but most of them certainly had no doubt that the Russian would lose the semifinal match against world number 1 Hingis. The paths of the tennis players had previously crossed three times on the court: twice at the junior level and once at Roland Garros – 1997. In all cases, Martina celebrated victory. The trend has not changed. Hingis looked much stronger on the court and won with a convincing score of 6:2, 6:3.

Anna Kournikova and Martina Hingis at Wimbledon 1997

Photo: Images via Getty Images

Hingis, 16, finally won the title by beating Czech Jana Novotna 2-6, 6-3, 6-3 in the final. For the first time at Wimbledon 1997, Martina dropped a set, but pulled herself together and won a spectacular and determined victory. At the time of the triumph, the Swiss was 16 years and 279 days old. She became the youngest champion in the history of the Open Era tournament. Although in the age of amateur tennis, the youngest singles winner might be England’s Charlotte Dod: she won the cup at the age of 15 years and 285 days back in 1887.

As for Kournikova, reaching the 1997 Wimbledon semifinals is a phenomenal result for a 16-year-old athlete personally and for all of Russian tennis as a whole. Olga Morozova last reached the Wimbledon semifinals in 1974. She then reached the final, where she lost to Chris Evert.

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Ignorance is punishable. Kournikova brutally besieged a Swiss stranger at Roland Garros – 1999

Kournikova is a student of the Spartak tennis school and a student of the famous Nick Bollettieri Academy. Specifically, Larisa Preobrazhenskaya is implicated in the success of Wimbledon. The specialists who worked with Anna noted that the young tennis player in her early years showed a solid result due to her outstanding performance. She just couldn’t be thrown off the court.

Unfortunately, Kournikova, at a more mature age, did not achieve significant singles success. In the late 1990s, Anna focused on doubles, and Martina Hingis won the Australian Open twice (1999, 2002). And already in 2003, Kournikova ended her career, entered the modeling business and entered into a relationship with the Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias. Anna hardly regrets anything. Her current net worth is estimated at $67 million and she has three children with Iglesias. Unrealized potential in tennis? It’s a shame, but probably more so for the fans of the sport and not for Kournikova herself.

The prosecutor’s office will control the liquidation of the consequences of flooding in the Kuban KXan 36 Daily News

The prosecutor's office will control the liquidation of the consequences of flooding in the Kuban KXan 36 Daily News

– As a result of the flood that occurred on the territory of the Tuapse district on July 11-12, the rural settlements of Novomikhailovskoye, Dzhubgskoye, Tenginskoye, Nebugskoye were flooded. The Tuapse inter-district prosecutor’s office has taken control of the issue of eliminating the consequences of heavy rain, the Kuban prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

According to the ministry, there was damage to social facilities and infrastructure, transportation links were disrupted, citizens’ property was damaged, and houses were flooded.

It was previously reported that after heavy rains in the Tuapse district, local emergency regimes were introduced in the most affected settlements. Up to 144 millimeters of rain fell here overnight.

Embracing psychology and managing emotions: 6 new books to better understand yourself and the world

Embracing psychology and managing emotions: 6 new books to better understand yourself and the world

We have prepared a selection of useful books for everyone. We read about coping with burnout and impostor syndrome, we learn how to make dreams come true that have always been put off until later, we learn new things about the power of unity with nature and overcoming difficulties in communicating with people. people.

Linda Okeson-McGurk

Hygge, lyukke, lagom – all the popular varieties of the “philosophy of happiness” and comfort in the Scandinavian style have already been mastered by the world. The new Nordic-style mind-body reset secret is called friluftsliv, which means to be outdoors. About the healing encounters of nature and man during hikes, hikes, long journeys, the journalist Linda Okeson-McGurk wrote her book.

On the cover of the book, instead of the author’s name, the name of the most popular psychological platform for women in China is indicated. This means that the experience and practical advice described on the pages is the result of the work of a whole team of specialists. Start reading if you find it difficult to communicate with strangers, but you want to make new friends and not experience communication problems.

How to maintain stability in difficult situations? How to deal with impostor syndrome, burnout, internal tension? Clinical psychologist Sam Akbar dedicated the book to answering all of these tough questions. As (self) help, it offers acceptance therapy techniques, practices for emotional recovery.

“How to understand what you want and live as you dream?” – this question-request is placed in the subtitle of the book. And the truth – how? Sometimes we realize at a fairly late age that we want to live our lives differently. Change jobs. Make dreams forgotten by the daily routine. This book will become an assistant on the path of knowing yourself and your true desires, as well as making them come true.

Under the cover: the author’s technique to get out of the state of exhaustion. The one whose symptoms are severe fatigue, disgust at the work you once loved, a feeling of complete emptiness and unwillingness to do anything. The psychologist and business coach Leonid Krol talks about how to identify burnout, identify its causes, prevent it and/or overcome it.

Sidarta Ribeiro

A Brazilian neuroscientist has conducted and published a large-scale study of phenomena such as dreams and the subconscious. He describes its importance in our life. He showed them not only in a historical context, but also in a cultural and evolutionary one, he revealed them from the positions of biology and psychology. Despite the deep scientific component, the book is easy to read and accessible to a wide range of readers.

The Ibex 35 seeks to settle the rebound from 9,300 on the day of the CPI in the United States

The Ibex 35 seeks to settle the rebound from 9,300 on the day of the CPI in the United States

The Ibex 35 maintains the positive tone of the previous days and seems willing to consolidate the rebound from 9,300 points. The Spanish stock market reference starts with a rise of 0.3% on the day of the publication of the CPI for the United States for June. The forecast that the rise in prices will moderate their escalation in the US country from 4% to 3.1% and that the core will moderate three tenths to 5% drives the stock markets. Frankfurt rises 0.24%, Paris rises 0.27%, London accelerates 0.12% and Milan advances 0.45%.

In Spain it has also been known that inflation rose 0.6% in June in relation to the previous month and cut its interannual rate by 1.3 points, to 1.9%, marking its lowest level since March 2021. In this context, the European Central Bank (ECB) has already warned that it plans to increase rates at its meeting at the end of this month. In the case of the Federal Reserve it is still not so clear after the pause. At the current moment, the market gives a greater than 90% probability that the central bank will increase its benchmark interest rates by 25 basis points and a 30% probability that it will do so again before the end of the year. .

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“Regardless of what the June CPI data release this afternoon looks like, the Fed will raise rates this month. However, if the June reading surprises on the downside, expectations for a further rate hike may Once again they are reduced significantly, which should be very well received by both the bond and equity markets, markets, the latter, which we understand that yesterday they already discounted this possible scenario to some extent”, they specify from Link values

Back in Spain, the corrections come from the tourism sector. IAG cuts more than 3.5%, Meliá falls 1.5% and Amadeus loses 0.7% on the day that the dividend is discounted from its share price, including this effect, 0.9% is left. On the opposite side, Naturgy leads the rises and accelerates 2.5% the day after the board meeting was held in which it was finally not possible to appoint Ignacio Gutiérrez-Orrantia as CEO due to the counter offer he received from City. Banking is also gaining momentum thanks to the pull of Bankinter (+1.8%), Santander (+1%) and Sabadell (+0.88%).

In other markets, the price of a barrel of Brent fell 0.08%, to 79.34 dollars, while the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) eased to 74.79 dollars, 0.05% less, in the opening. Regarding debt, the yield on the Spanish bond with a ten-year maturity stands at 3.68%, 0.86% less, with the risk premium reaching 103.4 basis points, while in the market currency, the euro is exchanged at 1.1025 dollars.

Spartak announced the signing of a contract with Cádiz striker Bongonda

Spartak announced the signing of a contract with Cádiz striker Bongonda

The 27-year-old Congolese footballer Theo Bongonda, who previously played for Cádiz as a striker, is officially presented as a Spartak Moscow player.

This was reported by the official website of the rojiblanca. The former manager of Cádiz signed a contract with the Moscow club for three years. The amount of the transfer is not specified. The striker will play for Spartak with the number 77.

Let’s remember that last season, the Belgian native played 31 games in the Spanish championship, scoring four goals and providing three assists. Before Cádiz, Bongonda played for Belgian clubs Genk and Zulte Waregem, as well as Spanish side Celta.

What a global “surprise” in the nuclear field ASEAN foreign ministers prepared for Sergey Lavrov in Indonesia KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

So who are they for us – these ASEAN countries, on Wednesday, July 12, Sergey Lavrov arrived in the Indonesian capital to meet with their foreign ministers? Secret friends who are afraid to quarrel with Europe and the US and can therefore only show sympathy for Russia behind the scenes? The American “singers” who are forced to enter into a dialogue with Moscow in order not to come into conflict with China, which has enormous weight in Southeast Asia? Or have the pragmatic countries come together on the ASEAN platform, still hoping to sit on two (and possibly more) chairs and thus defiantly play a “double game”?

As the Vietnamese ambassador to the Association, Nguyen Hai Bang, said, the current ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Jakarta “will focus on discussing the issues of” regional economy, investment and stabilization of supply chains “. Conflicts, including the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation None of the ASEAN leaders will definitely object if US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as well as other guests in Jakarta, outline his vision of world problems.

But all this, in general, concerns the countries of the region only taking into account two key aspects for them. The first is how what is happening will affect trade in the member states of the Association. The second is whether the fighting by the powers that be will harm ASEAN’s security. Unlike the pawns that always dream of reaching the queens on the chessboard, the countries of the region do not set themselves such ambitious and difficult tasks. When several ASEAN member states simultaneously joined other Washington-created blocs, ASEAN faced the extremely difficult task of staying afloat and remaining useful. Otherwise, the Association will fall apart: some of its members will end up in China’s orbit, the rest will go to the White House as a trophy. That is why the countries included in ASEAN, like the famous frog that fell into milk, are forced to constantly move their “legs”, work tirelessly to get the famous oil in order to survive. Hence hundreds of different programs, projects and initiatives with many states, sometimes geographically distant from Southeast Asia, providing specific benefits to ASEAN members.

Russia’s participation in ASEAN projects, and all 74 points of the Comprehensive Action Plan, calculated up to 2025, are being worked on immediately, looks like a solid start. Here and energy, and technology, and training. There is only one problem: the commercial turnover between Russia and the Association countries is falling. And for Asia, successful trading is a kind of religion. After all, in the past, Australia, Singapore and, to some extent, Indonesia have opposed Moscow’s participation in ASEAN regional forums, citing the insignificance of our country’s trade ties with Southeast Asia. Many member states of the Association do not hide the fact that the Western sanctions imposed against Russia make it difficult to develop contacts with Moscow.

Therefore, the stable desire of the ASEAN countries, despite all the difficulties and pressures, to maintain numerous channels of dialogue with Russia is not about trade at the current stage. Here is a different accounting, which is incorrect to assess in dollars or in the number of joint events held between Russia and ASEAN. In all the programs or “Forms” that have been and will be adopted by the Association, it is written that its objective is to maintain political stability and peace in the region. That is why the US Secretary of State, who came to Indonesia, claims that the task facing his country in Southeast Asia is the most noble – to preserve the central role of ASEAN. True, in reality the Americans are doing the opposite: they are destroying the Association from within, creating new blocs in Asia and hotbeds that did not exist before.

Among those who accepted the invitation to the NATO summit in Vilnius were the heads of state and government of Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan. Furthermore, according to the Yomiuri newspaper, the formation of a new cooperation agreement between Japan and NATO is in its final stages. In this situation, Russia, acting together with China for ASEAN unity, helps the latter to resist the expansion of the West. Moscow’s opinion remains significant on issues of global security, food and energy shortages. ASEAN’s interaction with Russia, according to the head of the department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, is developing successfully in the field of combating transnational crime and in cyber security issues.

For the upcoming meeting of foreign ministers in Jakarta, the ASEAN countries have prepared a global “surprise”: they intend to address the representatives of the nuclear powers and invite them to sign the so-called Bangkok Treaty of 1995. This document declares Southeast Asia a nuclear-weapon-free zone. In addition to Moscow, the ASEAN countries are going to ask the United States, France, Britain and China to sign the document. None of the nuclear-armed powers endorsed the Bangkok treaty. However, China has announced that it is ready to sign the corresponding protocol.

As for the United States, they, together with Great Britain, planned to transfer three nuclear submarines with non-nuclear weapons to Australia by 2030. But everyone understands that non-nuclear weapons on submarines can be changed in the future … Therefore , ASEAN members are proactive in obtaining formal assurances before maintaining Southeast Asia’s non-nuclear status. But it is not clear whether it will be possible to obtain the desired guarantees from Washington and what ASEAN will have to give up in return.

By the way, in Indonesia the legend lives on how, during a visit to the USSR, the first head of the republic, Ahmed Sukarno, being in the Tretyakov Gallery, asked him to give him Repin’s painting “They did not.” Wait”. Nobody knows what exactly attracted his attention. Possibly an unusual name. Only thanks to the ingenuity of the Russian leadership, who informed the guest that the painting would be sent for restoration, the masterpiece did not end up in Indonesia.

But Lavrov was expected in Indonesia. Even before the start of the main ASEAN events, the Russian Foreign Minister will meet in Jakarta on Wednesday with colleagues from China and Indonesia, and hold talks with the Foreign Minister of Laos and the ASEAN Secretary General. . By the way, the Indonesian leader Sukarno, as they say, received a painting from the Tretyakov Gallery as a gift – it was Makovsky’s painting Sprinkling with hops.

Food rises even more than 10% despite the slowdown in inflation to 1.9% in June

Food rises even more than 10% despite the slowdown in inflation to 1.9% in June

The price of food has moderated in June by more than one and a half points -it is the fourth consecutive month in which the products in the shopping basket slow down their rise- and this, together with the fact that the fuel and electricity bill also fell has appeased in the last month in relation to the same one a year ago has allowed the annual inflation rate to stand at 1.9%, its lowest level since April 2021, in more than two years. Spain thus confirms itself as the first major euro economy to manage to reduce its CPI rate below the medium-term objective of 2% set by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Despite the fact that in June legumes and vegetables became cheaper by 4% in relation to the previous year, since milk, cheese and eggs remained stable; fruit, bread, cereals and meat continued to rise in price, although less than a year ago. The prices of oils and fats also rose, which, however, fell in June of last year. Thus, the rise in food prices continued to be in double digits in June. Overall, food is 10.3% more expensive than a year ago, so the pressure on consumers’ pockets still remains.

The data made public this Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) confirm what was advanced just a few weeks ago, also with regard to underlying inflation, which excludes energy and fresh food. Specifically, its rate fell two tenths to 5.9%, that is, its lowest level in the last year.

Sources from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation emphasize that the measures adopted by the Executive of Pedro Sánchez have reduced inflation by almost nine points in less than a year and that this “positive evolution confirms the effectiveness of the main reduction measures of taxes and allowances”.

Yanchuk: Mirra has things in common with Sharapova

Yanchuk: Mirra has things in common with Sharapova


What are your impressions of Wimbledon this year? Who was the tournament opener for you?

– Most of all, of course, I was surprised by Roman Safiullin, who went to the fourth round. This, one could say, is his debut, but he performed well and beat eminent tennis players. This is a discovery. Although we had known him for several years, he was treading water. Now there was an unexpectedly brilliant performance.

I think it will give him confidence and he will play at a higher level. Probably, in the future, he will even be able to fit into our main team. So far, we know of only three constantly playing tennis players: Daniil Medvedev, Andrei Rublev and Aslan Karatsev. But it seems that Safiullin applied to become one of them.

Of course, Mirra Andreeva surprised me. Beat very strong tennis players. She plays very freely, cheekily, lively, in the good sense of the word. She has good and normal speed and crash. He does everything very competently, at a high level.

– In your opinion, the breakthrough of Safiullin is not a one-time story?

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– The fact is that he could potentially play at this level for a long time, he had something to play with. But in tennis, self-confidence, the ability to play decisive balls, is very important, because sometimes only two or three balls can decide the fate of the whole match. He believed in himself, he plays with more calm, confidence and responsibility. God forbid it continues to go through the grate.

He is 25 years old, he is no longer a beginner, his ability is already ripe for this. Need to break through. When tennis players do this, they become true players with a name. As of now, he has no name. If he continues like this, in the future he may well play and join ours, which have already taken place.

– What is the distinctive style of your game? What do you remember about him?

– Possesses, as expected, all the basic techniques. The fact is that, perhaps, before he lacked confidence and luck. Many tennis players are competitive, there is a good international level, powerful shots both from the right and from the left. We need to play faster, brighter, stronger, pick up the pace. So far, Safiullin has succeeded, because the grass is specific. It is also very difficult for Medvedev to play him.


– In world tennis, the star of Mirra Andreeva lit up, at the age of 16 she reached the fourth round. At what point did something go wrong in the game with the American?

– With each turn, Mirra became more and more difficult, more experienced and stronger players were selected. The same American did not accidentally get into the fourth round. He has victories behind him and he is in very good shape, a player of a high level. But here someone is already lucky, and who will be able to prove himself. Andreeva lacks gaming experience. She has very well placed shots, she is not inferior to her opponents, but in terms of tactics, game variety and nuances, she still needs to gain experience and skill. A debut cannot be absolutely successful.

She is constantly compared to Sharapova. Do you agree with this?

– Regarding victories and rapid promotion, yes, there are common traits. But I must say that she needs to spend time to say exactly how much she will test herself and whether she will be able to reach that level. Until now, the first racket among women is Iga Sviontek. She is now the leader, but I think temporarily. In fact, there are no draft leaders like Serena Williams right now. Even Sharapova, although she was a great tennis player, she was not a world leader, she lacked skill. Everything is relative.


Which of our boys has the best chance of reaching the semifinals and why?

– It’s very difficult to say. The opponents are now very worthy, equal in class and strength. Much also depends on luck. The ball that touches the wire can roll to the opponent’s side or stay on your side, and can decide the fate of the match. The forces are almost equal. Whoever shows more confidence, who has enough victorious attitude, will win.

– Medvedev in a match with Jiri Lechka won, one might say, an early victory. Wouldn’t such an easy walk alter his mood?

– I do not think it does. Before that, Medvedev played very good matches, there was good preparation. Not a big deal, no itch no goodness. Perhaps it would be better for him to prepare for the next meeting.

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– Will it be easier for Medvedev to play Christopher Eubanks in the quarterfinals, since everyone expected another matchup with Tsitsipas?

– Hard to say. On grass every game is very unpredictable. This is fast-paced, fast-paced and dynamic tennis. At this level, everyone is already playing strong, the opponents are equal. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

– It is traditionally difficult for Medvedev to show himself on grass. What do you think of the results of this tournament?

– For Medvedev, the grass is not really a very simple surface. Even now I worry about how he will continue to move around the grid and play. According to the rating, of course, he is at his best, he can generally win. Medvedev lacks a little speed and rhythm, he plays more from active defense, and here you have to take the initiative into your own hands and attack.

Daniil is a well-tuned and reliable player even on grass. He is, in fact, the leader in almost every game and he feels the responsibility of winning. This is both an advantage, because he believes in himself, and a disadvantage, because there may be internal psychological pressure.


– Venus Williams, 43, reappeared for this tournament. Makes sense?

– True athletes live while enjoying their work and the process of playing, competing, participating, to which they are accustomed and for which they have been training for many years. I don’t want to just leave. This is a personal matter of each one. In this case, you cannot be blamed for it. On the contrary, it is commendable. Let him play while he plays.

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– This year there were many scandals due to poor organization. Can it be said that one of the oldest tennis tournaments has fallen and lost its level? Or is a low level of organization becoming some kind of trend?

— No, I think that Wimbledon has a good level in terms of organization, despite some setbacks. Another thing is when the British do their usual unjustified and unacceptable things – they do not let the Russians into the tournament, interfering with politics. This year they corrected, they took into account the error. A year ago, the entire tennis community was outraged and protested.

“I begged him to let me go.” So far, the saddest signing of the summer is that of Saudi Arabia

 "I begged him to let me go."  So far, the saddest signing of the summer is that of Saudi Arabia

“I begged him to let me go.” So far, the saddest signing of the summer is that of Saudi Arabia

Nikita Paglazov Jul 12, 2023 08:30 UTC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Instead of fighting for the Champions League and the gold of the best leagues in Europe, Milinkovic-Savic is going for the money. And he is in his prime.

Saudi Arabia is one of the top transfer destinations for the summer of 2023. Mostly stars over 30 leave for the Middle East, but one football player was seriously surprised. Lazio midfielder Sergiu Milinkovic-Savic has agreed to continue his career at Al-Hilal, according to La Repubblica. The 28-year-old Serb was offered a salary of 20 million euros per season, while Lazio will receive 40 million euros for the transfer. Why did the main star of the Romans, persecuted by the best clubs in Europe, go to the Saudi league?

Milinkovic-Savic joined Lazio in 2015. Together with the Eagles, the Serb won the 2019 Italian Cup and two national Super Cups (2017, 2019). In Rome, Sergei became an elite midfielder who can do almost anything. Milinkovic-Savic is good in defence, tough, physically strong, although he was never considered a defensive midfielder. And the main qualities of him are revealed in someone else’s half. Sergey can make a pass of any type and level of difficulty, he has a fresh shot, connects to attacks coolly, is technical and fast. Lazio’s good results in the late 2010s and early 2020s are partly due to Milinkovic-Savic. Take the stats from the Serb’s last season: WhoScored average score is 7.24 (best in Lazio), 47 games (in all competitions), 3703 minutes (3rd place in club), 11 goals (3rd), 8 assists (2nd in the club and in Serie A), 8.9 xG (expected goals, 2nd), 5.9 xA (expected assists, 3rd).

Sergei Milinkovich-Savic

Photo: Paolo Bruno/Getty Images

For several years, the best clubs were looking for Sergey. Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United, Bayern Munich, Juventus, PSG – almost everyone has come to Lazio at one point or another. But Milinkovic-Savic stayed in Rome, usually because of the club. The footballer himself was eager to move up. In June 2018, the cost of the Serb reached the mark of €90 million, but the serious price and the long-term agreement with Lazio did not scare off potential buyers. It is not known how Lazio president Claudio Lotito kept Sergei every summer. For example, last summer Milinkovic-Savic did not go to Juventus, although Turin offered 120 million euros.

Milan were interested in Milinkovic-Savic, but the course of the club’s development has changed dramatically:

Will AC Milan become a money farm for Americans? What is happening with the legendary club

But in June 2023, Milinkovic-Savic told the Romans’ leadership that he wanted to leave the club. His contract with Lazio ends in the summer of 2024, and losing him for free is a very sad option. Behind the Serb he lined up again: Juventus, Milan, Inter, Chelsea. But Sergei chose… Saudi Arabia.

The midfielder is only 28 years old, the best moment of his career, he is the 8th most valuable central midfielder in Europe (50 million euros as of July 2023), he can still win many important trophies. But the Serb chooses a different path.

Lazio president Claudio Lotito is also perplexed: “After spending eight years at Lazio, he asked to be released. The problem is not in the relationship with the club, but in the head. We didn’t have financial problems, he just wanted to change the environment. I don’t know if Milinkovic-Savic has motivation problems. If a player wants to go to Saudi Arabia, it’s only for the money. I tried to keep it until the end, but when they ask me to drop it, what can I do? We wanted to extend his contract with a salary increase. We have a good relationship with him, but still only the player decides what he wants to do in life. He called me and begged me to let him go. So while Sergei “completes” his career. At the moment he is. I agreed with him that we would let him go if Lazio received a normal offer that somehow suits us. The offer is just under 50 million euros. I’m just keeping the promise I made.”

Sergei Milinkovic-Savic and Claudio Lotito

Photo: SS Lazio/Getty Images

Al-Hilal offered Milinkovic-Savic a three-year contract, under which he would earn €60 million. A solid amount, but Sergei would hardly have received many times less in Europe. Mostly older footballers who have achieved a lot in Europe (Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema, N’Golo Kante, Roberto Firmino), or middle-class players who will be offered a big salary only in the Middle East (Ruben Neves). , Jota) go to Saudi Arabia. Milinkovic-Savic is the first perfectly fit and best player to pick Saudi Arabia over top clubs. Yes, the Serbian will earn incredible money, but he will not go down in history as the champion of the strongest leagues in Europe or the winner of the Champions League. It’s a shame to lose a player at this level of the radar.

Online transfer “Championship”. All the major transitions of summer 2023:


De Gea leaves Manchester United! An era is passing. Summer transfers – online. LIVE

Why the Russian tsars traveled to Saki KXan 36 Daily News

Сегодня озеро — главная достопримечательность города, с его дна до сих пор добывается лечебная грязь

In the quiet resort town of Saki, located on the western coast of the Crimean peninsula, there are no palaces, but the flow of people coming here has not dried up since ancient times.

The very name Saki in translation from Turkish means “mud”. The first mention of a certain city, where there is a miraculous mud that cures various ailments, appears in the 1st century BC.

Today, the local lake is the main attraction of the city, and it is from its bottom that therapeutic mud has been extracted for many centuries. The researchers say that there was originally a lagoon in the Black Sea. For a long time, the sand was washed out, which later turned into a bay, separating the lake from the sea. It took several millennia for the ancient seabed to become covered with silt, which later became the healing mud of Saka. For many years, complex processes involved in the activity of microorganisms took place in the bowels of the lake. As a result, a kind of “layer cake” was “baked” from the mud of the mound.

Therefore, the lake is considered a real natural laboratory, and the mud has acquired unique properties. Many scientific institutes have found in its composition salts of various metals, minerals, organic compounds, even hormones and biogenic substances that have a positive effect on the immune system.

Decoration of the city – the church of Saint Elias. The building looks unified, although the bell tower was built in 1894 and the church itself in 1902 Photo: provided by Saki LLC

Not only Saka mud turned out to be useful, but also salty lake water, the so-called brine. After all, the lake continues to fill with water from the sea. Under the hot rays of the Crimean sun, the liquid gradually evaporates, and a solution of various chemical compounds of high concentration remains in the lake. The content of these substances can reach up to 180 grams per liter of water. And the air itself, rich in magical vapors, also has a beneficial effect on the human body. Therefore, even walks on the lake are useful for people suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract or a disorder of the nervous system. And there are places to walk. In the 19th century, a large park was built in the city, it has more than 80 species of trees and shrubs. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol walked through its alleys, taking a course of mud therapy in a local sanatorium. A reminder of this is the sculpture of him in the center of Saki Park.

Mud baths, balneological complexes and sanatoriums have long been equipped in such a fertile place. In 1827 a mud bath and spa was opened here. The first one here began to provide medical care to the wounded soldiers and officers who suffered in the battles of the Crimean War. The saki mud eased his suffering. In 1912 a new building was built according to the project of the architect D. Richter. And the research institute for diagnostics and physical methods of treatment, known as Tsanderovsky, undertook a comprehensive study of the properties of Saki mud, finding more and more evidence of its benefits. In Soviet times, spas switched to year-round work, and in the early 1980s the extraction of silt deposits from the bottom of the lake was improved – manual labor was replaced by mechanized devices. Right on the shore of the lake, from the bottom of which a miraculous mud is extracted, the sanatorium “Saki” was erected. And there is no person who, after mud procedures, does not feel rested, gaining strength – a real prince!

The keys to the role of banks in a context of economic uncertainty

The keys to the role of banks in a context of economic uncertainty

The increasing cost of basic products for our day to day has notoriously affected a large part of the Spanish population. And not only the high cost of these items has greatly harmed the public, but also the rise in interest rates, which translates into a rise in mortgage payments. And this despite the fact that the Spanish banks have not transferred the entire increase and continue to maintain, as they have been doing for a long time, the mortgage at a lower cost than the European average.

In our country, according to the Financial Survey of families published by the Bank of Spain, the representation of mortgaged families reaches 28% and 96% of Spaniards have a deposit with an average of 28,000 euros. In order to protect the citizen, especially those who face the greatest difficulties in the context of the current crisis, banks are taking measures to face this situation of economic uncertainty and help alleviate the added difficulties that families are encountering in this context.

The sector as a whole is implementing a series of actions in order to meet the needs of those most susceptible to suffering at this juncture. For example, customers with the greatest difficulties can take advantage of the Code of Good Practice for vulnerable mortgage debtors. Depending on different criteria, they can extend the term to repay the credit by up to 40 years, freeze the installments for one year or take advantage of grace periods.

Clients can take advantage of the Code of Good Practices for vulnerable mortgage debtors

Solve all your doubts about the procedure of banks in this type of context with this resolution of frequently asked questions.

Is it true that banks earn a lot when interest rates rise?

A bank channels the money that savers deposit in their accounts towards the credit demanded by those who want to invest in housing, in goods or in the development of their businesses. Despite what one may think, the difference between what you pay for deposits and what you charge for loans does not really represent the entity’s margin. There are many factors that reduce it, such as capital buffers that must be met by regulation, personnel costs, maintenance of distribution channels, marketing, and product design that must be continually adapted to customer needs. , provisions to deal with defaults, etc. In fact, banking margins are much lower than those of most other sectors.

A rise in rates does not imply that the banks’ margin increases, but rather it also depends on the impact of this rise in rates on the payment capacity and the demand for credit from families and companies, the weight of fixed-rate loans or at a variable rate, the average term of credits and deposits, the cost for the bank to remunerate the deposits and the cost for the banks of the debt that they have to request in the markets to attract financing.

In a context of negative rates like the one we have experienced in recent years, it is very difficult for the banking business to be profitable, but a rapid rise like the current one is difficult for companies and families to digest and, therefore, greatly influences demand of credit and in the capacity of all to face the debts. Banks also find it more difficult to finance themselves and it prevents them from recovering the profitability they have lost for so many years operating at ultra-low or even negative rates. The benefit in Spain of the entities continues to be 23% lower than it was before the financial crisis.

Why do interest rates go up so much?

Interest rates are set by central banks whose main objective is to combat inflation. Persistently high inflation is much more damaging to businesses and families than a period of economic cooling off, and that is why central banks have been so forceful with the current rise. Banks not only do not set interest rates, but have greatly reduced their margins so as not to pass on the entire rise in rates to customers. Proof of this is that what a bank charges for a mortgage in Spain is little more than the interest rate of the ten-year bond, while in other European countries that differential is much higher.

Why are banks not remunerating deposits?

Spanish banks have excess liquidity compared to other European entities, which is why many entities are directing clients towards more profitable alternative funds, such as investment, public debt, etc. The data shows that the volume of investment funds and public debt in the hands of families is at all-time highs. He has also warned a lot about the early repayment of mortgages.

Why are there entities that pay and others that do not?

It is true that in Spain there are entities that are offering deposits with returns even above 5%. Competition in Spain is very strong and clients have full freedom to move their savings between entities. Some entities have very active deposit strategies, while others are more competitive in loans or offer other alternative savings products to their clients.

Why do many banks continue without paying for deposits and yet have made loans more expensive?

Commercial banks are transmitters of the policy that central banks decide. The reason why Spanish banks pay slightly less than banks in other countries is because they have a more comfortable liquidity position and do not need to attract deposits to have liquidity. Where they are competing a lot is in offering better returns on other products that may be more profitable for their clients, such as investment funds, insurance, etc. On the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that the opposite has occurred for several years in which, with negative rates, retail customers were not charged for deposits in Spain, something that was done in other European countries. In addition, the truth is that they are not transferring all the rise in interest rates to the price of credits so quickly. In fact, according to data from the Bank of Spain, the price of credit in Spain is below that of the euro area. In April, Spanish banks were the fifth cheapest in Europe for household loans and the fourth cheapest for business loans. For companies, for example, the average in Spain is 3.9% compared to 4.2% in the euro zone. Spanish banks have always been known for offering loans at very competitive prices, which has allowed, for example, access to the mortgage market for many segments of the population.

What are banks doing to help the most vulnerable customers to mitigate the impact of inflation and rising rates?

In Spain, banks have implemented measures to help customers who are in a situation of vulnerability to reduce this situation. For example, customers who are subject to the Code of Good Practices for vulnerable mortgage debtors, who have an income below a grace period of up to 5 years at Euribor-0.10%. Another measure, for households with income between 25,200 and 29,400 euros and in which the monthly mortgage payment represents at least 30% of income, consists of freezing payments for up to 12 months and extending the term of amortization 7 years.

There are banks that earn a lot of money, couldn’t they allocate those profits to remunerate deposits?

As in all sectors, the benefits have a specific destination. Almost a third is used to pay taxes, a third to remunerate the shareholders, who are the owners of the entity and who risk their money investing in it, and the other third is used to accumulate the necessary capital to be able to continue developing its main function, which is to finance companies and families. The better the banks are, the better they can fulfill their function of providing credit and sustaining the growth of the economy.

We have seen examples of turmoil at some regional banks in the US and Switzerland with Credit Suisse. Can something similar happen to Spanish banks?

Spanish banks are very solvent. It is highly diversified and has a solid and simple business model, focused on meeting the financial needs of companies and families. The affected American banks had an exorbitant growth with an activity concentrated in very few clients, a very deficient management and a much weaker supervision than there is in Europe. Spanish banking stands out in risk management, is efficient and profitable: three key variables to maintain customer confidence, something that has failed in the case of American banks. Without trust, the banking business is unsustainable.

MADE BY ALAYANS STUDIO This content has been produced by ALAYANS STUDIO, Henneo’s Branded Content unit.

“What’s the point of going there? Right?” Interview with a tough fighter who doesn’t want to join the UFC

 "What's the point of going there? Right?"  Interview with a tough fighter who doesn't want to join the UFC

Timur Nagibin is a Russian RCC fighter in the featherweight division. Now Timur is preparing for the next fight, his opponent will be Artur Zainukov. The fighter told us if he had negotiations with the ACA, and explained in which case it makes sense for him to go to the UFC. In addition, Nagibin appreciated the success of his colleague Ivan Shtyrkov in kickboxing, made a bold prediction of a rematch between Islam Makhachev and Alex Volkanovski, and also admitted that he would like to have a fistfight.

– Let’s talk a little about your last fight with Ronnie Torres. He turned out to be quite nervous, did he observe it, did he analyze it?He looked, of course. I often watch my fights. Of course, a tough fight, the opponent has 50 fights, 45 wins in them. And he too lost only to the strong. Moreover, the man did not make 5-6 kilograms, you understand how much he weighed in battle. I am a person who does not carry much weight, in principle I am ready to go out on Saturday if they say. I only need to shed 4-5 kilograms. So it was difficult, not from a technical point of view, but from a physical one. It was just bigger, that’s all. I managed to cope, I have such a moment: when something doesn’t work out, I just turn on the “dirty” box, we quarrel.

“Usually you fight often, even here it has been less than six months since the last fight. Why so simple? Could it have been released earlier or was it specially prepared for Tyumen?– No, I was generally ready even after that tournament. I came out of there with virtually no injuries, well, bruises, one other thing. In principle I was ready to go out in May, but I couldn’t perform, there were no rivals. Transferred, roughly speaking, to Tyumen. I even benefited, got some rest, healed some of my wounds, put my body in order.

Timur Nagibin

Photo: vk.com/rcc_mma

– One gets the feeling that you and Alexei Kunchenko are fighters under the Tyumen leadership of the RCC. Do you like it?– I can’t say that I’m getting high on this, but it’s actually good, we’ll be recognized. In fact, I’m not very well known in Tyumen because I don’t really go to events, even when invited. Therefore, it is not wrong for me and Alexei to show my name. The only thing is that friends and family are all watching, it’s a big responsibility, otherwise everything is fine.

– You said a lot that you were ready to fly to the UFC, then you talked about One FC. Do those goals and objectives hold up, especially since so many of your peers are fighting in the same One?– Many people ask, I really don’t mind fighting, with someone who measures my strength, but there is a time when there are drawbacks in little things. There, for example, your contract terms, your fees, which, for example, may not suit me. Why should I go there, for what? Is there any promising future? If there is no perspective, then it makes sense for me to play One FC or UFC. Let’s say the UFC offers a small contract, but you have a future, and if you win and show yourself, then you will have good fees and you will fight good fighters. If not, what’s the point of going there? Just like that, right? So I’d rather sit here, fight, please my people, if you will, my audience, my people, my team.

– There are many rumors that they want to introduce seatbelts in the RCC. Will this be additional motivation for you or are you already a superstar like Vanya Shtyrkov?“I never aspired to be a superstar. We just fight, we find out who is the best. I have no resentment towards anyone I fought with, even if I lost. If you have any questions, I have already asked them. They just fought, shook hands, left. Nothing will change with the belt. The only thing is, with the introduction of the belt, I was able to participate in fights that I would never have entered without this belt.

– Against weaker opponents?Not so weak, no. It means that the belt is what we are going to do. The usual fight is that we fight for money, in my head it is like that. With some acquaintances, friends, I am not going to fight like that, for money. I am not a petty person and have never been greedy. But if gold is at stake, for which we are all fighting, of course, I can go out, why not. I think everyone will agree. Sure I won’t go out against some people, but if the belt is vacant, I’m open to offers.

– Can you tell me something about Arthur (Zainukov. – Approx. “Championship”), with whom you will fight?— A strong opponent, indeed. A worthy fighter, I have been watching him for a long time, I have been watching him for a long time. In general, in principle, I follow many fighters, I liked their fights. It would be interesting to see how our fight goes. Nothing personal, good boy, we have a lot of mutual friends, but fate has unfolded for us to meet in a cage. I hope we fight with dignity, let’s shake hands.

— How do you rate ASA? I heard you got offers from there. Is it true or not, and if so, why didn’t you accept it?– Well, as proposals, there were moments in which you could subscribe. In general, very good boys work in the ACA league, good men, they help, everything is always cultural. As if you could subscribe, just a little through other people, let’s say, they misunderstood. I also feel discomfort that we do not speak personally, but soon a friend (Pavel Gordeev. – Approx. “Championship”) will fight, I will come to the tournament. Maybe I’ll personally talk to Aslanbek Badaev and the rest of the guys. No matter how embarrassing there is between us, but the omissions turned out. In general, I think that the ASA league is one of the strongest in Russia. To be honest, some of the best fighters hang out there, so I watch all the ACA tournaments, I’m interested. There are competitive fights.

Timur Nagibin

Photo: vk.com/rcc_mma

– There is a feeling that his friend Pasha Gordeev in the ASA, as it were, was reset, as Shtyrkov did in his time.– Well, yes, I agree with that. Why do I agree? Because Pasha himself fought here, he had tough fights with opponents who were not on the same level as him now. In my opinion, his rivals here were not even lower level, but lower media level. And now he has arrived at the ASA, where the level is high, and the media coverage is good, and you see how it showed. He’s just a hard worker, many people underestimate him. We have been training together for a long time, performing, I know that Pasha is a fighter who never gives up. All his fights are interesting, as a spectator I like to watch them.

– What do you think of Shtyrkov’s kickboxing debut against Romankevich?– Well done, to be honest. Vanya sets such a high bar for all of us that an MMA fighter can try himself everywhere: boxing, cameras, kickboxing. Vanya did a great job, and I think that if they had fought with small gloves, the result for him would have been even better.

— How about this new multi-contract approach from RCC where anyone can try themselves in different sports? Do you like it or not, and would you like to try something yourself?— Yes, of course, I would like to. I have been a professional since I was 17 years old, I have had many fights in different disciplines. I’m already tired, so if you fight in boxing, fist, kickboxing, I would like to have interesting opponents. And that would be interesting, of course. I would have flown to the fist once in my life, and then for the last fight, but I would have flown.

– Shlemenko also made his kickboxing debut in a fight with Enomoto. How would you rate this fight and if Shlemenko would end his career?– Well, Sasha will figure it out for himself, whether to finish his degree or not, it’s not for us to judge. As for the battle, well, they killed each other with Yasubey. He too, I will say, is not a gift. Murdered, he put on a show. It’s the kind of fight that doesn’t really carry any accountability when viewed objectively. Registration, qualifications – that’s not all. We are MMA fighters, and for us there is no big difference between boxing, kickboxing or fisting, just to please the public, ourselves with fees. For me this is a multi-contract, neither more nor less.

– Shtyrkov – Enomoto at 93 kilograms can meet, what do you think?– I would look at them at the weight of 90 kilograms, because I think that Enomoto will not agree with 93 kilograms, but maybe he will agree with 90. Therefore, I would watch a kickboxing fight at this weight, or maybe even boxing. Or kickboxing with small gloves. I think that Vanya in this format can turn off the light for many.

Timur Nagibin

Photo: vk.com/rcc_mma

– Accordingly, the question follows about a possible fight between Shtyrkov and Mineev according to the rules of kickboxing.– Vladimir is a very strong fighter, he scored a lot in Dagestan and generally has a good punch. Fight hard, I’m not going to lie. This is a big step for Vanya. If he crosses it, he will prove a lot to himself and to the people. He will show that this is not all he is capable of, but he can do even more.

– Volkanovsky – Makhachev. Does Volkanovski have a chance of revenge?– Well, I think not. Objectively, to be honest, I think not. I think the second fight will be easier than the first. It is a great delusion to believe that if he fought like this in the first fight, it means that in the second he will be even stronger. I don’t think so. Makhachev may even win the second fight ahead of schedule. Islam is an improving fighter, he will correct all the mistakes he made in that fight and come back better.

– How would you assess Tsarukyan’s champion ambitions? Is he able to pass Makhachev or do we have to wait until Islam leaves?– What to expect. Armand goes on a series of victories. Here are two sides of the coin. If you side with Islam, I’ll tell you another thing. And if you have something to say on Arman’s side, why not call him? Now is the time for him to step on the accelerator. If he misses this moment, then it will be too late. In the meantime, in a string of wins, this is going to be one of the more interesting fights. Except for the fight with Volkanovski. And it will be interesting not for the European and American public, but for the audience of the CIS, Russia. It will be interesting to watch, because two strong athletes who will fully show themselves in battle. It’s very interesting.

– Miocic-Jones championship fight, who was announced in the heavyweight division. Don’t you think that Sergei Pavlovich was just thrown?– No, why did they throw it away. Let’s interpret correctly. Pavlovich beat four or five people, right? Jon Jones, well, you know who he is yourself, a legend of the sport. Stipe Miocic was the undisputed heavyweight champion. It makes sense to fight Stipe and Jones. Pavlovich can fight more. There is such a fighter Leon Edwards. He wrestled nine or eight times to get to the waist. None of that, it’s fine.

– The last question is about Chimaev. Why do you think he rarely fights and goes the way of Zabit Magomedsharipov?– No, I do not think that Khamzat Chimaev will not leave due to injuries. They just make him a good fight with some superior opponent, give him time to prepare. Overall, I think it’s going to be a storm at middleweight. With his pressure, with his fight and faith in himself, I think he can achieve a lot. As for Zabit, he only has injuries. We have friends in common, and he has many wounds there that don’t heal. Well, there are still moments. So, I think if Zabit comes back now, then he can crunch anywhere.

In four settlements in the Tuapse district, an emergency mode was introduced due to heavy rain KXan 36 Daily News

In four settlements in the Tuapse district, an emergency mode was introduced due to heavy rain KXan 36 Daily News

Residents are being evacuated to temporary housing centers. – In Dzhubga – to school number 31, in the Tenginsky rural settlement – to the local recreation center, in Novomikhailovsky – to school number 35, in Olginka – to school number 19, and in Nebug – to the recreation center.

Heavy rains continue in the rural settlement of Nebugsky. The main streams of water come from the slopes of the mountains towards the central street of Nebug and spread to the adjacent areas. The Nebug River did not overflow its banks. Houses were flooded in Gorskoye along Krasnodarskaya street and in SNT “Rucheyek”, in Defanovka – along Shkolnaya and Komsomolskaya streets, in Dzhubga – on Primorskaya, Sovetskaya, Naberezhnaya streets, as well as in a polyclinic . In addition, several streets in Lermontovo, Plyakho, Olginka, Sosnovy, Defanovka, Nebug and Tyumenskoye were flooded.

According to the press service of the Tuapse administration, at present, due to the high water level, it is difficult to move along Gorky streets, in the area of ​​​​Uralskaya, Depovskaya, Zhukov, Privokzalnaya Square and others. The hatches were opened by the flow of water. It is recommended not to leave their homes unless necessary, stay home if possible, and pay attention to where small children and older relatives are.

Earlier, the Kuban chief announced the evacuation of tourists in the Tuapse region, where 144 millimeters of rain fell in three hours. After torrential rains, the Dzhubga-Sochi federal highway was partially blocked.

The keys and laws that you have to know to make your property investment profitable

The keys and laws that you have to know to make your property investment profitable

The Spanish real estate market is experiencing a boom in property investment. Both Spanish and foreign investors are seeing the potential for profit through the purchase and rental of properties. However, it is very important that owners are aware of current legislation and understand the keys to effectively manage their properties.

Keys to invest in properties

Rental Regulations: It is critical that landlords are aware of the rules and regulations related to the rental of property. This includes the Urban Leasing Law (LAU), and autonomous laws that may establish additional requirements. It is important to familiarize yourself with the minimum lease terms, rent increase limits, maintenance obligations, and specific rules on evictions Property Records: Securing your rights as a landlord is of crucial importance. For this you must do it in the corresponding Property Registry. This will give you greater legal protection and will facilitate the management of any procedure related to the property, such as its sale, rental or obtaining mortgages. Taxes and Tax Obligations: As a homeowner, you must comply with certain tax obligations. This includes the payment of Real Estate Tax (IBI), which is levied on the property, as well as the declaration of income obtained through rental, subject to Personal Income Tax (IRPF), or Corporation Tax. The latter is considered in the case of companies. Rental agreements: At the time of renting your property you must sign a solid and complete rental agreement. This must include details such as the duration, monthly rent, responsibilities of the tenant and the owner, payment conditions, renewal clauses and any other that is relevant according to current legislation. good condition housing. You must ensure that you comply with all habitability regulations, make any necessary repairs, and provide a safe and suitable environment for your tenants. In addition, you must maintain fluid communication with your tenants, so that in this way, they can easily solve any problems and thus maintain an active relationship. risk management and insurance: if you are going to invest in a property to acquire, you should consider contracting adequate home insurance to protect your home from possible damage, as well as civil liability insurance to cover any possible claim. Also, evaluate potential risks such as non-payment of rent, and for this you might also consider non-payment of rent insurance to protect your income. You need to understand the needs and preferences of potential tenants, so you can make an informed decision about location, property type, and features to offer. Also consider the demand for rentals in the area, proximity to services and public transport, and any other characteristics that may attract your target audience. Trade like the best on eToro

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Copying an investor does not equal investment advice. The value of your investments may go down as well as up. Your capital is at risk.

Be well informed to act legally

Amid the increase in property investment in Spain, it is essential that owners are informed and prepared to manage their properties effectively. They must understand legal regulations, comply with tax obligations, write strong and effective contracts, and maintain good communication with their tenants.

These recommendations are key to ensuring a successful and profitable investment. In addition, it is always advisable to seek legal and financial advice to ensure compliance with all applicable applications and to protect your rights as a property owner.

Remember that the success of real estate investment is not only based on acquiring properties, but also on managing them efficiently and satisfactorily for all parties involved.

“Tobol” – “Honka”. Roman Eremenko will delay the victory

 "Tobol" - "Honka".  Roman Eremenko will delay the victory

“Tobol” – “Honka”. Roman Eremenko will delay the victory

Sergey Skripnichenko Jul 12, 2023 09:30 UTC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

The Kazakh club at home does not give up. The Finnish team will have to resolve the matter at home.

On July 13, the match of the first round of the Conference League “Tobol” – “Honka” will take place. The game starts at 18:00 Moscow time. The experts in their forecasts give preference to the hosts: you can bet on the victory of the verdiamarillos in the bookmakers with a coefficient of 1.66. The success of the Finnish club is estimated at 5.05. You can bet on a tie for 3.85.

The best predictions for today.

Bookmaker odds for the Conference League match “Tobol” – “Honka” on July 13, 2023

Bookies doubt the effectiveness of the Tobol-Honka match: the over 2.5 goals total goes to 1.91, and the under 2.5 goals total goes to 1.89. If the hosts score, the odds will be 1.18. The away goal is available in bookmakers with a fee of 1.58. They offer to bet “both teams to score” for 1.86.

Analysis and forecast for the match of the Conference League “Tobol” – “Honka” (13.07.2023)

There are two teams starting their Conference League journey worth keeping an eye on. Many Russians play in Tobol, and in Khonka is Roman Eremenko, familiar to everyone, in the company of Maxim Rudakov. In addition, Maxim is the undisputed leader of the team for the second season in a row.

The Spartak player is powerless:

Jamaica – Mexico. Shamar Nicholson won’t get away

The pupil of “Zenith” at the gates of “Honka” is indispensable. With him, the team concedes an average of less than one goal per game this season. The club cannot boast of a powerful attack, which means that it remains to rely on defense and Rudakov on the gate.

Tottenham Hotspur have announced the signing of the Israeli striker.

Tobol also relied more on defense in recent games and conceded very little. The Kazakh team had a poor start to the season, but closer to mid-May they got in shape and won seven of the last nine games. Last week “Tobol” reached the final of the Kazakhstan Cup, beating “Atyrau” for the second time (2:0 on aggregate).

Even after such a run, Tobol’s position in the championship is still far from the best. He is in sixth place, 15 points behind the leader. It is already becoming clear that it is unlikely that the guests can aspire to anything more than third place, which the greens took last season.

The United States battled the Canadians after the quarterfinals:

United States – Panama. She shouldn’t have laughed at the Canadians.

Things are not going well for Honka in the national championship either. In the last round, they lost to SIK (0:1), staying in fifth place, 11 points behind the leader. Roman Eremenko needs to think about how to keep his place in the championship group, while he spends his energy in European competitions, and this is not an easy task.

Iranian winger Mohebi underwent a medical before moving to Rostov.

At the same time, Honka remains one of the few teams whose average performance is less than two goals per game. Only in 3 of 16 games did the teams manage to break the base total above 2.5 goals.

In general, Tobol looks better than the opponent. Home games are a strong point for all representatives of Kazakhstan in European competitions. That is why it will not be easy for Roman Eremenko and his team to count on a positive result. At the same time, it is not worth hoping for a large number of goals. It makes sense to bet on the victory of “Tobol” and score less than 3.5 goals.

Prediction and bets for the Champions League match “Tobol” – “Honka” July 13, 2023

In home matches, Tobol is especially dangerous, the first match for him is a chance to advance to the next round. The Kazakhstan team should use it. Honka is by no means the most formidable opponent at this stage, plus the Finns are not in the best shape for the match.

Tender: victory of “Tobol” and total less than 3.5 goals for 2.29.

Express with a coefficient of 6.96.

Kuzyaev is negotiating with Toulouse in France.

Abascal announced new signings at Spartak.

Messi flew to the United States to sign a contract with Inter Miami.

Bayern is ready to pass the threshold of 100 million euros in the case of Kane.

The situation in the Southern Urals: in the villages, flies do not see the sun KXan 36 Daily News

Как лето пришло, так и начался этот кошмар: мухи облепили окна, потолки, спасу от них нет, жалуются местные жители.

– When summer came, this nightmare began, – a resident of the village of Derbisheva throws up his hands. – They plastered the windows, the ceilings, I will not save them from them!

People are losing the war against flies. The rains bring some relief, but after them the attacks resume with renewed vigour.

According to the residents of Derbishev, Ishalino, Medvedovo and Pustozerovo, all the surrounding fields are covered with bird feces. The flavors are fantastic. And the regional authorities do not see the problem.

– Not true, we are in constant contact with the leadership of “Uralbroiler”, – says the representative of the regional administration Alisa Sitdikova. Ella-ella Informed that the frequency of processing of production facilities and fields where waste is disposed of has already increased.

According to Natalya Mamaeva, Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk Region, at the request of local residents, an inspection will be carried out with the participation of representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor and the environmental prosecutor’s office.

However, as noted in the supervisory authority, such situations around Chelyabinsk poultry farms occur once every two to three years. The fact is that, according to the standards, bird droppings are classified as agricultural fertilizers only after long-term storage in specially designated areas. But this rule is not always followed in the region.

CNMV opens a file against Ecoener for lending money to buy its shares

CNMV opens a file against Ecoener for lending money to buy its shares

The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has opened a sanction file against Grupo Ecoener for financial assistance during its IPO, as reported by the regulator in a statement.

The CNMV considers that the energy has incurred in a violation of article 150.1 of the Capital Companies Law. This precept prohibits a company from advancing funds, granting loans, providing guarantees or facilitating any type of financial assistance for the acquisition of its shares or shares or shares of its parent company by a third party.

According to the regulator, Ecoener allegedly committed this infraction by providing financial assistance to two shareholders to subscribe shares during the company’s IPO. The company debuted on the stock market in 2021.

An agricultural debut on the stock market

The Galician renewable energy company starred in a sour debut on the stock market in May 2021, the company’s titles registered declines, with a fall of more than 3%, to 5.7 euros.

Finally, the renewable energy group ended the session with a 15% drop, up to 5 euros. The group set its starting price at 5.9 euros with a capitalization of around 336 million euros.

Olympic figure skating champion Shcherbakova diagnosed with mononucleosis

Olympic figure skating champion Shcherbakova diagnosed with mononucleosis

The Olympic champion of the Beijing Games, figure skater Anna Shcherbakova, fell ill with mononucleosis, reports Sport24.

According to the source, in the second half of June, Shcherbakova interrupted training at the training ground. It was previously reported that this was done for medical reasons.

Mononucleosis is a severe and acute viral disease that affects the lymphatic system. The infectious disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, often with saliva. In case of untimely treatment, it threatens to develop into arthritis or sclerosis.

“It will be a favorite for years to come.” Medvedev delighted with his new opponent at Wimbledon

 "It will be a favorite for years to come."  Medvedev delighted with his new opponent at Wimbledon

According to the results of Tuesday, July 11, the last representative of Russia remained in the Wimbledon adult singles draws. Daniil Medvedev, 27, reached the quarterfinals of the Grand Slam tournament on grass for the first time in his career and for reaching the top four he will fight with his partner, the American Christopher Eubanks, who has shown incredible progress this season. and it is one of the main advances of recent times.

Christopher was born on May 5, 1996 in Atlanta and, like most Americans, began his professional career through college sports. For three years, Eubanks played for the college of the University of Georgia in his native Atlanta. He was twice named Player of the Year by the Atlantic Coast Conference, a collegiate sports conference located in the eastern United States. Christopher then made the decision to forgo his senior year at his country’s university to qualify to turn professional.

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Eubanks – Serena Williams: Surely in the mixed we can win some TBSH

In July 2015, at the age of 19, Eubanks made his professional tour debut, earning a wild card to a tournament in his native Atlanta. In the first round match, Christopher landed on the experienced Czech Radek Stepanek, who played in that tournament according to the protected qualification rule. Radek, who was already finishing the game, did not leave a single chance for the young American, giving only four games in two sets: 6: 2, 6: 2.

A year later, the performance in Atlanta turned out to be more successful for Christopher in terms of the quality of the game shown, but the same in terms of the final result. All in the same first round in two tiebreakers, he lost to his compatriot Reilly Opelka-6:7, 6:7. A year later, on his third attempt, Christopher finally broke the first round barrier at his home tournament, defeating Taylor Fritz-7:6, 6:4.

That same season, Eubanks made his Grand Slam debut. The organizers of the US Open gave their tennis player a wild card for the local TBSH, which Christopher could not use, having lost overwhelmingly to the Israeli Dudi Sela – 2: 6, 4: 6, 2: 6. Time passed, an Atlanta native matured gradually, but for a long time there was no noticeable progress.

In 2019, Christopher played for the first time in the TBS main draw outside of the United States. He came through qualifying in Melbourne, but then, in the first round, was only able to take a set back from Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili. A year later, the situation was repeated, and in September 2020, Eubanks played in the main draw at the US Open, however, only in doubles. Other Americans were given a wild card home base TBSH as they were tired of expecting a breakthrough from Christopher even in his native America.

Christopher Eubanks

Photo: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

In 2021, the situation has not radically changed. At the time, the American, already 25 years old, managed to qualify for the US Open to catch a set from Francis Tiafoe in the first round. This is not to say that Christopher did not achieve any success at all. But all of them were either on the “Challenger” or on the “futures” in general. At the ATP level, things continued to go wrong for Eubanks. At the end of 2021, he was in the second hundred of the world ranking (160), with five career wins in ATP tournaments. Not titles. He only wins in individual matches. And this is at the age of 25.

In 2022, Eubanks added to this result four more games won on the professional circuit throughout the year. Among them was the first victory in the Grand Slam tournament. At the home US Open, he defeated Spaniard Pedro Martínez-Portero, then lost in three sets to 11th seed Yannick Sinner of Italy. The American’s position in the ranking at the end of the year improved, but not significantly: 123rd place as of December 26, 2022.

To Christopher’s credit, it should be noted that such failures did not break the athlete. He continued to work hard on himself and believed that his time would come. The long-awaited breakthrough was waiting for one of the tallest athletes (the height of an American is 201 cm) at the Miami Masters. In March 2023, Eubanks was once again out-qualified, but he didn’t stop there. He scored four wins in a row and reached the quarterfinals, where Medvedev awaited him. The Russian won a difficult victory – 6: 3, 7: 5, and then commented on the opponent’s performance.

“I know him, I played Challengers. I really only have one title, although I have played 30 or 40 tournaments. Yes, I have more ATP titles. The level is difficult. Everyone knows how to play: the difference lies in the consistency.

If Chris can play the way he did in this tournament, he’ll move higher and higher. You never know if that means he’s going to be in the top 10, top 50. Everyone in the top 300 can have a great week. This is a question of stability,” Medvedev said in an on-court interview.

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Medvedev reached the semifinals in Miami for the first time. Even the rain helped.

Perhaps only four months ago, the name of this two-meter American really reverberated for the first time on tour. The same stability that Medvedev spoke of did not come to Eubanks immediately. But here it is already important to note that in the following months he had disastrous bad luck with everything. In the second round of Geneva he met Alexander Zverev, in the first round of Roland Garros he met Holger Rune, and in the first round of Halle he met Hubert Hurkach. The same Pole, who later at Wimbledon in four sets only gave his shot to Novak Djokovic once.

Christopher couldn’t beat any of these opponents, but he made up for it in Mallorca. In the last preparatory tournament before Wimbledon, the 27-year-old American won five matches in a row and won his first title at the ATP level. In the final duel in two sets, Christopher defeated Frenchman Adrian Mannarino.

“It means the world to me. It just means the world to me! All the hard work I’ve put in, all the ups and downs in my career, it’s all led me to this point. This is evidence of hard work. Now I want to work hard harder to feel it over and over again.

I have never played at the Wimbledon base before, this will be my debut. And I will go to Wimbledon with my first ATP title. If someone had told me last Thursday that this would happen, I would not have believed it. But here I am standing here and looking forward to playing at Wimbledon on Tuesday, ”said the incredibly happy athlete after the victory, to which he was his whole life.

Christopher Eubanks

Photo: From the personal archive of Christopher Eubanks

Inspired by the first major title of his career, Christopher arrived in England’s capital and kept creating. Having started her Wimbledon debut as racket number 75 in the world, Eubanks continued her winning streak, winning four more matches. The most qualified victories came to him first in the second round (Cameron Norrie was defeated), and then in the fourth – the Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas was outplayed with a score of 1:2 in the games.

“A very tough opponent. The coach and I say that it shows total tennis. Not afraid of anything, just keep going. He hits very fast, at the first opportunity he goes to the net. He hits hard.

I’ve known him for a long time, and this year he was able to find something he hadn’t had before. This is stability in everything. After the first title you grow wings, you can watch it from there. Now it looks like it will be a favorite for many years. But you can never say for sure. In the meantime, he plays very well”, even after his victory over the Hungarian Marton Fucovich in the third round of the tournament, Medvedev was full of praise for Eubanks, who at that time had not even beaten Tsitsipas.

Christopher Eubanks

Photo: From the personal archive of Christopher Eubanks

The subsequent win over fifth-seeded Wimbledon became the highest rated of Christopher’s career. The American’s current winning streak now totals nine games. And how not to remember the statistics that we mentioned above. From 2015 to the end of 2022, he won just nine matches at the ATP level. The same as in the last three weeks.

Related Materials

Eubanks – on entering Wimbledon 1/4: I’m going to my dream

Today, July 12, Eubanks, who has gathered tremendous courage, will fight Medvedev for the second time this season. In a full-time duel, two 27-year-old tennis players will compete for a place in the Wimbledon semifinals. This game will be the second start on court number 1 and will begin at approximately 17:00 Moscow time after the match between the American Madison Keys and the Belarusian Arina Sobolenko (15:00).

“It’s probably my fifth or sixth time at Wimbledon and I haven’t been very successful. But I never lost on court number one. It’s a shame that in the quarterfinals I’ll probably have to play on center court,” Medvedev said after reaching the quarterfinals of the English Slam.

Well, the organizers of the Grand Slam grass tournament listened to the wishes of the Russian athlete and put him on his favorite court, where Daniil will now play with Eubanks.

The prosecutor’s office took control of the fire in the village of Krivtsovo KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

According to the department’s Telegram channel, the fire started around 5:00 am on Wednesday, July 12, in the village of Krivtsovo, Solnechnogorsk city district. Several wooden buildings caught fire. The total fire area is 2.5 thousand square meters. At eight in the morning the fire was located.

The Solnechnogorsk city prosecutor’s office monitors the establishment of all the circumstances of the incident.

Among the main versions of what happened: arson and negligent handling of fire.

Parla, Elda and Talavera, the cities where the rent gives more than 10% profitability

Parla, Elda and Talavera, the cities where the rent gives more than 10% profitability

The Spanish real estate market has gone through different moments in recent years. The ecosystem had a 2021 and 2022 with historical figures, but the beginning of 2023 came with the repercussions of a war and economic uncertainty that have caused history to change in the first months of the year. The global economic situation due to the rise in rates, the rise in prices for both buying and selling, the lack of land for construction, and other factors have made investors focus only on very specific places and that bring a lot of profit. The rental market is one of the most opted for it, and a report ensures that Parla, Elda and Talavera de la Reina are the cities where the rental can give the investor more than 10% profitability.

This is indicated in the document prepared by the company specialized in rental investment, Masteos, called ‘Where to invest in rental housing according to our budget’. THIS File Is Intended To Help Find Investment Opportunities In A Home, A Complicated Task, For Which It Provides Information About The Municipalities And Provos And Incias That Have The Most Profitability Depending On The Investment Made. the three most profitable cities in Spain to invest in a home In particular, the first achieves a 13.96% return, while the second reaches 11.14% and the last 10.40% However, everything arose of the amount of rent money that one has as a budget to carry out this type of movement.

The study divides it into four categories: expenses less than 80,000 euros; between 80,000 and 120,000 euros; between 120,000 and 200,000 euros, and finally in movements that exceed 200,000 euros. In the case of Parla, the investment to be made must be in the third category to reach these performance figures, while Elda and Talavera are both in the pack of disbursements of less than 80,000 euros. Elda stands out for being in the province of Alicante and having an important primary sector to consolidate the footwear industry and for its industrial estates. Talavera is in the ‘top’ for its location, for being a commercial city and for its ceramics market. Parla has the best performance of all due to the development it has had in recent years, which has turned it into an important industrial and service center. Added to this is the construction of the tram (mobility) and its wide variety of services.

“Day by day the profiles of individuals who want to invest in rental housing are multiple, but there are two key elements when defining their investment project: the expected return and the available budget”, they indicate in the Masteos document. Another of the prominent sites in low investments is Alcoy (9.60% profitability) or Ferrol (9.41%). In the category of 80,000 to 120,000 euros, Ourense takes first place in efficiency with 8.88%, followed by San Cristóbal de la Laguna in Tenerife (8.15%). For the third category of investment, in addition to Parla, Santander and Salamanca are also added with 8.44% and 8.12% respectively. Madrid municipality joins these with only 6.01% profitability. For investments that exceed 200,000 euros, the first place goes to Alcalá de Henares with a 7.66% return; Mollet del Vallés (6.67%), and Alcorcón (6.66%).

Rising rental price

All this occurs at the height of the rise in rental prices. Although the sector warns that the ‘price rally’ will come to an end in the coming months, for now the agents call for calm with the increases and the data ensures that the sale and purchase will continue specifically in prime sectors, and in real estate with characteristics sustainable, which are the ones that will deliver the greatest profitability in the future. According to the last semi-annual report on rental prices of the portal % and year-on-year of 6.65%. The big problem with these increases in value is that access to housing is becoming increasingly difficult for those seeking emancipation.

The strong demand has also caused the size of the apartments sought to be smaller and according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the ‘mini-flats’ are the most striking in cities such as Madrid or Barcelona. The spokesman and director of studies of Pisos.com, Ferrán Font, has commented in his report that “there are solutions that can increase the park with available so that there is a better balance in terms of demand”, to which he adds that “only by solving the price barrier would we make the rent take more weight compared to the property.” For this, he also proposes giving incentives to the owners instead of penalizing them with measures such as the Housing Law that is “contrary to the profitability of an asset that serves as a refuge for the investment of many small savers.”

For example, analyzing the offer that currently exists in the real estate portals, it is found that in Parla the availability is varied. On the Idealista website, there are 45 apartments for rent ranging from 650 euros to 1,600 euros. In Fotocasa there are 49 alternatives that range between 300 euros and 1,600, and in Pisos.com there are 33 homes for rent that have the same prices as in the first portal. In Talavera there are more options: in the three portals there are between 24 and 90 options to search for, ranging from 150 euros to 1,300 euros for rent. Already in Elda, there are just over 40 apartments to show and the cheapest price to rent is 350 euros and as a ceiling they are rented at 1,100 euros.

Sotnikova explained her words about the failed doping test after the 2014 Olympics

Sotnikova explained her words about the failed doping test after the 2014 Olympics

Russian figure skater Adelina Sotnikova, who reported a failed doping test after the 2014 Olympics, commented for the first time.

In particular, he claimed that the media misinterpreted his statements. The athlete stressed that the journalists decided to make a scandal out of nowhere.

“Why did you turn it upside down and inflate it yourself? Neither then, nor now, the international doping control system had no questions for me. Then the sensation did not occur, sorry.

And finally: no one will take away the main thing from me! Sochi-2014, minutes on the podium, the Russian anthem, the eyes of the fans and an incredible feeling – the feeling that I performed adequately for my country! – wrote the figure skater on the social network.

It was previously reported that the Republic of Korea Sports and Olympic Committee (KSOC) will ask the IOC to investigate Sotnikova’s allegation of a positive doping test in 2014.

“Jokic is fat.” Five years ago, Porter openly doubted Nicola’s abilities.

 "Jokic is fat."  Five years ago, Porter openly doubted Nicola's abilities.

“Jokic is fat.” Five years ago, Porter openly doubted Nicola’s abilities.

Artemy Berstenev Jul 12, 2023 08:45 UTC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Jordan Pool is ready to restart his career in Washington, Giannis Antetokounmpo claims the maximum contract.

Summary of current rumors and news from the National Basketball Association on the morning of July 12, 2023 from the “Championship”.

LIVE. Free Agents and NBA Summer League:

Will Giannis Antetokounmpo get another contract extension from Milwaukee? General manager John Horst gives clues

Milwaukee general manager John Horst has indicated that the Wisconsin team will consider extending the contract of star power forward Giannis Antetokounmpo. Horst, according to The Athletic, thinks the Greek basketball player is the most amazing person, superstar, teammate and what not.

It turns out that Hort sees no problem in offering Antetokounmpo a new deal. The current one, by the way, is valid until the end of the 2025/2026 season ($51.93 million is a player option). Giannis after September 22 can begin to negotiate with the club’s board about his future in the team.

According to some reports, the “deer” can offer the power forward a three-year contract for a total of $ 173 million. It turns out that the average salary of a basketball player per season will be around $ 57-58 million.

Actual references to Giannis:

“Jordan Poole was excited about his opportunity in Washington. The defender is ready to start from scratch

Washington Wizards guard Jordan Poole is happy to move to the Capitals in a trade to the Golden State Warriors, which also included guard Chris Paul. So says ESPN columnist Kendra Andrews.

Jordan Poole did not answer the question of how a fight with Draymond Green during training camp last year affected his own time with the Warriors. According to our sources, Golden State handled the Poole trade well, and Jordan himself was excited about the opportunity for him in Washington,” Andrews wrote in his story.

In October of last year, the basketball player and the California club signed a four-year contract for 128 million dollars. In 2027, the now 24-year-old basketball player will become an unrestricted free agent.

“We believed that the arrival of Chris Paul would improve our team. We can’t thank Jordan Pool enough for his contributions – we wouldn’t have a championship banner if it wasn’t for him,” Warriors general manager Mike Dunleavy Jr. commented on the deal.

Poole’s reaction to the exchange:

Michael Porter was once surprised that Nikola Jokic would take Mason Plumlee’s place. All for the figure of the Serbian basketball player

Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. spoke with noted journalist Taylor Rooks about his first impressions of now-star center Nikola Jokic when Michael entered the National Basketball Association in 2018 with the 14th overall pick.

“When Denver had just drafted me and then training camp started a little bit later, I saw it. [Николу Йокича]. So I decided for myself that Mason Plumley is better. Even then I was wondering: “Why is Jokic starting and not Mason Plumley? Jokic is fat,” Porter said.

Now 33-year-old Los Angeles Clippers center Mason Plumley played for Denver for four seasons, beginning in the 2016/2017 season. Plumley appeared in 244 games with the Nuggets, averaging 7.6 points, 5.8 rebounds and 2.5 assists in 19.9 minutes on the floor. In 2020, the center moved to the Detroit Pistons as a free agent.

Now we believe:

“In vain you did not believe in the chubby girl.” Nikola Jokic spoke about his 41st pick in the 2014 draft

Rest. Dallas owner Mark Cuban defended Kyrie Irving and Mo Bamba praised teammate Patrick Beverley

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban opined that star point guard Kyrie Irving was misread. “I think Kairi is just misunderstood. [на фоне его странных действий]”, – said Cuban. The leadership of the Boston Celtics is showing interest in veteran Glenn Robinson III, the last time the forward played in the NBA in the 2020/2021 season for the Sacramento Kings – MassLive.com. Philadelphia 66ers center Mo Bamba spoke positively about point guard Patrick Beverley.”I know his work ethic. I know how much he puts into the game. I admire him,” Bamba said. Sacramento Kings point guard DeAaron Fox criticized the new rules introduced by the NBA regarding penalties for drills. “Oh yeah! Let’s give judges more power,” Fox wrote on social media.

Interesting about the “Championship”:

“Doesn’t America have stars anymore?” The Americans again failed to put together a team for the World Cup

More basketball news in “Championship”.

Tyumen residents supported the city’s only charitable foundation to help animals KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

– In a few months, a record number of “injuries” fell into the background, and everyone needed fast and expensive help. For example, an animal was admitted very seriously and we left it in the hospital, although we always manage on our own. A hospital is expensive. Then we were given a cat with a broken jaw, tongue falling out, found by heat in a locked carrier with a note: “Name is Ash, we hope you’ll help him.” His own owner would have helped him too, just by giving him a course of penny injections of antibiotics, stopping the inflammation. The last straw was that the dog Fonda Shpilechka tore a ligament in her paw. We already have big expenses: summer is associated with an avalanche-like flow of kittens, and then there is this … So we had to announce: we will temporarily not accept new strays, we would have to feed and treat existing ones. . There was no money even for diapers, – said Ekaterina Krivolapova, curator of the fund.

A private donation was used to finance operations and buy food for a month.

But four days later, a favorable wind blew – compatriots, especially one of the Tyumen residents, supported en masse. With a private donation, it was possible to finance the ongoing operations and even buy basic food for the neighborhoods for a month. Then a large amount of the legal entity was transferred.

We all sob, and it’s not a figure of speech. I really cried with happiness: you can work in the same mode. True, only cats are ready to take now. Dogs – at a minimum: there is no free hands, – Ekaterina admitted.

But on this, the problems of the “Losers”, if they ended, then not for long. Spring, summer and autumn are the season of sadness, when not only small children, but also animals fall out of open windows. No matter how much you explain to people – close it, watch it, the situation does not change radically. Downed dogs will be added to the ice. And if there are “injuries”, expect astronomical expenses. Not from the owners, from the volunteers. Life, unfortunately, confirms almost every day: no one is responsible for Vaska, who jumped out of a specific window. It is rare for a teacher to confess: yes, mine. Most care only about the healthy, and it turns out that the sick are needed only by rescuers.

So, to continue accepting dogs, it is desirable that the foundation recruit at least 10 more curators (currently there are 25). Not anyway. These are active, responsible and, undoubtedly, even desperate people, who quickly make decisions, know how to coordinate work and, most importantly, do it regularly.

– There is a selection. Over time, a person understands whether this is his or someone else’s sphere, explains the head of Lost.

Then comes food and medicine. Don’t spend money on expensive drugs; They can remain unopened until the expiration date. It is better to ask what exactly is in demand at the moment. The same applies to nutrition.

– Yes, people did not begin to live better, but it turns out that we still have friends, there is a dynamic in the attached animals, because the main mission of “Lost” is to look for new owners in any case, and not to keep them until old age with volunteers , – sums up Katya.

In about a week, the charity will again announce a collection for current needs, hoping for a calm pace, without panic or anxiety. Behind the shoulders of those who are not indifferent is the rescue of more than two hundred animals thrown at the mercy of fate, half are still quite a few crumbs.


In order for the found animal to enter the house from overexposure, you will have to spend two thousand rubles at once: for minimal medical manipulations, a bowl, a tray, a filler. If the ward is absolutely healthy, then about a thousand rubles are spent on food every month. For special meals – up to three thousand, not counting clinic appointments as directed.

Cherchesov’s Ferencváros started the Champions League tie with a draw

Cherchesov's Ferencváros started the Champions League tie with a draw

The Ferencváros football club drew with Ferencváros Klaksvik in the first game of the first qualifying round of the Champions League.

The match, held in Klaksvik, ended with the score 0:0.

Ferencváros, led by Russian coach Stanislav Cherchesov, became Hungarian champions last season, winning their second title in two years.

The second leg will be played on July 19 in Budapest.

Zheleznichar – Dynamo Mn. Goncharenko’s student is such a person.

 Zheleznichar - Dynamo Mn.  Goncharenko's student is such a person.

Zheleznichar – Dynamo Mn. Goncharenko’s student is such a person.

Mikhail Korobov July 12, 2023, 08:35 Moscow time

Vadim Skripchenko received a new challenge. It is in his hands to start an operation to save Belarusian football.

On July 13, the match of the first qualifying round of the Zheleznichar Conference League – Dynamo Minsk will take place. The game starts at 21:30 Moscow time. Bookmakers in their forecasts give preference to the hosts: you can bet on the victory of the Bosnian club with a coefficient of 2.35. Experts estimated the success of Minsk citizens at 3.00. Tie bets are accepted for 3.40.

The best predictions for today.

Bookmaker odds for the Zheleznichar vs Dynamo Minsk Conference League qualifying game on July 13, 2023

The bookies believe that the match Zheleznichar – Dynamo Minsk will not be productive: the total of more than 2.5 goals equals 2.07 and the total of less than 2.5 goals equals 1.75. The home goal is available in bookmakers at odds of 1.28. If the guests score, the fee will be 1.38. You can bet that both teams will score by 1.85.

Analysis and forecast for the match of the first qualifying round of the Conference League “Zheleznichar” – “Dynamo” Minsk (07.13.2023)

The group stage of the Conference League begins in September. Until then, teams that have not directly received entry have a chance to qualify. Many interesting first qualifying round matches are scheduled for July 13. Among others, the match between Železničar and Dynamo Minsk stands out, which will take place at the Grbavica stadium in Sarajevo.

Karma can punish the American team:

United States – Panama. She shouldn’t have laughed at the Canadians.

Once Zheleznichar and Dynamo Minsk met in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Cup. Then the club from Bosnia and Herzegovina won (3:1, on aggregate). It’s been a long time since then. Against the background of the rest, the level of the championships of Bosnia and Belarus has dropped significantly.

Abascal announced new signings at Spartak.

In the last three years, Železničar managed to get a ticket to European competitions only once – only last season. According to his results, not without luck, he took third place in the championship standings of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was lucky that Sarajevo lost points in the last round match.

In the last 10 years, Dinamo Minsk have reached the Europa League group stage twice and have also reached the third qualifying round four times. True, it was before Shakhtar Soligorsk took the lead in the Belarusian championship.

Guillermo Ochoa safely defends the goal:

Jamaica – Mexico. Shamar Nicholson won’t get away

Last season, the Blue and Whites only managed to reach the second qualifying round of the Conference League. Hapoel from Beer Sheva did not let them go further (1:2 and 0:1). Notably, the other three Belarusian clubs failed to advance to the third round of the qualifying tournament.

Messi flew to the United States to sign a contract with Inter Miami.

Who, if not the club from the capital with a rich history, is destined to rectify the situation? It is currently in second place in the ranking. Dynamo Minsk has the same number of points as the leader Neman, but is inferior in additional indicators.

The blue and whites won the right to play internationally this season not without luck. At the end of the last season, they ranked only fourth. However, due to match rigging, Shakhtar Soligorsk and Energetik-BGU were deprived of the gold and silver medals. Instead, Dynamo Minsk and Isloch went to represent the country.

On the eve of the current season, the Minskers have strengthened their team quite well, due to which they have taken a good step in the Belarusian championship. In 14 rounds, they scored 34 goals, the most. We only conceded 11. We believe that in the next game the Blue and Whites will at least not lose. We suggest taking X2 + TM 4.5 balls for a coefficient of 1.77.

The point is that the Minskers face the game with a better tone. The Bosnians have not played a single official match in the last month and a half, since the championship ended at the end of June. The Belarusian championship is in full swing, and the Blue and Whites are doing well.

The Romanian club received a new challenge:

Farul – Bailiff. Here’s the jump!

We do not expect a large number of goals scored, because this is only the first game. Most likely, teams will play it safe, testing each other’s weaknesses. All the most interesting will be waiting for us in the second meeting, which will be decisive. Also, let’s not forget that last year Vadim Skripchenko, who previously worked in the RPL together with Viktor Goncharenko, became the head coach of the Minskers. He has enough experience to turn the Dynamo game around.

Predictions and bets for the qualification match of the Conference League Zheleznichar – Dynamo Minsk on July 13, 2023

Bosnia’s championship level decreased more than that of Belarus. Despite the fact that the match will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is hard to believe in Železničar. Statistics and results are not in your favor. Minsk “Dinamo” scored a good move in the Belarusian championship. It seems that this season will perform better in the international arena than the previous one. The blue and whites have a pretty solid defence. Besides, it’s only the first game. We do not expect high performance.

Tender: Dynamo Minsk will not lose and the total is under 3.5 goals for 1.77.

Express with a coefficient of 6.96.

Bayern is ready to pass the threshold of 100 million euros in the case of Kane.

Al-Hilal is interested in acquiring Zelinsky.

Laporta, president of Barcelona: Messi’s contract is fully agreed.

Spartak want to buy Tottenham defender Sánchez for 8-10 million euros.

China will put a man on the moon in 2030 KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

On the Moon, according to the engineer, the Chinese “will study the construction of a lunar research and experimentation station and will carry out continuous research on the Earth’s natural satellite” (quoted by RIA Novosti).

Zhang Hailian also told Zhongguo Daily that two launch vehicles will be needed, a new-generation manned spacecraft, a lunar lander and a lunar rover.

The first rocket will have to place a lunar lander in the orbit of the earth’s satellite. The second is a manned spacecraft.

In orbit, the lander and spacecraft will dock, the two astronauts will leave the spacecraft and transfer to the descent vehicle. It is he who will take astronauts to the surface of the moon. It is planned to spend six hours there.

BBVA, ING… The best offers from banks for turning friends into customers

BBVA, ING... The best offers from banks for turning friends into customers

Banco Santander has once again reactivated its ‘friend plan’ to attract new customers. These programs are intended to encourage the acquisition of new customers through referrals from existing customers. Basically, if you are a customer of a bank and you refer someone (a friend, relative, etc.) to become a customer of that same bank, both of you can benefit from rewards or incentives.

Rewards may vary depending on the bank and the particular program. Some potential rewards include cash bonuses, gifts, discounts on financial products or services, or even bank fee waivers.

At present, as Kelisto has informed La Información, there are four banks that offer monetary incentives to their already clients and that manage to attract new users through promotions called “friend plans”. These banks are BBVA, Banco Santander, ING and Self Bank. These last two entities are the ones that have been implementing this type of promotion for the longest time.

These are the planes offered by BBVA

BBVA offers three friend plans: “Invite a Friend Plan – Boost”, “Friend Vacation Plan” and “Friend Payroll Plan”. With the “Invite a Friend – Boost Plan”, if the client invites his friends to open an Online Account with No Fees at BBVA and makes a purchase of more than 15 euros, he will receive 35 euros for each one, with a maximum of 350 euros for 10 users, and each friend, in turn, will receive 15 euros.

The “Friend Vacation Plan” offers a gift of 1,000 euros to travel to any destination. To obtain it, you must invite three friends to open an Online Account Without Commissions and make a purchase of at least 30 euros with the Aqua Debito card. These three friends must invite three other friends each, and so on. The first group of friends to reach 100 invited friends will receive the prize of 1,000 euros in the form of a voucher redeemable for a complete trip (transportation and accommodation) for each participant of the winning team.

In the case of the “Plan Amigo Nómina”, if the client invites their friends to open a Nómina Va Contigo Account at BBVA and they direct deposit a salary of at least 800 euros, they will receive 50 euros each, with a maximum of 10 friends , that is, a total of 500 euros. In addition, your friends will receive 250 euros as a bonus.

Banco Santander also offers benefits for up to 10 friends

With the Banco Santander Friend Plan you can get up to 500 or up to 300 euros in cash, depending on the requirements that are available to meet the users who come recommended by you: if they contract the Santander Online Account, they direct deposit a minimum salary of 600 euros and they accept a stay of 24 months, you would get 50 euros per friend (up to a maximum of 10), while each of their contacts would receive 150 euros.

If they open the Online Account, make a transaction with a debit card and activate Bizum, you would get 30 euros per friend, up to a maximum of 10 (in this case, your friend would also get 30 euros).

ING offers you to win up to 400 euros

ING’s Friend Plan allows its clients to get 40 euros for attracting new users (who also received this amount), up to a maximum of 10 friends (ie, they would get up to 400 euros in total). To achieve this, the new user had to sign up for the ING Salary Account and, therefore, deposit their salary in the entity.

Self Bank rewards up to 150 euros when inviting friends

Self Bank, for its part, allows old and new customers to take up to 150 euros. The final amount that each of them will get will depend on the operations that the newcomer does.

The client must enter 2,000 euros in an account, which will allow the “godfather” and his “godson” to take 20 euros each. In addition, you will need to keep three direct debit receipts for a minimum of one year, it will also mean a prize of 20 euros for both.

For purchases or transfers of investment funds worth 6,000 euros: 40 euros for each one. For purchases or transfers of pension planes worth 6,000 euros: 30 euros for each one. Finally, you can also carry out a minimum of five operations in: 40 euros for each bag. The “godfather” can only enjoy a maximum of 10 friends, which limits the amount he can get to a total of 1,500 euros

What do I have to do to opt for a ‘Plan Amigo’?

To participate in a Plan Amigo, generally you must follow certain steps, which may vary depending on the bank. These steps typically include registering the referral through a specific link or code provided by the bank, making sure the new customer meets the requirements set forth by the bank (such as opening an account or signing up for a financial product), and waiting for that the conditions necessary to receive the reward are met.

It is important to bear in mind that the specific conditions and benefits of the Plan Amigo programs may change depending on each bank and the period in which you are. Therefore, it is advisable to check directly with your bank of choice for up-to-date information on the programs they offer.

“Williams” presented new decoration for the three stages of the World Cup (photo)

"Williams" presented new decoration for the three stages of the World Cup (photo)

The Williams team will radically change the car’s color scheme at three stages of the world championship: the Singapore, Japan and Qatar Grands Prix, according to the team’s official website.

Williams submitted the design for a special livery made in collaboration with Gulf. The team has already proposed several options for fans to vote on, with the “Boldest” option winning the most votes.

Ahead of the British Grand Prix, Williams unveiled a special livery design for the team’s 800th Anniversary Grand Prix in Formula One. This livery will also be used at the upcoming Hungarian Grand Prix.

The leg in Hungary will take place from July 21 to 23, in Singapore from September 15 to 17, in Japan from September 22 to 24 and in Qatar from October 6 to 8.

Compiled a portrait of a Chinese car owner in Russia KXan 36 Daily News

Compiled a portrait of a Chinese car owner in Russia KXan 36 Daily News

Rosgosstrakh statistics show that residents of the capital region bought almost a quarter (23.6%) of voluntary auto insurance policies for Chinese cars. In second place (12.8%) is Saint Petersburg with the Leningrad region.

On the third line (10.3%) – Nizhny Novgorod region. The Republic of Tatarstan (5.5%) and the Perm Territory (4%) are also in the top 5 for the number of Chinese cars insured with hull insurance. The top ten regions also include the Vologda, Volgograd and Rostov regions, the Tyumen region with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Samara region.

Among those who insure Chinese cars, the majority are expected to be men, but the proportion of women who prefer new products from China’s auto industry is quite significant: 36.5%. Russians between the ages of 35 and 40 are the most active in buying and insuring Chinese brand cars, accounting for 26% of hull insurance contracts in the Rosgosstrakh portfolio. The oldest policyholders issued policies in St. Petersburg: two 78-year-old residents of the northern capital bought insurance coverage for their Chinese cars from the company. The youngest car owner in China is an 18-year-old from the Kurgan region.

As expected, at the current price level in the car market, the Russians bought most of the new cars made in China on credit. Only 13.9% of newly minted car owners managed without attracting borrowed funds.

According to Otkritie Avto (an automobile trading block of Otkritie Bank) during the first half of 2023, every second car loan for a new car was issued by Russians for a Chinese car. At the same time, Chinese brands already lead in issuance financial capacity, ahead of national ones, which, in principle, is explained by the higher cost of Chinese brands. The average car loan check for the purchase of a new Chinese car was 2 million rubles, the average cost of a car from China was 2.6 million rubles.

“The expansion of Chinese automakers to the Russian market is on the rise. According to the Chinese customs authorities, the volume of deliveries of new cars to our country has already reached the level of $1 billion per month, and experts from the automotive business Otkritie Bank unit have calculated that the total number of dealers, representing in Russia the products of the automotive industry of the Middle Kingdom, approached 1.5 thousand.

We see how this is reflected in the growth in demand for insurance coverage: the number of applications for comprehensive insurance for Chinese cars is a multiple of last year’s figures, says Elena Fedorova, director of the voluntary retail auto insurance department of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh. – At the same time, it is the buyers of new cars and, first of all, credit, who continue to be the main audience for comprehensive hull coverage and, therefore, contribute a significant part of the collection of insurance premiums engine type.

By competing for such customers, insurers try to offer car owners the most attractive rates. Also, banks are now more loyal to franchise insurance products, making insurance coverage for Chinese autos purchased on credit more affordable.”

Opinion | The day Sánchez shot himself in the tongue… while Feijóo was filing his nails

 Opinion |  The day Sánchez shot himself in the tongue… while Feijóo was filing his nails

The debate on Monday the 10th will go down in the history of Communication and will be studied in the Faculties of Political Science, but Pedro Sánchez will not be the winner, although he may go down in history for other reasons. As Napoleon Bonaparte said: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” If we take Sánchez’s interruptions in the debate as a reference, it is shown that Núñez Feijóo made few mistakes.

The President of the Government dedicated himself to hindering, to put it finally, the interventions of the opposition leader rather than exposing the socialist arguments in his turns to convince the voters. Most of the Spaniards expected that Sánchez was going to eat Feijóo with chips, and the PSOE himself dropped that idea a few days before, and even the socialist leader himself believed it, hence -error, enormous error-, which raised with a certain arrogance to hold six debates.

Today more than ever Sánchez could use a new face to face. But as Sabina would say: “Now it’s too late, princess.” In addition to interrupting a lot, the president made another serious mistake that is surprising that the hundred-year-old advisers in Moncloa did not detect. They have heard of the “elephant in the room”, an expression that the British use a lot and that alludes to a thorny subject that everyone knows but nobody dares to talk about, because it is not appropriate or uncomfortable to deal with. Political scientist George Lakoff drew on the pachyderm metaphor in his book: “Don’t think about an elephant. Language and political message”, to define that with that same word we automatically evoke an animal with a flexible trunk and large ears. Even when we ask someone not to think of one, we are recording it.

Well, Pedro Sánchez took advantage of his golden minute, the most valued of all -in this you can talk without being interrupted-, to take his elephant for a walk in the room. One of the thorniest issues for the president has been his alliances with Bildu, and the first sentence that Sánchez said in his last speech was: “If someone has told you that you have to vote for the PP to end ETA, let them know that they are not it will, because ETA ended in 2011”. He alone had put ETA – the damn elephant – back in the room, without anyone asking or demanding it. Instead of offering his project, he referred to his adversaries, valuing them. Feijóo closed the debate with his opponent knocked out and on the ground, while he wore a certain satisfied smile.

Please, do not turn in rounds. Pedro Sánchez’s problem is him, specifically his arrogance. A haughtiness that confuses him and leads him to continually lower himself to the category of leader of the opposition, when in reality he is a president of the nation’s Government. Pedro Sánchez does not know very well who he is and what his category is, not human but political, that he hides behind his anxiety and his superiority complex. Criticism hurts him too much and what others will say or think about him, a difficult situation to bear for a politician constantly subjected to scrutiny. Hence, Sánchez became like a motorcycle when Feijóo refuted his arguments, instead of explaining clearly and serenely why the Spanish economy is going like a motorcycle.

Perhaps worst of all, society has begun to see a certain toxic capacity in the protagonist, and that explains the polarization that he has caused in the Spanish population in recent years. When what this society really wants is to live peacefully politically and balanced economically. His tense tone and his aggressiveness were also very surprising, while his rival was more serene and had a much more empathetic non-verbal communication.

It is perhaps in this transmission of ideas that he does not use spoken messages where President Sánchez stumbles the most, and his overwhelming image ends up devouring the character, who, as in the myth of Narciso, seeks his own exclusive beauty in the reflection of the water, but ends up drowning in it as the only virtue of his character. Nothing is decided until 23-J passes, but the debate on Monday has been a great boost for Núñez Feijóo.

“Nightmare Climb”. The British media finally understood: Russia was eliminated in vain from Wimbledon

 "Nightmare Climb".  The British media finally understood: Russia was eliminated in vain from Wimbledon

The representatives of Russia and Belarus, which must be modest, look very good at this Wimbledon. In the men’s group, three Russians at once – Daniil Medvedev, Andrey Rublev and Roman Safiullin – reached the quarterfinals. And if we had the right to expect something similar from Medvedev and Rublev, despite the fact that Daniil had not yet completed his tournament journey, then Safiullin himself probably only dreamed of getting into the top eight.

In the women’s draw, Belarus awaits Arina Sobolenko, who has reached the quarterfinals and, not without reason, has the title. The Russians Ekaterina Alexandrova and the very young Mirra Andreeva, who turned 16 in the spring, reached the fourth round. One can only guess what Wimbledon 2022 would have looked like if the Russians and Belarusians had not been knocked out.

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The British media are already writing with all their might that the suspension turned out to be a mistake. It took them a whole year and a brilliant game of returning athletes to figure this out. According to rumors, the decision to ban Russians and Belarusians was made under pressure from the royal family: they say the Princess of Wales, aka Kate Middleton, obviously didn’t want to be in a situation where she would have to. . hand over the trophy to the representative of Russia or Belarus.

The British edition of The Telegraph has published material on the success of Russian and Belarusian tennis players at Wimbledon 2023. An article by journalist Simon Briggs was published with the headline “Russians and Belarusians take over Wimbledon – this may be the worst nightmare of the Princess of Wales”.

“Medvedev and Rublev may not have flags next to their names, as well as the letters RUS, but they both made it to the quarterfinals together with Belarusian Arina Sobolenko. So it’s easy to imagine the worst-case scenario for the All England Club next weekend: one in which the Princess of Wales presents a trophy to one of these officially stateless athletes. It will be a nightmarish escalation of last year’s awkward storyline where her Royal Highness shakes hands with Elena Rybakina, a Muscovite playing under the Kazakh flag.

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“That’s how it is.” Reaction to the WTA statement on the handshakes of Ukrainians with Russians and Belarusians

The journalist also noted that the representatives of the Slavic countries show good results in the current tournament. “Four Czechs, two Poles, two Ukrainians, one Bulgarian made it to the last stages… Can we include Djokovic here on the basis that Serbia is considered part of the Russian sphere of influence? If so, we already have 19 players out of 32, and the probability that both singles champions will be from this group is around 80%, ”he writes.

And he immediately offers his own explanation of why this happens: “When I asked a prominent coach to explain the resurgence of the Russians, which seems even more surprising after last year’s suspension, he replied: “In my book it’s called thirst for hunger.” And this is the exact definition.

When they enter the court, they often become serious and tense. This year at Wimbledon, a tough tournament with long, late matches, they overcame the opposition and are approaching this challenging photo opportunity with the Princess of Wales.”

Daniil Medvedev plays at Wimbledon 2023

Photo: Julian Finney/Getty Images

And in one of the previous articles in The Telegraph, journalist Jeremy Wilson noted that if someone is outraged by the return of the Russians and Belarusians, then there are very few such people. The material came out with the headline “The Russians are back at Wimbledon and no one is outraged.”

“One year after the scandalous ban on Wimbledon, the Russian and Belarusian players were warmly received by the fans. The outrage over his return has been very subtle and quiet, suggesting that tennis fans have flocked to London to see some beautiful tennis and nothing more.

Well, true connoisseurs of tennis do not really care which country this or that player represents (if you remove from the brackets that the majority of fans, as a rule, support their compatriots, this is quite natural). The same attitude towards the Russians and Belarusians, most likely, would have been in 2022. And the decision to suspend in the first place caused damage to the tournament itself, which was deprived of rating points, thereby making it inferior.

“Especially given how well the Russians and Belarusians are playing at this Wimbledon, I have no doubt that the ATP and WTA did the right thing by refusing to award ranking points for last year’s tournament. It was not a real best of the best competition, as a Grand Slam tournament should be, such an opinion was expressed on Twitter by the famous tennis journalist Ben Rothenberg. Better not say.

Vermont underwater, Northeast US braces for historic storm KXan 36 Daily News

Vermont underwater, Northeast US braces for historic storm KXan 36 Daily News

Up to 23 millimeters of rain fell in some areas as small streams turned into raging rivers in Vermont’s worst flooding since Tropical Storm Irene in 2011, ABC News reported.

On Tuesday, authorities said more than 100 people had been rescued in Vermont so far. No injuries or deaths have been reported, Scott said. Flood waters continue to rise and more heavy rains are expected in the state that could drench already saturated soils, the governor said. In the Vermont capital, Montpelier, the Winooski River reached 640 centimeters, the highest level since 1927. According to Scott, he even had to go to the emergency response center Tuesday morning by boat because the roads around his home they were flooded.

More rescuers are being sent to affected areas, including teams from Connecticut, Massachusetts and North Carolina, for what authorities described as a multi-day operation. Helicopters from the Vermont and New Hampshire National Guards are also assisting with the evacuation, authorities said.

The northeastern United States is bracing for a “historic storm.” Hurricanes and heavy rains are expected for Thursday in most of its territory.

Unicorn Travelperk attracts more Swedish capital: Kinnevik invests another 17 million

The unicorn Travelperk is valued at 1,150 million due to the travel boom

New Swedish commitment to the Spanish corporate travel unicorn Travelperk. The Nordic ETF Kinnevik has once again injected another 17 million euros into the start-up during the second quarter of the year in a transaction that allows it to increase its shareholding position and establish itself as one of the most relevant names. The valuation of the Barcelona-based platform that it has set after the operation is the same as the extension of the round that it signed a while ago and that consolidated it as a unicorn.

Kinnevik’s movements are relevant. It is a significant action by two of the Spanish unicorns. And by being listed, this almost centenary ‘family office’ offers a more transparent vision of what happens in these companies and, above all, the valuations set. The Swedes entered Travelperk in 2018. Until now, they had invested just over 62 million euros in the different rounds of financing that had allowed them to control 15% of the voting power and have a seat on the board -. Now, as reflected in its semi-annual report presented to analysts, it increases disbursements in a strategy of increasing positions in “winning” companies.

Specifically, it has invested 203 million Swedish crowns, which is just over 17 million euros at the current exchange rate. It does not make it clear what the origin of the transaction is. But from the words of the CEO, Georgi Ganev, before the analysts, it can be deduced that it has been a secondary sale since they insist that the companies in which they have raised their bets, among which is Travelperk itself, have gasoline in the form of Sufficient capital without the urgent need to raise more. What is clear is that it rises to 16%.

One of the key points that has been looked at with a magnifying glass in recent quarters is that of valuation. Given this new macroeconomic scenario and after a strong adjustment of companies in the sector on the stock market, those ‘prices’ set for unlisted companies suffer some downward pressure. In the case of Travelperk, Kinnevik says it is benefiting from the “continued recovery” in corporate travel spending with a “favorable” comparison to early 2022, when they are still affected by the global coronavirus pandemic.

“Travelperk grows revenue at a significantly higher rate than its listed benchmark rivals,” he explains. According to the Stockholm-based investment manager, it broke the $100 million annualized revenue barrier by 2022. Its valuation remains largely unchanged at €1.2 billion. Its multiples in relation to revenue “fall 10 compared to its peers, which increased by 20%.”

This investment in the Spanish company or in others such as Instabee, a Swedish last-mile logistics company, corresponds to the family office’s strategy of focusing its efforts on “winning” companies. “Our main priority in 2023 is to increase the impact of our high-conviction businesses,” they point out. There are others that they have dropped in their portfolio, such as the British digital health company Babylon, which has gone public with a sale to a fund and in which dreams have not wanted to participate.

the other unicorns

The other great Spanish participation of Kinnevik is Jobandtalent. And in this case, the valuation has remained stable, as has the shareholding position of this investor. During this time, the fund has varied the comparables with those that set the company’s valuation. The two most obvious are Fiverr or Upwork, listed companies in the employment sector. To this we must add two markets such as Airbnb or Uber. According to his calculations, they all saw an average increase in their multiples of around 10 or 15 percent. “Our underlying valuation change is muted by senior liquidations that cause unchanged value,” they explain. Today it is slightly above 2 billion.

In addition to these two unicorns, there are many others with that valuation. In 2022 three were added to that list: Factorial, Fever and Recover. The first, developer of human resources management software mainly for SMEs, required a very high valuation despite the fact that it was activated in the summer, when the multiples had suffered. The second did so after the entry of Goldman. In addition, there are others that are somewhat more veteran such as Idealista, Devo or Cabify. The latter closed an injection of capital from the public fund Next Tech of the ICO and from Francisco Riberas (Orilla Asset Management), whose ‘price’ was not made public.

Express about football with a coefficient of 11.9: Dzeko will continue to play in Russia

Express about football with a coefficient of 11.9: Dzeko will continue to play in Russia

On July 12, the first qualifying round of the Champions League will continue, and Fenerbahce and Crvena Zvezda will play the pre-season tournament. We bring to your attention an accumulator with a coefficient of 11.9 from the matches that will be played today.

Forecast for the match of the pre-season tournament “Fenerbahce” – “Crvena Zvezda”

Fenerbahce arrived at the pre-season tournament in Saint Petersburg later than its other entrants. For various reasons, the season in Turkey ended later than usual. On June 11, the ‘canaries’ participated in the final of the Turkish Cup, in which they won, which was a nice plus for second place in the championship.

The first game with Zenit was also the first for Fenerbahce after the holidays, while Zenit already played two high-level matches with Neftchi and Red Star. However, Ismail Kartal’s men looked good against the backdrop of the Russian champions, even in a weakened team, and had moments to wrest victory from him. But the game ended in a goalless draw and a penalty shootout, in which Zenit was lucky. Fenerbahce star debutant Edin Dzeko did not take part in the match. The striker, from Inter, was not going to come to Russia, but nevertheless fulfilled his contractual obligations. But this circumstance will affect his motivation if Jacko continues to appear on the field.

Top 10 predictions for today.

Crvena Zvezda already managed to play two matches in the tournament. In the first game, in a bitter fight, the Serbian club beat Zenit at the end of the match – 2:1. The second game against Neftchi turned out to be not so energy intensive and ended with a score of 4:0. The Belgrade team has been preparing for the season for several weeks now and, moreover, they have one more day to prepare than their rival, and this will also affect the result.

We recommend betting in total more than 3.5 goals for 2.73. He has played in three of the last five Red Star games, including friendlies. The meeting of two teams that play attacking football in their championships in a small stadium at a training base should not be close.

Forecast for the Champions League match “Astana” – “Dynamo” Tbilisi

Astana start their way to the group stage of the Champions League from the first qualifying round. Kazakhstan’s national championship is in full swing, which allowed the hosts to get in shape for the start of the Champions League. The Astana team is second. They have won 12 of their 16 KPL matches (plus two draws).

Dinamo Tbilisi has just started the season. The team has played only two official matches so far. The games with Dila and Dynamo Batumi ended in a 1:1 draw, but in a penalty shootout, Dynamo took the lead. We note the transition to the team of an experienced goalkeeper Loria, who spent last season as part of the Cypriot Anorthosis.

The best espressos for today.

“Astana” confidently performs at home matches. Grigory Babayan’s team have won the last seven home games. We recommend studying the bet on the victory of “Astana” for a coefficient of 1.71.

Prediction for the Champions League match Slovan Bratislava – Swift Esperange

We can say that Slovan was lucky with the draw. Sometimes clubs from Luxembourg performed well in European competition, but this happened on rare occasions. And then there’s the inexperienced Swift, who lost his top scorer, a player who was involved in half of the team’s goals. It was the attack that was the strongest side of the guests last season, in 30 championship matches Esperang scored 100 goals.

Vladimir Weiss’s team played in the Conference League playoffs in the spring and hasn’t weakened since. Looking at the newcomers, rather, on the contrary, Slovan only got stronger and had a good preparation for the beginning of the season, winning four friendly matches in a row.

It will not work to bet on the victory of Slovan due to too low odds. It is better to pay attention to the goals. Both teams score a lot, the hosts will surely find their way into the visitors’ goal, and they still have Dominik Stolz, who also knows how to score. We suggest betting in total more than 3.5 goals for 2.55.

Express for the matches on July 12

Bet 1: TB 3.5 goals in the match “Fenerbahce” – “Crvena Zvezda” for 2.73.

Bet 2: victory of “Astana” in the match with “Dynamo” Tbilisi by 1.71.

Bet 3: TB 3.5 goals in the match “Slovan” – “Swift Esperange” for 2.55.

overall coefficient: 2.73 X 1.71 X 2.55 = 11.9.

Spartak want to buy Tottenham defender Sánchez for 8-10 million euros.

Former Chelsea and Juventus striker Mutu became Neftchi’s head coach.

Tottenham Hotspur have announced the signing of the Israeli striker.

The US Department of Justice announced the removal of Trump’s immunity in a defamation lawsuit against writer Carroll KXan 36 Daily News

The US Department of Justice announced the removal of Trump's immunity in a defamation lawsuit against writer Carroll KXan 36 Daily News

The former Elle magazine columnist claims she was sexually assaulted by Trump in a New York department store in 1996. Trump has denied the allegation, calling it a “complete scam.” Carroll, 79, has already won a second case against Trump over comments he made after leaving the White House. In May, a jury in New York found Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation and ordered the former president to pay him $5 million in damages.

Trump tried to delay the first defamation lawsuit by saying he should be granted immunity because he made the comments while speaking to the media in his capacity as president. At first, the Justice Department agreed with this view. But on Tuesday, her representatives cited the jury’s verdict, Trump’s October testimony and new allegations by Carroll that the former president defamed her again with comments he made during an appearance on CNN the day after the verdict was delivered. They said the new evidence suggests Trump “was motivated by personal grudges” related to events that took place many years before his presidency, according to the New York Times.

The decision leaves Trump, 77, legally exposed to further damages in the lawsuit and forced to rely on his own legal team rather than government assistance as a former president. Steven Cheung, Trump’s spokesman, said the move showed that Joe Biden’s Justice Department is “politically arming the justice system” against Trump. Carroll is seeking $10 million in damages for the first lawsuit. A new trial in this high-profile case is scheduled for January 15, 2024.

Mapfre gives the ‘sorpasso’ to the financial sector and leads the dividend yield

Mapfre gives the 'sorpasso' to the financial sector and leads the dividend yield

Until not long ago, BBVA stood as the most profitable company within the sector in which it operates for the shareholder this 2023. Its position as ‘king of the dividend’ has been assured for a while, but as the markets approached the halfway through the year they have found certain values ​​to snatch the podium, as is the case of Caixa Bank, which has placed itself above the entity led by Carlos Torres. However, the real ‘Sorpasso’ has come from the hand of Mapfre, which has flattered both on the left and gained positions until it remains the listed one that OR PERFORMANCE OFFERS TO ITS Investors in terms of remuneration within the financial sphere.

The profitability of the group headed by Antonio Huertas currently exceeds 8.26%, a percentage that is only ahead of Enagás (10.8%) when comparing the Ibex 35 listed companies. It is followed by Telefónica, also with 8.26% and we must go down to fourth and fifth place to find the aforementioned CaixaBank (8.1%) and BBVA (7.67%). Part of this result is explained by the worse performance of the insurer in the stock market in comparison with these two banks, after posting a drop of 1.1% so far this year, compared to the modest rise of 3.3% of the firm chaired by Ignacio Goirigolzarri and the rebound of 23.2% of the entity based in the candle.

At the shareholders’ meeting held last May, Mapfre’s board of directors participated in the distribution of 263 million charged to the 2022 accounts for the complementary dividend. In this way, the ‘pay-out’ ratio (percentage of profit that goes to shareholders) is close to 70% if one takes into account the 186 million distributed at the end of last year. In any case, the interim dividend that is normally stipulated for the end of the year has yet to be announced.

CaixaBank already paid more than 1,730 million last April, equivalent to 55% of the profit obtained in 2022, after setting in its remuneration policy to distribute slightly more than half of its consolidated net earnings through a single payment. BBVA, for its part, distributed more than 1,800 million last April after obtaining the largest profit in its history in 2022, to which another dividend will possibly be added in the final stretch of the year, as it did last October.

In the background are Sabadell, Unicaja Banco and Bankinter, whose dividend yield ranges between 6.9% and 6.7%. This represents a drop of almost one point compared to the end of March 2023, when they were close to 8%. The falls experienced in the stock market as a result of the near financial crisis in the United States, which ended (for the moment) last May with the private rescue of First Republic Bank, as well as in Europe, where the financial earthquake forced the purchase from Credit Suisse by UBS, widened this margin.

In the last three and a half months, the dividend yield has narrowed as the price has recovered from the blow, although the aforementioned Unicaja Banco and Bankinter are still resisting the stock market meltdown and it leads them to accumulate a decline of 5.2% and of 1.18%, respectively, in the annual calculation. On the contrary, Sabadell has increased in value by more than 26% so far this year.

In this line, Santander climbed in the ranking to the fourteenth position, but rose 5.6% from the 4.7% it marked at the end of the first quarter of the year, given the worst performance recorded between April and so far in July. As a whole, it accumulates a revaluation of almost 19%, with a ‘pay-out’ ratio of 50%, in line with that established by the large Spanish banks. All of the aforementioned projected a return above the average of the Ibex 35, whose average has been around 4% over the last three decades, according to BME data.

Below are some such as Acciona (3.4%), Fluidra (3.28%), Ferrovial SE (2.55%), Indra (2.3%), Amadeus (1.5%) and Cellnex Telecom ( 0.16%). IAG, Meliá and Solaria are left off the list, which do not plan to approve a dividend, as is Grifols, which keeps it suspended until they reduce the volume of debt to four times the ebitda, something that may happen at the end of 2024, according to the roadmap established by the company itself. Traditionally, summer is usually one of the golden times to make this outlay in which the group of all members listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange will pay around 7,000 million.

The main changes of the First League favorites throughout the summer. Torpedo and Khimki have strong competitors

 The main changes of the First League favorites throughout the summer.  Torpedo and Khimki have strong competitors

There is very little time left for the start of the new season in the First League. We study how the promotion applicants have changed and what else interesting happened in the division in the summer. For example, an eminent coach appeared at Dynamo Makhachkala, and KAMAZ signed a player from the Medialiga.

The protagonists of the 2022/2023 season in the First League:

Who made the season in the “World’s Best League”. Top 7 “Championship” Nominations

When does the new season start in the Premier League?

Round 1 of the World’s Best League begins this week. On July 15, Torpedo will face Dynamo Makhachkala in Moscow. The bulk of the matches will be played on the 16th, and on July 17 the tour program will close with two matches. “Khimki” will meet on the way with “Tyumen” and “Alania” – in Novorossiysk with “Chernomorets”. According to the president of the First League, Nail Izmailov, the presidium chose the optimal schedule from 25 options.

How have Torpedo and Khimki changed?

The Moscow club plans to stay at Luzhniki in the new season. At least, this was reported by the chairman of “Torpedo” Yaroslav Savin. Car manufacturers are banking on an audience boost as Fan ID is not needed to attend Primera Liga matches. In the RPL, Torpedo’s home games looked very sad on the television picture. A handful of fans in the huge Luzhniki made a depressing impression.

Torpedo has one task: return to RPL. In the offseason, the team parted ways with a large group of players. Of those who left, only Ilya Kukharchuk remained in the RPL – he signed a contract with Pari NN. Also, David Karaev, Ravil Netfullin, Ilya Kutepov, Oleg Kozhemyakin and Brazilian Andre Felipe left the Moscow club. They all left as free agents.

The most expensive acquisition of “Torpedo” in the offseason is defender Sergei Borodin. The footballer was bought from Krasnodar for €700,000 and spent the second half of last season at Beitar in the company of former Dynamo player Morozov. And even he won the first adult trophy in his life – the Israel Cup.

Avtozavodtsy paid €600 thousand to Rostov for goalkeeper Yegor Baburin, who previously played on loan at Torpedo. Also, car factories strengthened the center of defense by buying two players: Nikita Kalugin came from Neftekhimik and Alexander Ivankov from SKA Khabarovsk. Another newcomer was winger Irakly Manelov, who was bought, again, from Krasnodar (€270,000).

Sergei Borodin (left) is the most expensive newcomer to Torpedo

Photo: torpedo.ru

Khimki has the same ambitious plans as Torpedo. According to General Director Nikolai Olenev, the task of the Moscow Region club is to enter the RPL from the first place. In the summer, Khimki began to assemble the team and parted with several players. Nikola Antic returned to Serbia, Nemanja Glavcic moved to Volos, and the contracts of Alexander Dolgov and Vitaly Gudiev expired. Also, the Moscow Region team refused to extend the contract with Reziuan Mirzov.

There are also many newbies. These are goalkeeper Igor Obukhov, defenders Daniil Stepanov, Amir Mohammad and Oleg Isaenko, midfielders Ravil Netfullin and Khetag Khosonov, forwards Alexei Larin, Artyom Arkhipov and Artyom Kulishev. And Khimki also bought defender Zakhar Volkov from BATE (€230 thousand), who previously played on loan for the Moscow Region team.

Khimki did not renew the contract with Reziuan Mirzov

Photo: Dmitry Golubovich, Championship

What has changed for other RPL hopefuls

“Motherland” at the end of last season stopped one step away from promotion. This summer, the team has been strengthened without spending a penny. Nearly all of the newcomers joined Rodina’s roster as free agents. The exception is the 21-year-old striker Maxim Turishchev, who was rented from Rostov. The striker spent last season on loan at Torpedo (25 games, 2 assists). Another important acquisition is that of midfielder Sergei Tkachev. The 34-year-old footballer has rich experience: more than 200 matches in the RPL for Krylya Sovetov, Lokomotiv, Kuban, CSKA and Arsenal.

“Alania” was not allowed to take part in the transition matches because the club did not receive the appropriate license. Assistant head coach Igor Ledyakhov suggested that the club’s stadium would be ready by the end of the year. It was the lack of a stadium in Vladikavkaz that caused the refusal to issue a license. In the summer, Alania said goodbye to Artur Galoyan – the best assistant in the First League was sold to Baltika. But the Vladikavkaz club completed two transfers of experienced players – David Karaev and Ibragim Tsallagov. Last season, the first played for Torpedo, and the second for Sochi.

David Karaev is a newcomer to Alania

Photo: fcalania.com

But Yenisei behaves very modestly on the market. In the offseason, the team did not acquire a single newcomer. At the same time, striker Andrey Okladnikov (7 goals last season) is on trial at Pari NN. Neftekhimik (6th place in the 2022/2023 season) has a completely different policy – 11 players have already joined the club. €60,000 was spent on midfielders Maxim Petrov and Vladimir Marukhin. The rest of the acquisitions are leases and free agents.

Makhachkala “Dynamo” has an eminent coach

Kurban Berdyev unexpectedly found himself in the First League. Last season, during the winter break, an experienced coach led Sochi, but it was enough for only five matches. After that, Berdyev left his post and in the summer he accepted an offer from the Dagestan club. According to club president Gadzhi Gadzhiev, the coach has a permanent contract. According to Berdyev, Dynamo is faced with the task of entering the Premier League. The coach himself called it difficult, but Berdyev’s difficulties are not afraid.

Kurban Berdyev is the new head coach of Dynamo Makhachkala

Photo: vk.com/fcdmx

A little earlier it became known that Shamil Gazizov took over as general director of Dynamo. The former Ufa and Spartak coach replaced Shikhabudin Mikailov in this position. Now Mikailov is Gazizov’s deputy. Two players from Ufa have already joined the Dynamo team: defender Alexander Sandrachuk and midfielder Egash Kasintura.

How Ufa went from the RPL to the Second League in two years:

In two years, Ufa has moved from the RPL to the Second League. Is the club dead now?

KAMAZ acquired a player from the media club

In early July, the Naberezhnye Chelny club announced the transfer of 22-year-old footballer Boris Fartuna. This is quite an interesting character. Before that, he played for the Medialeague club 2DROTS. Now the boy has a chance to try his hand at the First League level. Fartuna is a graduate of the Lokomotiv Academy. In 2021, Boris ended up in Sokol and played eight matches for the Saratov club. In April 2022, Fartuna joined the 2DROTS roster, with whom he twice entered the field in Russian Cup matches.

Boris Fartuna changed the club from Medialeague to KAMAZ

Photo: vk.com/media.football.league

What other teams have changed head coaches?

Dmitry Voetsky left Shinnik, who replaced Vadim Evseev. Dmitry Khomukha became the new head coach of the Yaroslavl club. Previously, he worked with the Russian junior and junior teams, and last season he worked in Kaluga. Volgar also decided to change the coach – Anver Koneev switched to Andranik Babayan. At the end of last season, the Astrakhan club was ranked 12th in the First League.

What has changed in the structure of Russian football:

The most ambitious reform of the RFU for several years. New league and transition to “spring-autumn”

Santander seeks 500 workers to accelerate its technological transformation

Santander seeks 500 workers to accelerate its technological transformation

The digital transformation that financial institutions are experiencing is reflected in the growing demand for workers with technology. Spanish banks were already undergoing a digitization process before the pandemic broke out, but with the arrival of the coronavirus it accelerated. Proof of this is that half of the products contracted by its customers are done through digital channels and the use of electronic payments, such as mobile phones, has been consolidated. This is leading financial institutions to search for these workers to incorporate them into the workforce.

Santander Bank Currently seeks to fill 500 technology vacancies. Specifically, the entity chaired by Ana Botín offers 484 positions for technology workers, of which 165 correspond to software engineers, 59 to infrastructure and systems workers and another 35 to technology project management. These offers would join the 349 incorporations already made in the first six months of the year in functions such as Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Compliance, Product & IT Management, among others.

From the bank they confirm that these are professions that are in high demand and they are always looking for profiles of this type to incorporate into the entity. Regarding the workplace, the offers are at the group level, but the horrible one would be concentrated in Spain, with 234 offers, followed by Poland, with 54, Mexico, with 47, and the United Kingdom. Brazil, where the bank also has a presence, would seek 76 workers of this type.

Precisely this growing demand and the difficulty that financial institutions find to incorporate these profiles led Banco Santander to propose a specific recruitment strategy to create technological profiles for this the ‘Be Tech! with Santander’ in 2020, which sought to attract 1,000 professionals of this type in Spain and 3,000 worldwide, with the aim of accelerating the digital and technological transformation in which the bank is immersed.

In 2019, Banco Santander announced that it would allocate more than 20,000 million euros to digital transformation and technology for the next four years. This commitment allowed the number of customers that use digital channels to exceed 50 million and 56% of the bank’s sales are already made through the web or mobile.

Kutxabank, BBVA and Openbank are also looking for IT professionals

Santander is not the only entity that has set its sights on IT professionals. Kutxabank announced this week that it plans to incorporate 94 workers, of which slightly less than 50% will be linked to new technologies. However, the bank of Basque origin has stressed that by the end of the year it will incorporate workers with a more technological profile. Kutxabank has clarified that the objective is to encourage digital improvement and that it is included within the ‘Plan Acelera’ projects, which will dedicate an additional 30 million to offer first-line digital solutions for its customers.

For its part, BBVA 00), of which 1,000 would be to be contracted in Spain. For this, it has also created a job portal. “The profiles that we are most demanding for the Engineering area are ‘software’ developers and data engineers, followed by specialists in security, infrastructure and architecture,” explained Pedro J. Méndez, global head of Talent and Culture of the entity.

Likewise, and given this difficulty in attracting talent, the bank will award 2,000 euros to each employee who nominates a candidate and is finally hired. A strategy that has already been implemented by Openbank, the digital subsidiary of Banco Santander. Although in this case it was the clients who could earn up to 10,000 euros, at a rate of 1,000 euros per candidate, if these professionals finally joined the entity. Precisely, the sources of the bank indicate that the campaign covers them very well, so much so that they received thousands of resumes. A process that has allowed the entity to position itself as a technological reference.

Manson supporter released from prison after 53 years KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who previously blocked parole attempts, said Friday he would not challenge Van Houten’s release in state Supreme Court, NBC News reported. The pardon commission concluded that the prisoner “no longer represents an unreasonable danger to public safety” and repented of her act.

Van Houten was originally sentenced to death for the murders of Leno and Rosemary La Bianca on August 10, 1969. Then Manson and another member of his cult, Charles Watson, entered the couple’s home and tied them up. According to court records, Manson came out and told Van Houten and another person to go inside and follow Watson’s instructions. On the eve of Watson and other members of the cult killed the wife of director Roman Polanski, actress Sharon Tate and others in their home.

Van Houten’s release request has been denied 19 times. Imprisoned for more than 50 years, she was considered a model prisoner. Van Houten is the second of six Manson cult members convicted of murder and initially sentenced to death.

Most of their death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment in a 1972 court decision that outlawed the death penalty. The death penalty was later reinstated in California. In 1971, a judge commuted Steve Grogan’s death sentence to life imprisonment, and in 1985 he was paroled. Manson himself died in a prison hospital in 2017. Watson and Patricia Krenwinkel are still serving life sentences. Susan Atkins died in prison in 2009.

A relative of one of the people killed by the Manson Family in the 1960s, who regularly attended parole hearings for cult members, said Van Houten’s release was “a failure of the parole system.” “.

The ‘puncture’ of competitors could inject gasoline to Netflix on Wall Street

The 'puncture' of competitors could inject gasoline to Netflix on Wall Street

Netflix has taken investors on a wild ride over the past two years. Shares of the content streaming giant soared during the tech-company buying frenzy, closing at an all-time high of $691.69 on Nov. multiyear of $164.28 on June 14, 2022, as its growth slowed, it lost recipients for the first time in more than a decade, and rising interest rates deflated its valuations. Mind you, after going under, the value more than doubles to about $380 in the last year.

Is it finally Netflix’s time after those huge price swings? Morgan Stanley’s analysis department considers that it may be facing a somewhat more positive scenario for the coming months. “We are optimistic about Netflix, since the adjustment plans, the withdrawal of competitors and the disciplined trends of the expenses improve our perspectives,” the entity explains. That’s why they’ve warned their price target at $450, which reflects roughly 25 times their 2005 earnings per share forecast of $20, with a six-month discount.

“For the year 2024 we foresee an EPS growth rate of 20% over three years, which, from our point of view, supports this multiple premium”, highlights the North American bank. However, twelve months from now, these experts consider that there may be more risk of compression of their multiples. Analysts at the US banking firm expect the company to offer a better entry point. Netflix is ​​up nearly 50% or $65 billion so far this year, surpassing $200 billion in market capitalization.

Consensus 24-year adjusted earnings per share estimates have risen approximately 10% over the year, implying that the 24-year P/E multiple has risen 35-40% over the year. Morgan Stanley says that since the announcement of its compensation policy on May 23, the company has added about $40 billion. “To write an IRR of 20% from here, the shares will have to trade at almost 30 times our expected earnings per share of $20 in 2025 based on our estimate for 2024 of about 26 times our expected earnings per share in the bullish scenario,” he says.

Improved subscriptions

Overall, Morgan Stanley believes that Netflix is ​​once again outperforming its competitors. “Shared payment services demonstrated the growth of more net users than other players within the sector and wiped out our previous forecast,” these experts comment. With these wickerwork, the bank believes that the company is about to demonstrate how good the streaming business can be on a large scale: “The combination of accelerating revenue with limited growth in expenses will improve profitability, in particular the RNOA and ROE, by almost 1,000 basis points from 2022 to 2025, reaching 28% and 21% respectively”.

“Our OI margins primarily reflect the benefits of declining content spend in 2023 – including the impact of the writers’ strike – on content amortization in 2024, and an expectation of continued flat marketing spend compared to other rivals. es”, highlights Morgan Stanley positively. Analysts of the North American firm slightly increase their revenue forecast for 2024 for revenue per user (ARPU) from additional subscribers and the monetization calendar compared to their previous expectations .

“We are increasing our global net profit forecast to reflect a greater mix of new subscribers vs. member sub-accounts, especially in the UCAN region… However, this is offset by an expectation of more modest sequential ARPU improvement in 3 quarters and 4. (…) We continue to expect a normal cadence of price increases to resume next year”, they conclude before assuring that Netflix is ​​finding the right path to growth and profitability.

Eight cars collided on the Vladivostok Ring Road KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The service department of the traffic police regiment of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Vladivostok received a message about an accident on the road. State Transit inspectors and an ambulance arrived at the scene.

The truck driver is known to have lost control and collided with seven vehicles. There is still no information about the victims, the cars suffered mechanical damage.

A traffic jam has built up at the scene of the accident. Traffic is one lane.

All the circumstances of the accident are now being established.

The division in the Naturgy board slows down the arrival of Gutiérrez-Orrantia as CEO

The division in the Naturgy board slows down the arrival of Gutiérrez-Orrantia as CEO

Naturgy’s board of directors met this Tuesday to study the new distribution of powers in the gas company and the uncertainty regarding the role that the number two of the president, Francisco Reynés, will have is what would have stopped Ignacio Gutiérrez-Orrantia from signing as CEO after almost realizing his appointment for granted over the past week.

Gutiérrez-Orrantia’s “withdrawal” transpired hours before the 12 members of the council met after pressure from the CVC Capital Partners and Global Infrastructure Management (GIP) funds, which between the two hold 40% of the capital, so that Reynés delegate part of its functions. They also analyzed the semi-annual accounts, which the company intends to present to the market before the end of July.

As Bloomberg advanced and La Información has been able to confirm in financial sources, there was no type of counteroffer from Citi and the executive communicated his decision to Reynés himself on Sunday. For his part, on Monday he ratified his continuity to the leadership of Citi and yesterday he did so to his most direct team of collaborators. Gutiérrez-Orrantia has also been weighed down by the fact that more than 2,000 people living in 50 different countries have their burden. Naturgy’s main shareholders agreed on the director’s profile to designate him as number two in the group. However, a formal decision from the board was not expected to come out, but rather a debate on the creation of the CEO position.

After days of noise, in a three-line statement, Criteria Caixa, the company’s largest shareholder with 26.7%, came out in defense of Reynés. “Criteria, Naturgy’s largest shareholder, confirms its confidence in the company’s management team headed by its president Francisco Reynés and will support his proposals aimed at being able to face the important challenges of the company in the coming years,” reads the letter from the holding investor. of the investment arm of the La Caixa Foundation, chaired by Isidro Faine.

The profile sought by the funds is financial to face a possible capital outflow. It has been speculating for some time with the will of GIP to get out of the shareholding of the energy company, which it reached in 2017, with the aim of bringing out the capital gains that it accumulates. The fund saw the opportunity in ‘Géminis’, the project to split Naturgy into two listed companies that has been buried practically since the day it was announced, on February 10, 2022. The geopolitical context stopped any type of movement and, after many rumors about possible shareholding movements, in November last year the funds wanted to calm the waters by ensuring their “investor commitment” with the 2021-2025 strategic plan.

However, now at Naturgy a new horizon is opening up to be defined. Gutiérrez-Orrantia had everyone’s approval for being a well-known man in the house: he advised on the company’s latest strategic plan and prepared the board of directors’ report on the IFM takeover bid last year. The Appointments, Remuneration and Corporate Governance committee has met several times in recent months to discuss the return of a CEO. Naturgy is the only energy company on the Ibex 35 that concentrates the figures of chairman and CEO in the same person. Iberdrola was the last to separate the charges, although Ignacio Sánchez Galán continues with all executive powers.

Reynés was re-elected to the position just a few months ago for another four years, but he has been weighed down by the renegotiation of the supply contract with Algeria and the impossibility of removing the split in two. It must be remembered that Criteria avoided supporting the salary of the manager and the rest of the board of directors by abstaining from the meeting. Industrial engineer, mechanical specialty, from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, ​​and an MBA from IESE, he has been president of Naturgy since February 2018 and for his signing he made it a condition to have 100% of the executive functions. Fainé, who did not have them, took over as his trusted man when Reynés was vice president and CEO of Abertis. His appointment also meant the departure of the then CEO of Gas Natural Fenosa, Rafael Villaseca.


Naturgy’s objective is to split into two companies. One of the two groups will manage the liberalized businesses in an integrated manner (Naturgy MarketsCo): the development of renewable energies; 11 million clients) of gas supplies. For its part, the other group will bring together all the regulated infrastructures (Naturgy Networks) for energy distribution and transmission. The asset base is more than 155,000 km of electricity networks, 135,000 km of gas networks and 16 million connection points (present in 6 countries).

At a Tuva hospital, a patient with hypertension contracted COVID and died of pneumonia KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The Kyzyl prosecutor’s office checked the work of the health center and found that last winter an ambulance brought a 62-year-old resident of the capital of the Republic of Tyva to the hospital: the pensioner complained of high blood pressure.

– The woman was assigned to the urology department without medical evidence, where, due to the lack of due care by medical personnel, she received a burn on her foot from the battery. In the context of diabetes mellitus, sepsis occurred at the burn site, the patient underwent surgery to amputate her foot, and then the lower part of her leg, the control authority reported.

It is also known that being in the same room with a coronavirus patient caused a woman to contract pneumonia and death.

The prosecutor’s office sent materials to the Investigative Committee indicating serious violations of health care standards. A criminal case has been initiated.