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In Chukotka will create “People’s Alphabet” KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The “Folk Chukotka Alphabet” will be compiled in five languages: Russian, Chukchi, Eskimo, Even and Chuvan. It will become a book that will tell tourists about the most interesting things about the region, and first-graders – about the unique place in which they live.

The organizers plan to publish a lyric post on social media every day. Below, users will type the words they associate with the region. The most repeated will be submitted to a popular vote. Then they will decide what will be shown in the alphabet, for example, with the letter “K”: a whale, an orca or something else.

The book will be complemented with drawings by children from all over the region.

Twitch declares losses and barely half a million income with its subsidiary in Spain

Twitch declares losses and barely half a million income with its subsidiary in Spain

Twitch is one of the great audiovisual phenomena of the internet. The relevance of the platform, in the hands of Amazon for almost a decade, has not stopped growing in the last five years. Spain is one of the great powers, with several of the main names in streaming such as Ibai Llanos or AuronPlay. But the Spanish subsidiary for the management of local activity, which it created in the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, declares a minuscule business for what it actually generates in the country through other group companies from Luxembourg. The Madrid-based company closed the second full year, that of the year 2022, with total income of just half a million euros and with accounting losses in its income statement. The tax invoice, after the various adjustments, implied the payment of about 8,000 euros of Corporate Tax.

The company Twitch Interactive Spain SL was created three summers ago now, in August 2020. Therefore, as with other large technology companies, the billing of its products (subscriptions or advertising revenue shared with ‘streamers’) is carried out mainly by through companies outside of Spain -although here you have a firm dedicated to the sale of internet advertising-.

In the first year of activity, in which there were barely a few months of work, nothing happened. In 2021, lately 326,000 euros of income. Last year, according to the accounts recently presented and consulted by La Información, I added 576,000 euros. All of these sales correspond to rebills to Amazon Core Europe Sarl, one of the main parent companies of the Luxembourg-based e-commerce giant. More than five years ago, the terms and conditions were signed with Twitch Europe Sarl. Now it is not clear on its website, but everything indicates that it depends on the first matrix.

Salary expenses, which are the only relevant ones in a very limited income statement due to the smaller size of the company, was what led to recording losses in Twitch Spain. Specifically, 632,000 euros were spent on salaries, which means 85,000 euros of accounting ‘red numbers’, four times more than the previous year. At the end of the year, the workforce attached to this subsidiary numbered just eight workers. This is not the staff that actually directly or indirectly manages the business linked to Twitch, as there would be dozens of workers more linked to the parent company or to other companies.

The declared losses are countable. The fiscal ones are somewhat different, due to the adjustments that are carried out a posteriori with increases and reductions in the tax base for non-tax deductible expenses such as the parent company’s incentive plan for employees through stock options. This makes the tax bill add up to around 8,000 euros in 2022. Streaming platforms such as Netflix paid 2.7 million euros after invoicing their local customers directly from Spain in 2021 -the last fiscal year available-.

Spain is one of the most relevant markets for Twitch, with big names in streaming such as AuronPlay or Ibai Llanos

The structure has remained unchanged in recent years. The Spanish company’s sole shareholder is Amazon Europe Core Sarl from Luxembourg. This is one of the most important parent companies located in the country and which is the head of many other businesses in the Old Continent. It generated practically 13,000 million euros of income in 2022 (and profits of 2,400 million) according to the accounts consulted, although it is not really broken down which branch of activity it comes from or from which specific market.

The subsidiary has two administrators who, ultimately, are responsible for part of Amazon’s audiovisual business through Prime Video. One is Manuel Reverte Castro, the person in charge of films in Spain for that division. Another is Ricardo Llorente Carbonero, head of Content at Prime Video. But beyond the formal administration of the company, there are relevant executives such as Sara Pastor, the Twitch Ads Spain sales director, that is, the entire market linked to advertising. The person in charge of ‘partnerships’ is Paula Palomino, who landed in 2021 after a stint in the NBA.

a profitable business

Spain is an important market for Twitch. Not only because of the penetration in the local population, but also because of the concentration of relevant ‘streamers’ based in the country. Ibai Llanos is the main one, but there are others that are among those with the most followers in Spanish, such as AuronPlay or IlloJuan. Some of these big names have been tempted in recent weeks by a rival platform called Kick that is looking to gain ground by pulling prices. He is doing it with some astronomical offers to add stars. This comes after the new structure of economic agreements proposed by the Amazon platform arouses criticism among some of the content creators.

Twitch was acquired by Amazon in 2014 for a little less than 1,000 million dollars, becoming, along with Instagram, one of the great technological ‘bargains’. Its business model is based on advertising revenue and subscriptions from users who follow their favorite ‘streamers’. Their figures are not published and are not broken down by Amazon. But its growth has been maintained in recent years. There are estimates that speak of thousands of millions of dollars of billing for these lines of business. Recent analysis such as that of the investment bank Needham & Company sets a current valuation of this platform of more than 45,000 million dollars.

Ministry of Defense: Tankers of the Russian Armed Forces repelled five attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Vremevsky ledge KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

According to him, the unit under the command of Lieutenant Almaz Kydrasov successfully coped with the assigned combat missions.

The officer directed the actions of the armored group to suppress the enemy forces, which had taken refuge in the forest belts. The commander destroyed about a dozen Ukrainian soldiers.

“Thanks to the selfless actions of the subordinates and the personal courage of the officer, the combat missions to hold the defensive positions of the Russian troops were successfully completed. The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was stopped,” Chekhov stressed.

The parties pull ‘green’ projects to get the vote of empty Spain

The parties pull 'green' projects to get the vote of empty Spain

The transition towards a sustainable economy and environmental policies not only come from Brussels, but have also taken hold in the policies of European governments. Now in Spain, with a view to the next general elections on July 23, green proposals have been taken into consideration in the party programs. But not only do they mention sustainability to achieve decarbonization and achieve the goals proposed for 2050, but they have also chosen to use another strategy and the vast majority of the candidates decide to pursue sustainable projects to empower and give life to rural areas. of the country and thus, get the vote of empty Spain. From generating more employment, promoting tourism, promoting gender equality in the countryside, to fighting against depopulation and achieving a just transition.

For example, one of the parties that has the most clarity in its program is Sumar. That within it it has specific proposals such as the Just Ecological Transition (TEJ) that declare it as the process of reorganizing life in common, whose purpose is to guarantee a dignified life for all people “on a planet with limits already exceeded, that we share and that we are obliged to take care of for the next generations.” This plan wants to decarbonize the economic system and reduce the ecological footprint, move towards fair and sustainable territorial models that generate new cooperative relationships between the urban, rural and natural surroundings, among other points. Besides, they want to make the rural world attractive to its inhabitants “in which the population plays a central role in conservation and sustainability.”

Specifically, the party led by Yolanda Díaz wants to create a public fund for investment in renewable energies to “contribute so that the construction process of renewable energies is also an instrument that allows a better structure for the country and contributes to the demographic challenge of fixing population in the Empty Spain” and the rural world. The document also contains a national strategy for just hydrological transition that ensures productive security in the rural world: alive; an agri-food sector that advances towards food sovereignty, agroecology, sustainable fishing and public policies committed to that horizon.”

For its part, Vox is the most denier of ‘green’ policies. In his program he has categorized the current measures of the Sánchez Government and the European Commission or Brussels as a “climate religion” and rejects all kinds of globalist projects such as those they propose. For this reason, it seeks to repeal the Climate Change Law with the aim of continuing to promote the exploitation of natural resources and thus protect producers and workers, especially those in rural areas. “It is no coincidence that rural Spain is becoming an emptied Spain. Pedro Sánchez’s policies have been aimed at demonizing the countryside and its way of life. Sánchez has used climate change as an excuse to impose increasingly harsh obstacles and green taxes on the primary sector that hinder its activity ”, they settle from the Santiago Abascal party.

“As a consequence, this sector, which feeds us and is the origin of products that are true national emblems, is condemned to disappear, rural areas are abandoned,” he adds. It is for this very reason that the party proposes other types of measures, not linked to sustainability, to give life to empty Spain. Among them, creating a National Water Plan, promoting the creation and growth of companies in the rural economy with tax incentives, reinforcing rural infrastructure, supporting farmers, defending harvesting as an essential activity for its “environmental and economic value” , the approval of a National Wolf Plan; suppress the General Directorate for Animal Rights; and strengthen rural tourism.

On the other hand, the Popular Party (PP) the depopulation of the rural world. To do this they want to develop environmental policies from a triple perspective of sustainability (environmental, economic and social): “Environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change are among the main challenges we face as a society,” they state. They will also promote the development of clean energy, and the rationalization and sustainability of the use of water and natural resources, helping the primary sectors and combating the depopulation of our rural world.

From aid for natural disasters in rural areas or renewable energy funds, to the inclusion of women and young people in the agricultural world

Thus the PP chooses to promote the rural and agri-food sector through sustainability. “We will work to promote the adaptation of the agri-food sector to the principles of the circular economy”, especially in the field of reducing food waste. They will also launch a plan against female unemployment in rural areas so that women farmers and ranchers can benefit and thus achieve the social edge of the ESG and create a more egalitarian system. They propose the development of carbon agriculture for the fight against climate change for which they will support farmers, ranchers and the food industry. In addition, they will face the problems of floods and climatic risks, which are generated mainly in rural areas.

Along these same lines, the PSOE also has a plan to combat natural catastrophes, and they would give support to the affected areas for their recovery. They will expedite the aid, they will pay special attention to the rural environment and to the municipalities with the smallest population and the aid: “The aid has to be more extensive when it is directed to less inhabited areas, and it is also necessary for the administrations to facilitate as much as possible the procedures for those local entities that have fewer resources”, they indicate. In addition, the Party led by Pedro Sánchez, thinks that the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is an opportunity to promote trade in rural urban areas, because it will help promote the modernization, sustainability and digitalization of these media.

For this reason, in their program they will ensure that they will strengthen commercial activity, especially in rural areas and by maintaining specific aid to reinforce their activity and commercial distribution, betting on a more sustainable model (betting on reduction, reuse and recycling of materials). They will continue to provide resources and develop employability and job placement measures for women victims of gender violence in rural and urban environments, and will provide more access to training for rural areas with the aim of improving their professional qualifications and providing more opportunities for them to access to jobs within the framework of the double climate and digital transition, among other measures.

Bear Skull and Mammoth Tusk Lamp: An Entrepreneurial Success Story KXan 36 Daily News

Bear Skull and Mammoth Tusk Lamp: An Entrepreneurial Success Story KXan 36 Daily News

Not only with an unusual window display in which stuffed animals were frozen as if they were alive, but also with a unique assortment that is in stark contrast to Chinese consumer goods, which are full of most souvenir shops. “You understand, there is no smell of the Siberian spirit there,” says Igor Trofimov. “And our products are piecework.” The store sells original works by masters from the Irkutsk region, neighboring regions and even from Magadan.

three percent loan

And the fulfillment of the dream began with a visit to the regional center “My Business”. “I submitted an application, it was considered quite quickly and I was invited to the commission. I presented the project with calculations, showed my products and received approval,” said the artist.

Igor received a soft loan at three percent per annum for a period of three years. With that money he rented a small room, renovated it, bought business equipment and designed a window display. “At first I wanted to order a sign for the store from professional designers, but somehow it did not work out. Either the deadlines were delayed, or the choice of sketches was not provided,” Igor notes the facade. I can’t get enough of all the problems. Well, what consumed me the most time was the collection of documents and certificates. But we also take care of that!

There are not so many products of the owner himself on store shelves. He says that there is not enough time for this: a lot of organizational work and private orders from collectors. But what it is, you can look endlessly. Lamps made of bear and lynx skulls, boning hunting knives with handles made of bear jaw fragments and skin, a mammoth carved from the tusk of his relative.

sketchless cuts

Trofimov is self-taught. “He had a drawing ‘troika’ at school. He didn’t want to draw according to the school curriculum,” he laughs, but he became interested in bone carving in Chukotka: he grew up in the village of Provideniya.

Somehow some colleagues who were trying to promote a souvenir trade asked him to draw a sketch on a walrus tusk. Happened. I then tried to cut the bone myself; I liked it so much that it became a matter of my whole life. His author’s style is recognizable, and his techniques amaze everyone who saw this process. Igor cuts the bone “by eye”, without sketches, layouts, measurements.

The artist lives with his wife Elena, assistant and muse, in the village of Olkha near Irkutsk, making crafts in a small trailer in the yard. He jokes that his job is “just a short drive away.” And he has another dream: to build a training workshop. Recently, the head of the settlement allocated a piece of land for these purposes.

“It remains only to take it and build it,” smiles Igor. “I think I’ll write grant applications. There are measures to support small businesses, in particular folk crafts, and they work. I checked.”

Help “RG”

Both the regional centers “Mi Negocio” and the state support for entrepreneurs work within the framework of the national project “Small and Medium Entrepreneurship”.

The artist Oksana Filatova from Karelia, like Igor Trofimov, took advantage of these opportunities. She produces polymer clay handicrafts under the brand “Karelia art” and cooperates with tourist sites of the republic. After consulting in the center, her products were exhibited at the summer fairs “Strawberry Basket” and “Karelian Products”. And they were very successful.

I managed to find new clients and develop my business and Anastasia Aksenova from Buryatia. She and her daughter opened the Art Garage pottery shop. And now they teach everyone to work behind the potter’s wheel.

Read all the texts on national projects here.

Feijóo’s economic program is the one that benefits the most Ibex 35 companies

Feijóo's economic program is the one that benefits the most Ibex 35 companies

The electoral campaign for the elections on July 23 began this Friday and, with it, the political parties launched to kick off these two frantic weeks with the presentation of their electoral proposals. Within this list of promises, in the economic section is Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the Popular Party (PP), the one that the most listed on the Ibex 35 would benefit from its star measures.

Although the approaches are different between the four main bet formations (PSOE, Sumar, PP and Vox), which range from promoting the electric vehicle to the promotion of a tourist Perte, as well as promoting the construction of a public housing stock or accelerate the energy transition, each of the formations directly or indirectly favors a specific group of sectors. However, in the specific case of the political formation based in Genoa, it would be the one that the firms that make up the Spanish stock market reference would get the most out of.

According to the report ‘The impact on the stock market of the 2023 general elections’, prepared by the XTB platform, the activities they propose would have a positive impact on up to a total of four that make up the selective. The National Water Pact, which seeks to promote investment in water infrastructure in terms of sanitation, regulation or supply, may have an impact on companies such as Sacyr or Acciona through their water divisions.

The tourism sector is another of the legs on which the ‘popular’ “propose to grow sustainably.” Through the implementation of a tourist Perte – a constant claim within the sector since the pandemic – they contemplate the modernization and rehabilitation of strategic destinations, projects that put Meliá and IAG in the spotlight. To these would also be added NH Hoteles, which is not part of the select group.

The two aforementioned hotel companies would also benefit from the PSOE’s plans, which include a plan to promote the modernization of infrastructures through the Recovery Plan thanks to a package of 3,400 million euros. Likewise, XTB analysts believe that in the event that the Socialists revalidate power, the future executive could continue promoting policies that seek to encourage electric mobility after the recent deduction of 15% approved in personal income tax for those people. buy an electric car, which could translate into a positive impact for Gestamp and Tesla.

In this sense, it would harm important companies within the Ibex 35 such as Repsol, as well as nuclear energies, among which Berkeley stands out, whose uranium project in Salamanca has been paralyzed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. In the event that Feijóo is the one who arrives at La Moncloa, the focus of uncertainty would be on distribution companies such as DIA and Carrefour, since their margins can be conditioned by the reinforcement of the position of the producers in the negotiation, as well as in stocks such as Solaria or Acciona Energía, since a victory for the right-wing bloc could stop the development of clean energy facilities.

“The proposal to stop the sudden closure of industrial and energy plants to protect jobs, as well as the refusal to accept supranational impositions, can slow down the pace of the energy transition towards a more ecological model”, they point out from the aforementioned br Oker. This positioning of Vox, the formation led by Santiago Abascal, is accompanied by the need to align the Defense budget to make it more in line with that of other European countries, targeting Airbus and Indra, in addition to liberalizing the soil as a solution to tackle the access to housing that is suffered in Spain. If it materializes, the promoters would be the ones that would experience the greatest increase in activity.

In the case of the proposal put forward by the other end of the political arc -Sumar- to allocate up to 1% of Spanish GDP to housing policies, it would be construction companies such as OHLA that would experience a greater flow of activity, while their proposal to convert the permanent tax on electricity and banking, puts these two sectors back on target, which have seen the results of the first quarter of the year conditioned by this tax. Despite this, Joaquín Robles, an analyst at XTB, emphasizes that investors “seek a stable legal framework and a solid government, before which economic stability will prevail.”

The Ibex can fall up to 3% the day after 23-j

The Spanish stock market reference accumulates an annual revaluation of 12.4%, with data at the close of the markets this Monday, up to 9,252 points and, although in two weeks the panorama can be altered by multiple factors, the statistical evidence already shows that the sessions after July 24 will not be positive. Since the creation of the Ibex 35 in 1992, nine out of ten days after the elections have been held, with average declines of 2% and 3% when the elections have led to a change of power.

To this is added the appointment on monetary policy of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB) just in the following days. In the case of the former, the possibility that it will resume increases after the June break is still a mystery, while the Frankfurt-based agency has already announced that it will carry out another increase, predictably of 25 basis points. The selected will reach the last day of July with multiple factors that can alter his trajectory and put at risk the 9,300 points that would further delay his recovery to the levels prior to the coronavirus pandemic.

Amur girl rushed to save dog from rabid fox KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

A dangerous disease was discovered in a wild fox. She entered the yard of a local resident and attacked the dog. The girl ran to the rescue of the pet. She tried to chase away the uninvited guest and was eventually scratched. The girl was immediately sent to a medical center and provided the necessary assistance.

Later, the laboratory found that the red predator was infected with rabies. According to the head of the regional veterinary administration, Sergey Samokhvalov, in the Amur region, this disease is more common in foxes and wolves. It is they who bring it to the settlements.

– In animals with rabies, the fear of humans disappears, this is one of the signs of the disease. In such a situation, it is especially important that all domestic animals in the villages are vaccinated against rabies. The procedure for the owners is free, – said Sergey Samokhvalov.

Veterinarians conduct house-to-house visits in Gribskoye and vaccinate animals against rabies.

Díaz takes the directive of working conditions to Sumar before the brake of the Government

Díaz takes the directive of working conditions to Sumar before the brake of the Government

The Ministry of Labor team, now mostly integrated into Sumar, seeks to change the pattern of relations in the labor market, so that they become more horizontal in nature. This project, which they have dubbed the 21st century Labor Statute, has several concretions, such as the reduction of the working day that makes it possible to make work and personal life compatible, a boost to collective bargaining or the adaptation of work to climate change. The transposition of the directive of predictable and transparent working conditions was another part of this mechanism, however, the differences between the partners of the Government have meant that this initiative is incorporated into Sumar’s electoral promises.

The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor has argued on different occasions that time is going to be the theme that will guide the debates of the next decade, for this reason it was relevant for her team to transpose this directive that would mainly affect temporary workers who would pass to have the right to know their working hours and when they will have to work overtime more conveniently in advance. In other words, it would benefit workers hired for a period of minimum hours who usually have to work another number of complementary hours, but not permanent discontinuous ones, since their contracts already include the reasons for which they return to the period of activity.

At the community level, the regulation seeks to minimize and even render null and void the so-called zero-hour or on-demand contracts, with which companies have wide flexibility to ask the worker to come to their post when needed. The Commission and the European Parliament understand that under this figure the working conditions are especially unpredictable, for which reason they demanded that the countries in which it is allowed exercise extreme controls to avoid abuse. In Spain there are no such contracts, however, the majority unions have identified that similar practices are also reproduced here through part-time contracts, which is why they consider it necessary to reinforce the obligations to notify in advance, the reduction of periods trial and the transition to foreseeable (indefinite) contracts.

Spain is exposed to the sanctions of the CJEU

In Comisiones Obreras they have been especially critical of the Government for this issue, on May 28 they sent a statement requesting the members of the Executive to transpose the directive before the general elections of 23-J, since if it is not done within a period of three months Spain faces to be sanctioned by the Court of Justice of the European Union, whose amount can be “millionaire”, according to they pointed out from the union. CCOO sources say they have not received a response from the Government, despite their insistence, while people close to the second vice president rule out that this text will be approved by the Council of Ministers this Tuesday, which is the penultimate meeting of the Government before the appointment at the polls.

The unions hoped that this rule would be included in the omnibus decree, approved two weeks ago, which among its more than 300 pages transposed other European directives “regarding modifications to the structures of commercial companies and reconciliation of family life and professional life of parents and caregivers; and of execution and compliance with European Union Law”. However, the foreseeable and transparent conditions were left aside, according to sources close to the Executive, due to differences with the socialist wing on this issue, while the CCOO reproached the Government for having “allowed itself to be carried away by the bosses’ pressure” in instead of protecting the workers who “suffer the greatest uncertainty and precariousness”.

Yolanda Díaz’s Team Also Privately Acknowledges Tensions With The Section Headed By Calviño On This Matter -as In So Many- While The Social ISTAS SEEM TO REFUSE TO GIVE ANY Glimpse Of Triumph To Their Government Partners Before The Elections, In The that concur at the same time as competitors and allies. The legislature will close, therefore, with this pending task, as seems to be anticipated by the fact that Sumar has included as part of the Time Use Law the “company’s obligation to inform workers and give participation to the representation of workers in all aspects related to working time”.

Sources from the left-wing coalition point out that the initiative included in the electoral program goes beyond the mere transposition of the directive, since it advocates reinforcing the participation of employees in the definition of working hours, hours and overtime, with the aim of minimizing this uncertainty that they understand contributes to making workers poorer in terms of time. This proposal is accompanied by others that address the regulation of shift work and, specifically, night shifts, establishing plans within companies for a greater organization of time and replacing the time allocated to union representation with effective working time.

Chechen chief Kadyrov: Akhmat fighters captured five soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kleshcheevka KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

He also posted a video. In the footage, Akhmat commander Apty Aaudinov shows the captured Ukrainians. They confirmed that

Kleshcheevka is controlled by Russian troops, which contradicts the information released by kyiv that the settlement is under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Earlier, the adviser to the acting head of the DPR, Yan Gagin, said that Klescheevka remains under the control of the RF Armed Forces, despite attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack it.

According to the Ministry of Defense, in early July, kyiv transferred the maximum of its units to Kleshcheevka. The Russian army attacked the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment, located to the west of the settlement. The blows were made from the air. Aviation successfully coped with the task.

If it snowed in summer and froze after the heat: how to stay healthy KXan 36 Daily News

If it snowed in summer and froze after the heat: how to stay healthy KXan 36 Daily News

And on the night of July 12, a cold snap will penetrate further to the east, in Srednekansky and, possibly, in the Omsukchansky district. Local residents were urged to cover the plants in their dachas and vegetable gardens so as not to be left without a crop. But just a few days ago, the thermometer rose to almost 40 degrees.

As doctors explain, people with chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems are especially at risk from these sudden changes in temperature. This also applies to those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system: they usually have a feeling of twisting and pain in the muscles.

“The main influencing factor here is cold. During the heat, the vessels expand, heat exchange with the environment is very active. And a cold snap, especially if the temperature drops rapidly, threatens a sharp narrowing of the vessels, mainly on the fingers and toes. Such a sharp cold snap, if it was hot recently, can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, a decrease in human performance. And, of course, increases the risk from colds, “explained Anastasia Bakina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, General Practitioner, Assistant at the Department of Faculty and Polyclinic Therapy of the Amur State Medical Academy.

According to her, any person, even absolutely healthy, is recommended to adjust the temperature and humidity in the apartment, bringing them to normal values.

Leaving the house, it is better not to immediately run into the cold, but if possible, stand in the stairwell a little, giving the body time to adjust to the average temperature between the apartment and the street. Clothing should be chosen in accordance with the weather, but at the same time sufficiently breathable. Anastasia Bakina does not recommend giving preference to synthetics.

With such temperature fluctuations as in Kolyma, the doctor also strongly recommends that you minimize the consumption of alcohol, fatty foods, giving preference to vegetables, fruits and cereals. For those who are currently taking any medication, it is better not to interrupt the course. If you feel worse, you should see a doctor, you should not make changes to your treatment yourself.

Vladimir Oleksik, senior professor at the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine at the Amur Medical Academy, recommends that everyone, including healthy people, get more rest and sleep during cold spells. “But this does not mean that you should wrap yourself in a blanket and sit at home. However, moderate physical activity (for example, walking in the fresh air) is necessary.”

“Such a change in the weather can lead to a deterioration in mood, because in July we expect sunny heat,” warns Vladimir Oleksik. “Therefore, you need to ensure a good psychological microclimate in the family and at work. charge with positive and good emotions.”

Of course, snow in the summer in Kolyma is a common thing. “But we have not yet had time to lose it. Moreover, frosts have passed somewhere with snow,” said the Kolyma Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

RIA Novosti: The Russian Army Destroyed The Warehouse Of The Ukrainian Armed Forces With Western Air Missiles In Nikolaev KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

He noted that Ukrainian planes were armed with such missiles at the airfield of the Nikolaev aircraft repair company. According to local residents, they saw fire trucks heading towards the military unit with their sirens on.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the launch of missile strikes at the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, located near the cities of Nikolaev and Kramatorsk.

Lebedev showed the video. The images show a bright flash. The explosions thundered in the dead of night (at 0:58) on July 10. The surveillance camera that recorded the explosion is located about ten kilometers from the destroyed warehouse.

In Primorye announced the third storm warning in a month KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

According to the preliminary calculations of meteorologists, on Friday, July 14, Primorye will be dominated by a cyclone from the deep south. There will be heavy and very heavy rain, downpours with thunderstorms. On the coast, the wind will increase to a storm, in the capes of the south coast, to a hurricane.

As a result, fast-developing rain floods with a height of 1.0 to 4.5 meters are expected to pass with inundation of road sections, low-water bridges and economic facilities.

Previously, Primgidromet announced storm warnings for the region on July 1 and 4.

Bactria in milk, larvae in fish: The seven worst causes of summer food poisoning

Bactria in milk, larvae in fish: The seven worst causes of summer food poisoning

Roskachestvo experts explained why food is dangerous in summer. And what bacteria and microorganisms await us in it.

Photo: Shutterstock

Summer is amazing, right? But a dangerous miracle, because at this time you can easily get poisoned with wonderful summer gifts. In order not to get sick, you need (very much!) To follow simple rules: wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet and before preparing food. And it is also correct to store cooked and raw food, wash vegetables, fruits and greens well, use different boards for meat and vegetables. It is also important to prepare everything well (academician Oksana Drapkina spoke about this).

And Roskachestvo experts explained why food is dangerous in summer. And what bacteria and microorganisms await us in it.


What is this:

A highly resistant bacterium that can survive for several weeks in the environment and up to three months in water. They tolerate low temperatures well, can multiply at a temperature of 40 C.

Where is it located:

In eggs, milk, meat, water.

They are stored in sausages up to 6 months, in frozen meat – up to 1 year, in vegetables and fruits – 5-10 days, in milk – up to 20 days, in butter – up to 120 days, in eggshells – up to 24 days.

How it affects health:

It causes salmonellosis: one of the four main causes of diarrheal disease worldwide. It is very difficult for small children.

Like killing:

Salty and smoked foods have little effect on salmonella. But when heated to 70 ° C, they die in 5-10 minutes, at 100 ° C (boiling) – instantly.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Do not drink water from open sources, rivers and streams. Refrain from bloody steaks, fresh milk, poorly fried fried eggs, and also do not drink raw eggs if they are bought by hand in the village.


What is this:

Nonmotile gram-positive organisms that cause a severe and indolent infection. Stored in moist soil and water for up to four and a half months.

Where is it located:

Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cheese, koumiss, meat. But the most dangerous is raw milk and dairy products obtained from infected animals.

They are preserved in milk – up to 273 days, in oil – up to 142 days, in cheese – up to 1 year, in cheese – up to 72 days, in kefir – up to 11 days, in frozen meat – up to 60 days.

How it affects health:

Brucellosis affects the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems. Long-term illness leads to disability.

Like killing:

When boiled, it dies in a few seconds.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

You cannot buy dairy and meat products from hands in spontaneous markets, roadside stands and from private owners, where there are no veterinary documents on the safety of the products.


What is this:

Bacteria of the genus Campylobacter can live in the intestinal tract of animals and poultry.

Where they are:

In meat, especially poultry, in raw milk.

It remains in raw milk for 5 to 14 days. In products at 40 C, it lasts up to 7 days. On the floor, bird droppings, animal manure, cage feces, up to 30 days.

How they affect health:

It causes campylobacteriosis, most often – enterocolitis. Damage to the cardiovascular system (thrombophlebitis, myocarditis, endocarditis), urinary tract and kidneys can be observed. Also, the gallbladder and liver are often affected.

Like killing:

When heated to 60 C, they die after 15 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Thoroughly fry and boil poultry meat, as well as observe hygiene rules and make sure that raw meat does not come into contact with other products.


What is this:

Larvae of nematodes of the genus Anisakis, that is, helminths.

Where they are:

In lightly salted herring, raw or lightly salted fish (for example, hake, pollock), crustaceans and molluscs. In common salt and vinegar solutions used to cook fish, anisakid larvae can survive for many days and even months.

How they affect health:

Live anisakid larvae cause the development of acute ulcers with perforation and necrosis of the wall of the stomach and intestines.

Like killing:

Freezing: -18 C – 11 days, -20 C – 24 hours. Heat treatment: 60 C for 10 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

It is important not to use the same cutting boards for raw fish and other uncooked foods.


What is this:

This is a group of rod-shaped bacteria that unites more than 100 species of microorganisms that live in the intestines of humans, animals and birds. Most of them are harmless microorganisms, but there are some that can cause health problems. They can persist for a long time in water, soil, and on various objects.

Where they are:

In raw vegetables, fruits and greens, in meat, semi-finished meat products, in dairy products, for example, in milk, glazed curd, curd mass, kefir. The presence of E. coli is the result of a poor sanitary state of the production. Or violations of the conditions of transportation and storage. E. coli can also enter the human body with water from an open source, such as a river or well.

How they affect health:

You may get food poisoning. The risk group is mainly people with a weakened immune system and young children.

Like killing:

When heated to a temperature of 60 C, they die after 15 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Avoid buying slices in supermarkets in the summer because the slicers are not sterilized after each use. Therefore, if a food has been contaminated with E. coli, the bacteria can spread to other meats and cheeses cut on the same slicer.

If you use water from an open source, drink only boiled water. The same applies to milk – do not drink purchased fresh milk from your hands!


What is this:

A bacterium that enters the human body through poor quality or contaminated food. Very tenacious: Listeria lives in a wide temperature range – from 3 to 45 C.

Where they are:

In water, soil, plants. They can be in poorly washed vegetables, fruits and vegetables, in milk, meat, fish (especially lake fish), in ready-to-eat products.

How they affect health:

Listeriosis is a bacterial infection that affects the protective cells of the immune system with the development of numerous symptoms (up to the development of purulent infections and pathologies of the nervous system). First of all, they are dangerous for people with reduced immunity and young children.

Like killing:

Cook 3 minutes at 100C or 20 minutes at 70C.


What is this:

Common spore-forming anaerobic microorganisms in soil and water. In products, as a rule, they are found due to violations of the technological regime in production.

Where they are:

Sausages, canned meat, fish, vegetables and especially mushrooms, as well as legumes.

How they affect health:

Food poisoning is accompanied by stomach cramps and diarrhea. According to statistics, more than half of the cases of poisoning are associated with the use of canned home mushrooms.

like killing

The spore forms of Clostridium botulinum botulism (the most dangerous) are killed during repeated (fractional) pasteurization for 1 hour at 100–120°C.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

If you see that the lid of the jar (canned food) is swollen, then you can not eat such a product. Rinse the raw materials for home preparations well, be sure to sterilize and store in the refrigerator. Do not buy meat, vegetables, especially mushrooms, canned food from your hands.

Deputy Chaplin recalled fines and criminal liability for growing hemp and other toxic and psychotropic plants in the country – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Deputy Chaplin recalled fines and criminal liability for growing hemp and other toxic and psychotropic plants in the country - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

“For various plants on your territory, you can get a big fine or even go to jail. You can get away with a fine for growing hogweed or wolfberry, but for hemp and coca bush you can even go to jail. However, many vacationers don’t even know about the presence of this type of crop in their area,” the deputy told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

How can you challenge the punishment if the neighbors managed to complain and you feel innocent? “Let’s look at the term” cultivation “. According to the law, cultivation is considered if you sowed and created conditions for the cultivation of prohibited species, as well as bred new varieties. If uninvited guests appeared on your own, then do not do something illegal. Administrative or criminal penalties are possible when the number of bushes of such plants is exceeded. For example, you have 30 hemp bushes on your site. You can challenge the punishment if you prove that the number of prohibited plants on your site does not exceed the minimum standard. You can also reclassify criminal liability to administrative liability, if you prove that dangerous plants grew on the site by themselves, without prior planting, and you grew them solely for culinary purposes, thinking that it is a kind of lettuce,” Nikita specified. Chaplin. The court can then find you not guilty and cancel or commute the sentence, he added.

“But it is better, of course, to take care of your dachas: destroy weeds, grow only familiar crops and get rid of everything unknown as quickly as possible,” Chaplin advised.

Latest news on the situation around Ukraine on July 11, 2023: why Ukrainian women are killed in Europe and how the Ukrainian Armed Forces treat Russian prisoners

Latest news on the situation around Ukraine on July 11, 2023: why Ukrainian women are killed in Europe and how the Ukrainian Armed Forces treat Russian prisoners

Russian sappers cannot start demining in Artemivsk due to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Photo: Alexander KOTS

The nationalists are being hit in all directions.

The grouping of troops “South” in the Donetsk direction destroyed the ammunition depot of the 24 mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, up to one company, four armored vehicles, two pickup trucks, self-propelled guns “Akatsiya”. The grouping of troops “Vostok” in the South-Donetsk direction inflicted such damage on the enemy: up to 150 nationalists, five armored personnel carriers, two cars, two D-20 howitzers. The “Western” grouping of troops in the Kupyansk direction disabled more than 65 militants, infantry fighting vehicles and two vehicles. More than one platoon and eight vehicles were destroyed in the direction of Kherson. Air defense forces intercepted five S-200 air defense missiles and 8 Ukrainian drones.

Why can’t they start clearing mines in Artemovsk?

Denis Pushilin, head of the DPR, said that Russian sappers could not start clearing mines in Artemovsk (Bakhmut) due to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On the air of Russia-24, the head of the republic said: “Artemovsk continues to be shelled rather chaotically. So far, the civil services have not started their work and the planned demining. The enemy is trying to delay this process as much as possible. Now a subdivision has been transferred there, which can avoid this delay.

The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Lugansk direction are huge

Andrei Marochko, a retired LPR People’s Militia lieutenant colonel, said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered heavy losses of personnel and equipment over the past week in the direction of Lugansk. In the past seven days, Russian troops have repelled some 72 nationalist attacks and stopped the actions of 16 sabotage and reconnaissance groups. In addition, the Russian army liquidated 2.6 thousand Ukrainian and foreign fighters in the Lugansk tactical direction, destroyed 92 vehicles, 13 tanks, and also destroyed 54 armored fighting vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Mom told you, Jan, don’t go to the Luhansk region, they will get hurt.

Militants drive prisoners to minefields

A Russian volunteer with the call sign “Topaz”, who was in Ukrainian captivity, said that our prisoners of war were being driven in front of the Kiev units advancing to “clear the mines” in the direction of Zaporozhye. “Topaz” was captured by the “Rock” unit in the Donetsk direction. He said that the Ukrainian sadists constantly humiliated and beat him, forced him to dig defensive structures. Then the “Rock” unit moved in the direction of Zaporozhye. Topaz told RIA Novosti: “They woke me up at three in the morning and sent me on a mission with a group of Ukrainian soldiers. They took two of us as demining. For us to move on, and if someone suddenly exploded, then I and the second prisoner who was walking behind me would explode. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are following in the footsteps of their “German colleagues” from the punitive units that set foot here 80 years ago.

The Ukrainians adapted the S-200 air defense system for attacks on objects in Russia

Viktor Afzalov, chief of the General Staff of the Aerospace Forces, informed the commander of the joint group of troops Valery Gerasimov that one of the S-200 missiles launched by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on July 9 was aimed at the Crimean bridge. According to the colonel general, Russian air defense systems destroyed two S-200 missiles, and two more of the same missiles were repulsed by electronic warfare. There are no casualties and no destruction, Afzalov emphasized. Army General Gerasimov instructed to pay special attention to the identification and destruction of S-200 positions. And it is easier to deal with them than with the S-300 – it cannot be quickly transferred from one place to another.

‘Russian spies’ caught with Ukrainian passports in Poland

The press service of the Polish Internal Security Agency reported that a citizen with a Ukrainian passport was detained, suspected of spying for … the Russian Federation. The suspect was arrested on June 21, but for some reason they decided to notify him 20 days later. He became the fifteenth to be charged by the Polish authorities with “participation in an organized criminal group associated with espionage activities.” The detainee has been in Poland since 2019. According to investigators, he supervised “the country’s critical infrastructure and military installations.” Also in June, a Russian hockey player was arrested in Poland, also suspected of spying for Russia. Yes, the Polish secret services also want to eat and need to somehow justify the gloomy existence of him.

Young Ukrainian refugee murdered in Bergen, Norway

The Nettavisen publication reports that a 30-year-old Ukrainian refugee was killed in a hotel in Bergen, Norway. The crime took place at the Magic Hotel Solheimsviken. Ukrainian refugees live there. The woman was found by hotel staff in one of the rooms. She was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. She died an hour and a half later. A native of Azerbaijan, also 30, is suspected of the murder. He and the victim have a common child. The suspect denies his guilt. He was sent for a forensic medical examination. The friendship of the peoples did not work out.

The Germans are going to supply kyiv with ammunition.

Armin Papperger, head of defense company Rheinmetall, said his company will increase ammunition production to meet 60% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ needs for shells. Papperger said that the concern intends to increase shell production from 100,000 to 600,000 per year by 2024. He noted that increasing ammunition production now remains a priority, more important than the production of new military equipment. And Kyiv will be happy.

Italian sappers will help the Ukrainians.

Italy is ready to help the Independents with the cleansing of the independent territory. Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani said: “Italy will make its knowledge available. During missions in Afghanistan, Lebanon and other countries, mines, including improvised ones, were used, making them more difficult to clear.” And the Italian sappers are ready to share their experience. He just didn’t say where exactly they will share it. Maybe start from Odessa?

Electronic cigarettes are prohibited in the independent

As of Tuesday, July 11, a law that prohibits the sale, production and import of cigarettes, tobacco and flavored e-liquids will enter into force in the Independent. The document establishes an exception for the production of said products, allowing their manufacture in order to export them later. I won’t poison myself, so let others smoke ’til they’re blue?

Antonov announced the worst-case scenario in the confrontation between Russia and NATO KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

“The atmosphere in the field of information in the United States has heated up as much as possible,” the diplomat stressed.

According to him, the American society is preparing to approve any anti-Russian decision that will be taken in the coming days at the NATO summit in Vilnius (to be held on July 11-12 in Lithuania).

“The situation continues to slide towards the most unfavorable outcome in the confrontation between the Russian Federation and the alliance states,” Antonov said (quoted by RIA Novosti).

The West is taking measures that create more and more insurmountable obstacles to getting out of the most acute military-political crisis, which is fraught with the most serious consequences for international security.

“America in agony”: when and why a new civil war will break out in America

"America in agony": when and why a new civil war will break out in America

Some pundits call the famous capture of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 a demo version of the coming revolution. At the very least, it showed that the division in American society has reached previously unthinkable levels. Photo: Getty Images

When, in 2010, an American scientist, a sociologist of Russian origin, and a professor at the University of Connecticut Peter (Peter) Turchin predicted that in ten years the United States would enter a period of political instability and popular unrest, they did not believe him. Many even twisted their fingers at their temples; such a prognosis seemed too incredible at the time.

– It is difficult for all of us who grew up in the era of the mighty American Empire to imagine that a catastrophe could befall it. However, one must be prepared for such a variant of the development of the future, -he said then.

And now the promised decade has passed, and Turchin’s prognosis seemed to come true: to remember the riots that devastated the United States after the death of the African-American George Floyd, the seizure of the Capitol, the total refusal of international dollar agreements. All of this has now made even the most devoted fans of the Stars and Stripes world order doubt the eternal inviolability and unity of the United States.

– I was wrongly considered crazy. People did not understand that he was giving scientific forecasts, not prophecies, – Turchin said in response. Much more attention has now been drawn to Turchin’s scientific forecasts, especially after the release of his new book, which he symbolically called “The End of Time.”

“End of times”

In this work, the sociologist, who was the first to propose the introduction of the concept of “cliodynamics” (that is, the construction of mathematical models of history), presented his even harsher forecasts: the United States is dying and it really is not. . only on the verge of a new Great Depression, but also, possibly, another civil war.

strictly scientific

A research group led by Turchin formed a database of the most diverse societies created by humanity no less than 10,000 years ago. And I discovered that all societies sooner or later face large-scale political crises. And a careful analysis of various criteria—forms of government, population, frequency of revolutions, and even the average height of a person—showed that there are two main factors that are almost guaranteed to lead to a revolution. The first is the impoverishment of the population; the second is the rise of excessive numbers of wealthy and highly educated people, the elite. In addition, the second factor is complex: there are many elite representatives, but the number of positions in society that they can occupy to satisfy their ambitions remains at the same level, causing a super-powerful crisis.

graduated disappointment

A clearly visible trend in the US is also related to education: a university degree is no longer a guarantee of a dignified future. The costs of obtaining a higher education have become so high that doctors, lawyers and scientists continue to pay loans to study at a college or university until almost the end of their lives. What has already created a large layer of people disappointed with their present and future without any hope of at least some improvement. And it is precisely this stratum, which Turchin calls the counter-elite, that provokes popular discontent and an uprising against the order that seems to have been established for centuries.

“Revolutions are not made by poor proletarians. Truly dangerous revolutionaries are failed suitors for the elite,” Turchin writes in his book.

who to fear

Hard-working Americans now earn the same wages (adjusted for inflation) that they did half a century ago. But the costs have gone up. Open statistics show that parents without a college degree today need to work four times as hard to pay for their child’s college education than if their child graduated from high school in the 1970s. The cost of running a home has risen several times, and the expenses for treatment and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle have increased tenfold. And this is only the economic component. The discontent of the black population is associated to this day with the existing racism in American society.

history still teaches

Turchin finds parallels in the United States today with the decades before the Civil War there. And he calls this similarity surprising. “Then, as now, the economy made the rich even richer and the poor even poorer… Popular impoverishment fostered social discord, which manifested itself in riots. From 1820 to 1825 (when times were good) there was only one riot. And from 1855 to 1860, that is, five years before the Civil War, at least 38 large-scale social protests broke out in American cities. Today we see a similar picture, ”he writes.

According to Turchin, the wealth pump that feeds America’s elites and sucks all the juices out of the people “has been running at full capacity for two generations.” Using the laws of cliodynamics, the author ends his book with a formidable prophecy: “The day the United States will overcome collapse is very close.”

Does eating palm oil cause cancer? Roskachestvo gave an answer – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

 Does eating palm oil cause cancer?  Roskachestvo gave an answer - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

The glycidol itself is not found in palm or other oils, Roskachestvo told RG. However, in the process of heating (over 180 degrees), both vegetable and animal fats can form glycidyl esters. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), once ingested, glycidyl esters are likely to be converted to glycidol. However, during the refining/deodorization of palm oil, more glycidyl esters can be formed than in other oils.

A study carried out by the staff of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology showed that during processing (particularly deodorization) of palm oil, up to 6.29 mg/kg of glycidyl ethers are formed. And, for example, in deodorized sunflower oil, its amount does not exceed 1.19 mg/kg.

However, EFSA reports that between 2010 and 2015, its amount in palm oil has halved, thanks to modernization of oil processing equipment and technology in production. In EU countries, a rule has already been introduced that allows the maximum content of glycidyl ethers in all types of refined and deodorized oils not to exceed 1.0 mg/kg, and for oils used in baby food : 0.5 mg/kg in oils. However, in Russia such an amendment to the technical regulations has not yet been introduced. A draft amendment has now been prepared which foresees limiting the contaminant to a level of up to 1 mg/kg, as in the EU. These standards are expected to be introduced from January 1, 2025.

“Glycidyl ethers are a technological contaminant (pollutant) that forms when exposed to high temperatures during the processing of oils. But not only: it is also formed during frying in a pan. It does not matter what type of oil we use: sunflower, corn, olive; unrefined or refined deodorized, – explained Ekaterina Nesterova, director of technical regulation of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Fat and Oil, – In addition, the pollutant occurs in both vegetable oils and animal fats. Therefore, when frying a piece of meat, we also form glycidyl ethers. They are even in The glycerides of the fat in the flour begin to break down as the bread rests and rises, and will also be converted in part to glycidyl esters during baking.”

However, in oils we can control the amount of said contaminant. Therefore, according to Roskachestvo, most manufacturers have already taken steps to reduce or prevent such contamination. For example, during deodorization, the temperature is lowered, but the treatment time is increased.

However, Roskachestvo notes that it’s still not entirely clear whether glycidyl ethers actually convert to glycidol in the body. Second, there is no final verdict on the dangers of glycidol itself: most studies confirming its carcinogenicity have been carried out in test tubes or rodents, and not in humans. EFSA writes that “there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity and genotoxicity (ability to damage DNA) of glycidol.” But according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC classification, glycidol is classified as group 2A, a probable human carcinogen.

Along with glycidol, monochloropropanediol is also tested for damage, namely 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD), 2-monochloropropanediol (2-MCPD) esters. This is another contaminant that forms under the influence of high temperatures in oils. Roskachestvo explains that it appears when it interacts with chlorine, that is, to form monochloropropanediol in addition to glycidyl ethers, it is enough to salt food during cooking (after all, salt contains chlorine). Therefore, from the point of view of health, it is better to add salt to an almost ready dish.

Due to the peculiarities of obtaining oil from palm fruits, chlorine compounds can remain in palm oil, therefore monochloropropanediol is formed in slightly higher amounts than in other oils. A study conducted by the FRC Nutrition and Biotechnology showed that refined deodorized palm oil contains up to 6.61 mg/kg of 3-MCPD and up to 2.69 mg/kg of 2-MCPD. In sunflower oil, the concentration of 3-MCPD does not exceed 2.47 mg/kg and that of 2-MCPD – 0.67 mg/kg.

“Therefore, it is impossible to call palm oil, like any other refined deodorized oil (it is the one usually used in food production), absolutely safe. But this does not mean that these products are more dangerous and harmful than others: after all, we are more or less eat fried foods, sausages, highly processed, sweet and salty products”, concludes Roskachestvo.

Furthermore, they point out that due to the semi-solid structure, palm oil has replaced hydrogenated fats with a high trans-fat content; its harm has finally been shown, unlike glycidol.

Talyzina’s granddaughter and Wernick’s son brought their lovers to the premiere

Talyzina's granddaughter and Wernick's son brought their lovers to the premiere

Anastasia Talyzina.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

In Moscow, on July 10, the premiere of the domestic thriller “Centaur” was held. The film, directed by Kirill Chemnitz, tells the story of a disabled taxi driver, for whom the car is practically an extension of his body (hence the film’s title). Another heroine of the picture, the girl Lisa, works at night. A taxi for her is an island of calm, because the driver Sasha inspires confidence and knows how to please the most demanding customers. But the danger is much closer than it seems…

For filming in “Centaur” the main actor Yuri Borisov specially received a taxi driver’s license and even worked as a driver for several days. Almost all the time in the film, the hero of him spends driving. There are many spectacular chases in the tape, in which Yuri starred. Only in the most dangerous moments he was replaced by specialists.

Yuri Borisov and Anna Shevchuk.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Borisov came to the premiere with his wife, actress Anna Shevchuk. Yuri and Anna studied together at the Shchepkin School, where they entered the same year. They married the year after graduation. The couple have two daughters, Martha and Akulina.

The performer of the role of Lisa Anastasia Talyzina also appeared at the premiere not only. The young actress posed on the red carpet with her friend, actor Sergei Novosad, star of the television series Difficult Teens. The granddaughter of the famous Soviet actress Valentina Talyzina studied ballet at the Moscow Academy of Choreography from the age of three. It is to ballet that Anastasia owes her graceful figure. And of course the genes. Her mother is actress Ksenia Khairova. Ksenia prefers to keep silent about Nastya’s father – she broke up with him in the sixth month of pregnancy. Valentina Talyzina adored her granddaughter, especially since the girl was named Anastasia after her mother.

Anastasia Talyzina and Sergey Novosad.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

With Sergei Novosad, Anastasia starred together in the film “I am taking a step.” Since then, young people have not parted. Anastasia and Sergey appear together at movie premieres and pose together on the red carpet. Obviously, they are connected by more than just a working relationship.

In the film “Centaur” starred another star heir – Grigory Vernik. The 23-year-old actor was born in the family of showman Igor Vernik and journalist Maria Vernik. The couple lived together for ten years. Maria now lives in Miami.

Grigori Vernik, Maria Yanycheva.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Grigory came to the premiere with his girlfriend, actress Maria Yanycheva. Young people have been together for three years. They met in their sophomore year, but then went their separate ways. They fell in love again when they came to work together at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

IFQ: US is using Ukraine conflict to delay collapse of US empire KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The journalist drew attention to the fact that now no one talks about the victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield. At the same time, US leader Joe Biden rejects Vladimir Zelensky’s attempts to impose his position on the United States.

According to Arlacchi, Biden’s election career begins, the Ukrainian issue will gradually fade into the background, but it will remain open, as it is beneficial for Washington.

“What is at stake in the current conflict has nothing to do with Ukraine. At stake is the moment and the way in which the United States will withdraw from the bridge of the planet, “says the article.

The author of the post added that the American elite understands that the world has become multipolar. And Washington is trying to delay the “final” as much as possible, the observer summed up.

As of August 1, the pensions of working pensioners will be recalculated KXan 36 Diario

As of August 1, the pensions of working pensioners will be recalculated KXan 36 Diario

The amount of the increase is calculated individually, however, according to the law, it cannot exceed three pension coefficients.

“Working retirees receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment, excluding planned indexations, their pensions are recalculated every year on August 1, taking into account the general level of income of retirees over the past year.

Since the cost of the pension coefficient in 2023 is 123.77 rubles, the maximum increase in pensions for working retirees will be 372.31 rubles,” lawyer and arbitration manager Anna Khrustaleva explained to RG.

The Social Fund of Russia (SFR) “RG” clarified that the size of the increase also depends on when the pensioner is employed. If you changed your status from non-working to working after January of this year, your increase will be calculated on the basis of 123 rubles of the cost of a pension coefficient.

“We note that the recalculation of the amount of pensions will be carried out automatically, therefore, pensioners do not need to write any application, just as they do not need to visit any institution for this. Therefore, working pensioners will receive, although not a very big increase, but still some extra money,” he added.

Recall that as of January 1, 2023, the insurance pensions of pensioners who do not work were indexed at 4.8%. The average pension amounted to almost 22 thousand rubles a month. The cost of the pension coefficient is 123.77 rubles. The fixed part of the pension is the same for everyone, and after indexation on January 1, 2023, it amounts to 7,567 rubles.

Since April 1, 2023, social pensions have been indexed at 3.3%.

Starting in 2025, the pensions of retirees who do not work will increase twice a year. It is assumed that the insurance pension indexation for non-working pensioners will be 5.3% from January 1, 2024 and 4.0% in 2025-2026 from February 1. The insurance pension adjustment will take place in 2025-2026 from April 1 by 3.8% and 2.8%, respectively.

At the same time, the cost of the pension coefficient in 2024 will be 130 rubles, in 2025 it will reach 140 rubles, in 2026 – 150 rubles.

The average amount of the old-age insurance pension for non-working retirees will be: in 2024 – 22,772 rubles, in 2025 – 24,120 rubles, in 2026 – 25,690 rubles.

“Until 2025, there is a transition period when insurance pensions for non-working retirees increase by a certain rate, but not less than a thousand rubles a year,” said Yaroslav, head of the Committee on Labor, Sociopolitical and Social Affairs of Veterans of the State Duma. , deputy head of the LDPR faction, previously explained to RG Nilov. Indexing up to 2025 is carried out as of January 1. After the transition period, pensions will start to increase according to the actual inflation of the previous year. First, pensions will be increased from February 1, then an adjustment is planned in April.

One person died, six more were injured in a fire in Nizhny Novgorod KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

On the night of July 10, a residential building located at Beketov, 5B, caught fire. The area of ​​the fire was 80 square meters. 80 firefighters arrived on the scene. 24 teams participated. The fire was extinguished at 00:14 Moscow time.

“Six people were injured, including five children. They were taken to medical institutions in the city,” the agency said in a statement.

“RV”: near Orekhov, the RF Armed Forces burned a new convoy of NATO armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

According to military correspondents, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed at least five Bradley fighting vehicles. The surviving Ukrainian soldiers abandoned the tanks and other vehicles and quickly fled from the burning armored vehicles.

Earlier it was reported that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is transferring additional forces (NATO equipment and attack aircraft) to the Zaporozhye region. The Ukrainian army is attacking northeast of Rabotino. Several Leopard tanks, minesweepers and other armored vehicles were put out of action here.

It is noted that by repelling the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian military defeated the 10th column of NATO equipment. “There is already a whole cemetery of NATO and Ukrainian equipment in this area,” says a message posted on the Telegram channel from military correspondents, which also publishes photos of the scene.

Ragnarok entry: who is Nikola Tesla in the manga? | spaghetti code

 Ragnarok entry: who is Nikola Tesla in the manga?  |  spaghetti code

Whether anime or manga, The Record of Ragnarok was meant to bring together the most prominent people in the history of the race in one place, and among the guests is Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor born on July 10th. 1856

In Records of Ragnarok, Nikola Tesla is a reborn human called to fight in the eighth round of the humans versus gods tournament. Nicknames such as “the only wizard in the history of mankind” or “son of light” extol the personality of this self-confident inventor who made several contributions to science, including the control of electrical energy.

Some of these contributions are reflected in Volund, which Nikola Tesla uses in his opposition to the gods; a “suit” that covers most of your body is called Super Machines β. This is a divine weapon in the form of gold and blue mechanical armor, designed by himself. Tesla along with fellow manga scientists Edison, Newton, Einstein, Galileo and Marie Curie.

His fight with Beelzebub has been called the “battle of light against darkness” in Tesla’s attempt to unravel the mysteries of the “lord of the flies”, both in his ways of fighting and the source of his dark personality.

The winning combination of the Bonoloto draw for this Monday, July 10

The winning combination of the Bonoloto draw this Wednesday, June 21

The Bonoloto draw held this Monday, July 10 by State Lotteries and Betting (Selae) in Spain already has a winning combination.

Winning combination Bonoloto draw Monday, July 10

On this occasion, the winning ticket was the one with the winning combination that chance wanted to be made up of the numbers 26, 29, 31, 38, 39 and 43. The complementary number is 47 and the refund is 9 (only for the daily game).

How much do I earn if I have five concerts and the complementary one?

The Bonoloto draws are held from Monday to Sunday at 9:30 p.m. in the State Lottery and Betting Draw Room, and are public and can be seen live until full capacity is reached, but they are also broadcast live through from the Lottery website. Likewise, from Lotteries and State Gambling it is remembered that these raffles are stored in the video library of its website to be viewed whenever you want.

Such clarification came after a few months ago two were combined almost the same with very few hours apart. In social networks the controversy jumped, but Lotteries settled it quickly. In statements to La Información they assured that “it is a coincidence; in fact, the numbers did not come out in the same order in the two draws,” he settled.

It is not surprising so much commotion because if the winning numbers on Thursday March 9 were 8-21-23-40-43-47 with 26 complementary and 7 reimbursement, only 48 hours later on Saturday March 11 the ticket The winning prize contained the numbers 8-21-23-28-40-47 with the same complement, 26, and the same return, 7.

Social network Threads has gained 100 million users KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

“And that is organic growth. We haven’t launched our promotions yet. I can’t believe it’s only been 5 days!” Zuckerberg wrote in his post.

Evercore ISI analysts expect Threads to reach 200 million daily active users and generate around $8 billion in annual revenue over the next two years.

The new social network is very similar to Twitter, both in appearance and in functionality, which caused strong discontent with the owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, who accused the creators of Threads of plagiarism, theft of employees and threatened to sue Their creators.

In a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter attorney Alex Spiro wrote that his company is seriously concerned that Meta* is engaging in “a deliberate and systematic misappropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property.”

Threads’ spokesman, Andy Stone, responded by saying that there are no former Twitter employees on the social network’s technical team.

The successful launch of the new app was aided by the massive reach of Meta* (Instagram* alone now has over a billion repeat users), as well as unfortunate changes to Twitter’s user policy that alienated much of of its active user base.

*Instagram is owned by Meta, which is recognized as an extremist in Russia and is banned.

Rublev, Safiullin and Medvedev set a record at Wimbledon! Results and program of the day

 Rublev, Safiullin and Medvedev set a record at Wimbledon!  Results and program of the day

Rublev, Safiullin and Medvedev set a record at Wimbledon! Results and program of the day

Daniil Salnikov Jul 11, 2023 00:55 UTC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

And Andreeva and Alexandrova dropped out of the race: there were no Russians left on the women’s singles grid.

On Monday, July 10, the fourth round fights ended in the most famous grass tournament in the world. There were nine individual matches, five for men and four for women. Three Russians also took part in them. But not all made it further down the grid. Let’s talk about everything in order.

Results of the eighth day. July 10, Monday

The men played the fourth-round matches in the top half of the grid, and among the participants was Russia’s Daniil Medvedev (3rd seed), who began methodically beating Czech Jiri Legechka. However, after two sets, the opponent withdrew through injury. And Daniel for the first time in his career reached the 1/4 final of Wimbledon. Thus, the Russian has now been in the top eight at all four Slams during his career.

Related Materials

Finally! Medvedev defeated the Czech and reached the Wimbledon quarterfinals for the first time

Daniil joined Andrei Rublev and Roman Safiullin in the quarterfinals. The trio set a national representation record at Wimbledon. In all history, three more Russians in the TBSH quarterfinals were only at the Australian Open – 2021. For places in the semifinals, Safiullin will fight with Yannick Siner, Medvedev with the American Eubanks, who knocked out the Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas off the grid in five sets. Well, Rublev will face Novak Djokovic.

Men. Fourth round (1/8 final)

Medvedev (Russia, 3) – Legechka (Czech Republic) – 6:4, 6:2, negative. Eubanks (USA) – Tsitsipas (Greece, 5) – 3:6, 7:6, 3:6, 6:4, 6:4. Djokovic (Serbia, 2) – Hurkach (Poland, 17) – 7:6, 7:6, 5:7, 6:4. Rune (Denmark, 6) – Dimitrov (Bulgaria, 21) – 3:6, 7:6, 7:6, 6:3. Alcaraz (Spain, 1) – Berrettini (Italy) – 3:6, 6:3, 6:3, 6:3.


The last two Russians played for women that day and both sadly dropped out of the race. 16-year-old Mirra Andreeva in a match with American Madison Keys did not hold the lead 6:3, 4:1 and lost in three sets. And Ekaterina Alexandrova with the “midfielder” lost to the Belarusian Arina Sobolenko (2). Therefore, not a single representative of Russia reached the 1/4 final of the women’s singles.

Related Materials

Andreeva, 16, lost to an American. Mirra got angry with the judge and did not shake his hand.

Last year’s champion Elena Rybakina and last year’s runner-up Ons Zhaber successfully broke through the fourth round barrier. The girls will now meet again in a year’s time, but not in the final, but in the quarterfinals.

Women. Fourth round (1/8 final)

Keys (US, 25) – M. Andreeva (Russia, Q) – 3:6, 7:6, 6:2. Rybakina (Kazakhstan, 3) – Haddad-Maya (Brazil, 13) – 4:1 (rejected). Sobolenko (Belarus, 2) – Alexandrova (Russia, 21) – 6:4, 6:0. Jaber (Tunisia, 6) – Kvitova (Czech Republic, 9) – 6:0, 6:3.


Matches of the ninth day. July 11, Tuesday

On Tuesday, July 11, the quarterfinals will begin. The two matches in the lower half of the men’s draw will be played by the Russians. Roman Safiullin will face the Italian Yannick Sinner, and Andrey Rublev the famous Serbian Novak Djokovic.

Men. 1/4 final

16:30 Moscow time Sinner (Italy, 8) – Safiullin (Russia) five pm. Rublev (Russia, 7) –Djokovic (Serbia, 2)


In women, the tennis players from the upper half of the grid will enter the court. Both representatives of the top 4 seeds still remain in this leg: Iga Swiatek (1) from Poland and Jessica Pegula (4) from the USA.

Women. 1/4 final

15:00 Moscow time Pegula (USA, 4) – Vondroushova (Czech Republic) 15:30. Swiatek (Poland, 1) – Svitolina (Ukraine, WC)


Wimbledon takes place from July 3-16 in London. You can follow the games in our text broadcasts and “Championship” materials.

It became known which cars are least likely to break down in Russia KXan 36 Daily News

It became known which cars are least likely to break down in Russia KXan 36 Daily News

SsangYong, Seat and GAC visited the service on average 1 time every 6 months. More often Daihatsu and Ravon – they were serviced more than 3.5 times during this period. So, the Daihatsu Terios (J2) models came to the car service 4 times, and the Ravon R4 – 4.5.

Top 10 models of the mass segment, whose work orders at service stations were less common than others:

1.SsangYong Actyon Sport

Alhambra 2 places


4. Changan UNI-K

5.Changan CS75

6. Honda Odyssey V

7.Honda Accord X

8 Honda released

9 pilot sling

10 civic honda

Premium car models: leaders and strangers

The leaders of the rating in premium brands, whose car owners went to gas stations less often than others, were General Motors and Chrysler. The Volvo brand ranks third (1.4 visits), followed by Infiniti (1.5) and BMW (1.6). More often than others, Jaguar and Mini needed repairs (1.8 times). Owners of Mini Clubman F54 visited the car service more than 3 times, and Jaguar XF – an average of 2.3.

Top 10 car models of the premium segment that were at the EuroAuto service station less often than others:

1. GM GMC Terrain

2 Chrysler Pacifica

3 v60 v60

4 Volvo V90 cross country

5 Lexus LS

6. Lexus UX200

7. Jeep Grand Cherokee (WL)

8. Jeep Patriot (MK74)

9.Jeep Wrangler (JL)

10.Jeep Cherokee (KL)

Luxury cars that rarely go to gas stations

In the first half of 2023, Rolls-Royce and Alfa Romeo owners entered service stations on average once. The outsiders of the rating were the Tesla Model 3 and the Mercedes Benz GLE Coupe C292 – their owners came to the service more than twice.

Top 10 luxury car models with a minimum visit to a car service:

1 Rolls-Royce Specter

2 Alfa Romeo Stelvio

3 Alfa Romeo Giulietta

4 Bentley Continental Flying Spur

5 Bentley Bentayga

6 Bentley Continental GT

7. Porsche 718 Boxster (982)

8. Porsche 718 Cayman (982)

9 Porsche 911 (991)

10. Porsche 911 (992)

The hero of the special operation “Z”, Senior Sergeant Musaev, “interrogated” the captured enemy drone.

The hero of the special operation "Z", Senior Sergeant Musaev, "interrogated" the captured enemy drone.

Senior Warrant Officer Vitaly Korshak and Senior Sergeant Ramazan Musaev

We continue to acquaint you with the heroes of the special operation “Z” – participants in the hostilities in the Donbass. Soldiers, sergeants, corporals, and officers who demonstrated their professional experience, character, and completed combat missions. His determination, assertiveness and combat experience in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, in the police units of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, receive the highest marks.

Our heroes thwarted the attacks and prevented the counter-offensive of the nationalists, for which they received state awards. But they do not serve for the sake of praise. The military is sure that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“Hatred overshadows reason,” said Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who never lost a single battle. And he repeated: “It is better to encounter danger than to expect it on the spot.”


Senior Ensign Vitaly Korshak

“In the course of a special military operation, Senior Warrant Officer Vitaly Korshak carried out combat missions to organize uninterrupted communications and information exchange between the tactical group of the battalion of Russian troops and the higher headquarters. The enemy, seeking to recapture previously lost territories, attacked the defensive positions of the Russian troops. As a result of the artillery shelling of the nationalists, the components and assemblies of the communication station were damaged by fragments of the MLRS shell. Realizing that the lack of communication would deprive the command of the ability to quickly coordinate the actions of the units in battle, Korshak, risking his life, moved towards the damaged equipment and began to repair it. Under fire from the militants, Vitaliy assessed the nature of the damage and promptly replaced the damaged units, after which he reconfigured the station. Bold and determined actions by Chief Warrant Officer Vitaly Korshak to prevent a breakdown in communications and ensure continued stable command and control of the troops.


Ensign Balgan Banzaraktsaev

“The foreman of a motorized rifle company, Ensign Balgan Banzaraktsaev, acted as part of a battalion tactical group, assuming defense in the area of ​​​​one of the settlements. A group of nationalists, after artillery preparation and with the support of armored vehicles, went on the offensive using unmanned aerial vehicles. Banzaraktsaev was in his position and repelled the attacks of the advancing enemy, after artillery shelling he took a more advantageous position and continued to fight. During the battle, Banzaraktsaev received a shrapnel wound to the right shoulder. Having provided himself with first aid, he continued to fire at the enemy and lead the unit. During the battle, Balgan noticed that the nationalists were trying to isolate him and some of the personnel from the main company forces. Competently assessing the situation, Banzaraktsaev quickly organized a maneuver of subordinate firearms, concentrating fire on the enemy assault group. The decisive actions of Ensign Balgan Banzaraktsaev made it possible to thwart the attempt to blockade the unit. The enemy suffered significant losses and withdrew. Only after the end of the confrontation, Balgan was evacuated to a safe zone, where he received medical assistance.

Ensign Balgan Banzaraktsaev


Senior Sergeant Ramazan Musaev

“Senior Sergeant Ramazan Musaev carried out a combat mission to protect the position of Russian troops in one of the tactical directions. While monitoring the airspace in a certain sector, Musaev discovered two quadrocopter-type UAVs approaching the Russian positions. Assessing the situation, Senior Sergeant Musaev used an anti-drone weapon, as a result of which the quadcopters, having lost control, fell before reaching the positions of the Russian troops. During the inspection of the site of the fall of enemy UAVs, information carriers were found on which the locations of enemy artillery crews were captured, which made it possible to launch a targeted artillery strike on them. The bold and decisive actions of Senior Sergeant Ramazan Musaev deprived the enemy of the opportunity to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the positions of the Russian troops, and also contributed to the suppression of their artillery in this area.

The law will prescribe the rules for the registration of land under pipelines and power lines KXan 36 Daily News

The law will prescribe the rules for the registration of land under pipelines and power lines KXan 36 Daily News

“The bill aims to create mechanisms for the registration of rights of linear facilities created before the 2000s and the regulation of legal relations on the use of land by the owner of the Unified Gas Supply System”, commented Vladimir Gruzdev, Chairman of the Board. of the Russian Bar Association.

He recalled that one of the trends in the development of legislation is the creation of conditions to simplify the registration of rights to objects built before the advent of a modern legal system for state registration of rights to real estate.

Therefore, at present there are such “simplified” procedures in relation to the personal property of citizens – the so-called “dacha amnesty” and “garage amnesty”. There are also simplified registration procedures for a number of other objects.

At the same time, such mechanisms for linear facilities that are used to provide communal and other services to the population, transport gas, etc. have not yet been created. We are talking about communication lines, power lines, pipelines, railways and many other objects. Currently, the rights to approximately 720,000 kilometers of linear facilities are unregistered due to the lack of title deeds for them.

“The bill states that rights to them can be granted without going to court by establishing a public easement on the land within which the object is located. Permits will not be required for the structures themselves, built more than 20 years ago. . The initiative is now being prepared in the State Duma for the second reading. The government has prepared amendments that clarify some of the provisions of the project, “emphasized the chairman of the Ayur Board.

In particular, the procedure for the formation of land and forest plots for the placement of linear facilities is specified. Likewise, the modifications prepared to the project provide that the holders of rights of linear objects, whose rights arose before September 1, 2018, will have the right to lease a piece of land or the right to permanent use of a piece of land for public easement. .

Shcherbakova told how she went hungry while preparing for the Olympics

Shcherbakova told how she went hungry while preparing for the Olympics

Olympic champion Anna Shcherbakova admitted that she ate almost nothing during the Olympics and weighed less than 40 kilograms.

“I was prepared for the Olympics because it was my third senior season. I knew myself, my body, how to prepare, how to tune in. So I hardly ate anything. It seemed to me that the less I eat, the better I train. Now I am beginning to understand that strength is needed and how to eat, “said the figure skater on the show Laysan Utyasheva” Daring Cooking “.

According to Shcherbakova, before the Olympic season, everything was fine with her weight, and she ate what she wanted. Then she entered the age of transition, it became more difficult to control the weight. To maintain the optimal weight for training, the skater had to tease herself. She tried all possible and impossible diets and lasted a year. “The Olympic season ended, I let go of course, I immediately recovered. That year, 42 was my good weight, but for the Olympics, I lost even more weight. Now I have already begun to balance between eating normally and correctly, not starving anywhere, ”Shcherbakova said.

At the Beijing Olympics, Anna Shcherbakova won the gold medal in single skating.

Military special operation in Ukraine July 11, 2023: live streaming online

Military special operation in Ukraine July 11, 2023: live streaming online

Military special operation in Ukraine July 11, 2023: live streaming online

Photo: Alexander KOTS

Since February 24, the Russian military has been conducting a special operation in Ukraine to denazify and demilitarize the country. The KP.RU website publishes online the latest news about the Russian military special operation in Ukraine on July 11, 2023.

During the day, Russian troops repelled several attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction, as a result of which Kiev lost up to 275 Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries, five military equipment and an ammunition depot.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that since the start of the special operation, Russian troops have destroyed 4,845 foreign mercenaries of Ukrainian troops, noting that the vast majority of them came from the United States, Canada and European countries.

It was noted that since February 24, 2022, 11,675 foreign mercenaries from 84 states have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Most were from Poland (more than 2,600 people), the US and Canada (900 or more), and Georgia (more than 800 people).

Russian air defense systems intercepted five S-200 air defense systems fired by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as eight drones.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the reflection of the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Rivnopol of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Rabotino of the Zaporozhye region.

One against the US: 120 years ago Colonel Abel-Fischer was born, the most famous intelligence officer in the history of the Homeland KXan 36 Daily News

Рудольф Абель на приеме у председателя КГБ при Совете министров СССР В. Е. Семичастного. Москва, сентябрь 1964 года.

Major General Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov very precisely defined the role of Abel, from 1979 to 1991, in honor of Abel, who headed our illegal foreign intelligence:

– William Genrikhovich Fisher, who took the name of his friend Lieutenant Colonel Rudolf Ivanovich Abel during his arrest in the United States, worked on nuclear issues. The most difficult period in world history – the end of the 1940s – 1950s – the spree of McCarthyism. And Abel was restoring in the United States what might have been partially lost as a result of postwar failures. It was not possible to restore everything, it did not work. He took a lot more time than he had. But there were new recruits, the acquisition of new agents. He saved a lot.

The trial in case No. 45094 “The US Government v. Rudolf Ivanovich Abel” became, according to the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, “one of the high-profile episodes of the Cold War “. He entered this peculiar battle alone and came out of the duel undefeated, preserving his officer’s honor and protecting the interests of our country.

One of the last photographs of Colonel Fisher-Abel. He always had a philosophy: devotion to the country. Photo: from the book by Nikolai Dolgopolov “Abel-Fischer”

Much has been said, written and filmed about Abel-Fischer. So my first article on the mysterious intelligence officer was published exactly 30 years ago. However, the hard work is paying off. Slowly but steadily coming out of oblivion, breaking in, coming out of secret or apparently lost files, new details, documented details, eyewitness accounts who decided to break the vow of silence voluntarily taken before the final game. So we can cite here episodes little known, but documented.

On December 31, 1938, Fischer was suspended from intelligence work without explanation. William himself thought about the reason for the dismissal. The brother of his wife Eli, the father of Lida’s beloved niece, ended up in prison. The unfortunate man, who did not know the measure in the drink, committed a crime. They gave me several years for a drunken fight. Usually they were not expelled from the Cheka for this. But who knows… Fischer was afraid of being arrested. However, he “lucky” and “carried.” That was “luck” back then. In September 1941, Abel returned to intelligence, where he worked in Moscow until 1948. And there, a new business trip.

In the United States, an illegal immigrant entered the passport of Andrew Caiotis. After the war, a Lithuanian with a US passport decided to visit his hometowns. But in Vilnius he became seriously ill and died. His career ended with Fischer’s comrades in the service. And a skillful craftsman, Colonel Pavel Gromushkin, pasted a picture of his friend William there.

The colonel endured interrogations and torture. He did not seek any cooperation, he did not mention the name of a single agent

Before leaving for the United States: a personal meeting with parting words from Vyacheslav Molotov. A business conversation was followed by a solemn informal dinner, rarely arranged in those years, to which, to the surprise of the whole family, wife Elena Stepanovna and daughter Evelina Vilyamovna were invited. This only emphasizes the importance of the task received by the illegal. Arach, such was Fisher’s first US operating pseudonym, was highly anticipated. The first own bomb was already in demolitions. And as always, at the last or penultimate moment: information on atomic issues was urgently required.

Colonel Rodolfo Abel. Photo: Getty Images

On October 12, 1948, the illegal immigrant left for the cordon of the Leningradsky railway station under the guise of a foreign diplomat. Abroad was followed by outdoor advertising. It was not just anyone, but the Minister of State Security, Viktor Abakumov himself, who acted as an employee of external surveillance. The caution and the legend of the game are inexplicable to me.

The first major port of call was West Germany, to which Arach traveled with numerous landings and transfers. From here, from the small port city of Cuxhaven, he began a long sea voyage to the shores of North America on the steamer Scythia. On November 14, the ship arrived in Quebec, Canada.

And already on November 16, billionaire New York was replenished with another resident – Andrew Kayotis. Legalization went well. The first results were obtained quickly, as was the military order for these achievements. In 1952, the illegal immigrant also got another American-sounding name: Emil Robert Goldfuss and another pseudonym: Mark.

According to legend, Emil Goldfuss was a freelance artist. But Fischer quickly refocused. The profession did not inspire much confidence and the legend had to be complemented. Emil also turned out to be an inventor, which he (Fischer) managed to confirm as a result of boring correspondence with the patent office and a photographer rolled into one. Goldfuss himself could not be offended by the Soviet illegal immigrant. The baby was born in the US in 1902 and, after living just over a year, died. The original documents from him, in some unknown way, migrated to Moscow, to the Lubyanka.

In New York, the resurrected Goldfuss opened his studio, then a photo lab and paint shop. However, Goldfuss at times reincarnated as Martin Collins, and to the Center and fellow Americans in the Volunteer group, with whom he made contact in May 1949, he remained Arachem, Mark, or Milt. It is curious that Mr. Goldfuss chose to live at 252 Fulton Street, near the FBI. A fact that later angered the director of the FBI, John Edgar Hoover.

Mark was betrayed by his radio operator Vik Heihanen. At first, not even the FBI believed the drunk scoundrel. But still he had to believe: the bastard provided strong evidence of his connection to intelligence. He was so stupid that he didn’t even remember the address of his resident’s apartment, where he once visited. He indicated only the search area, somewhere near Fulton Street.

Nearly a hundred detectives were involved in the operation, dragging stupid Vic around for several days. Many houses were inspected. Members of the FBI could not be denied perseverance. And yet they found an apartment. She was closed. Unsuspecting neighbors recalled that her dear neighbor, Mr. Goldfuss, had gone somewhere to rest at the end of April. The FBI tried to drag Mark into a meeting. Vik put up a symbol, but the Russian intelligence officer didn’t show up at the hideout. The agents around Vic waited in vain. Heihanen was used to the fullest. The escort assigned to him almost hit his hands when he reached the bottle. But it was no longer possible to stop drinking, otherwise the traitor became embittered, enraged, and then depressed. Complete pathology! And suddenly Vic jumped: here it is, that damn apartment.

In this prison cell, painted by Colonel Abel, he spent many years. Photo: From the book by Nikolai Dolgopolov “Abel-Fischer”

And the FBI worked exceptionally professionally. In the house across from 252, on the twelfth floor of the Turaine Hotel, a booth was set up. They kept their eyes on the windows of hotel room No. 505, as well as the entrances to the house. Binoculars with a tenfold magnification, a walkie-talkie – everything was at hand.

Once Mark was lost, who, however, penetrated into the apartment, the post the next time immediately reacted instantly to the light turned on in the apartment. They turned on the radio, the open air was ready. This is how Mark’s visit was recorded.

How did you do it anyway? Mark had to leave immediately. They were waiting for him in Mexico, and then to Europe and home. The colonel, having carefully checked several times, entered the apartment without being seen. He wanted to re-inspect the house carefully to get rid of anything that could be considered evidence. In one of the desk drawers, in two tiny containers made by him, letters from relatives were kept. Without turning on the light, I immediately felt a container. And the second, miniature, round, slipped out of his hands and rolled under the table. The Colonel searched for it for a long time and in vain in total darkness, rummaging on the floor. He went to the window, covered by thick curtains. Cautiously, through a small crack, he peered down the street. Nothing suspicious. He turned on the light, a few seconds and found the container that he had rolled to the pedestal. Immediately there was a flash of light.

They deftly led him directly from his house to the subway. Changed, changed lines. For a second it seemed like they were following him. But no, the quiet middle-aged man with a heavy-looking suitcase, who twice caught Mark’s eye, did not look like an outside agent at all. Yes, and from his rich experience, the colonel knew: carrying something, pushing a cart in front of him, tends to evade observation, confuse. This time he was taken aback.

Here they are – the heroes of domestic foreign intelligence. Photo: Olesya Kurpyaeva / RG

A passenger wearing a straw hat was photographed at the tube exit near the Latham Hotel. Identity established immediately. They reasoned with Heyhanen, and when he saw the photo, he happily nodded: “You found it.”

The colonel endured interrogations and torture. He did not agree to any cooperation, he did not name a single name of the agents. Not the electric chair, but 30 years in prison: he could get out of prison at 85. Five years later, Fisher-Abel was traded for American spy pilot Powers.

At home he taught young people, served, in his own words, as a “museum exhibit”, retired and died in 1971 of cancer. Still a brilliant memory, but Colonel Abel-Fischer deserved a little more, in my opinion. Maybe it was insulting … But, leaving, the daughter Evelina Vilyamovna dissuaded me: “I swear, they did not say, they did not mention two topics: the assignment of the rank of general and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union “And I ask you , if you sit down, write your elegy, be sure to mention it! This is my direct condition! Whatever they wrote about performances and delays, this topic was not even prohibited. Absolutely did not exist. Not a single word, not half a hint, and it hung in the air. That’s what I wasn’t interested in at all, I didn’t care that much.”

Feijóo attacks Sánchez’s economic euphoria in the middle of a data war

Feijóo attacks Sánchez's economic euphoria in the middle of a data war

The economic clash between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the television face-to-face this Monday has been decided with a merciless attack by the leader of the PP on the economic achievements of the President of the Government, in a true data war and false fraud truth between both political contenders that has hidden the true proposals of their respective parties in terms of prices, employment, mortgages, housing or pensions. The first economic bloc of the face-to-face debate ended in a sour tone and with continuous interruptions from both parties, only stopped by the moderators, but without any novel or unbalancing proposal by either of the two candidates for the presidency of the Government the next 23-J.

The socialist promise to reach full employment in the next legislature with 8% structural unemployment, came face to face with the “darkness” of the data on employment generated by the 430,000 discontinuous permanent workers who are counted on the unemployment lists: the generation of 8 million a day of public debt that the leader of the PP denounced, with a GDP growth better than the rest of Europe; the measures on the extension of the PSOE mortgages with the idea of ​​removing the squatters from the homes of the popular; and fill the pension piggy bank that “the PP emptied”, according to Sánchez, with the revaluation with the CPI to which the PP has already signed up and the need to end “the waste of public spending on civil servants”, in the words from Feijo.

The WTA issued a statement on the refusal of Ukrainian tennis players to shake hands with Russian women after matches

The WTA issued a statement on the refusal of Ukrainian tennis players to shake hands with Russian women after matches

The Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) appealed to the public amid the incident during the round of 16 match of the Wimbledon tournament between the Belarusian tennis player Victoria Azarenka and the Ukrainian Elina Svitolina.

It should be noted that at the end of the match, Victoria did not shake hands with her rival, for which she was booed by the local fans. Previously, Ukrainian athletes regularly refused to shake hands with representatives of Belarus and Russia. It is assumed that Azarenka and Svitolina agreed in advance that they would not shake hands.

“Because of the unpleasant circumstances and the misunderstanding that arose in yesterday’s match at Wimbledon. The WTA would like to be clear about post-match handshakes. The WTA respects the position of the Ukrainian athletes to abandon the traditional handshake with rivals from Russia and Belarus, as this is their personal decision. We thank the fans for their passion and devotion, and we also thank them for their understanding and respect for the athletes”, writes the press service of the sports organization.

We add that in the last match of the fourth round of the British tournament, Svitolina defeated Azarenka with a score of 2:6, 6:4, 7:6 (11:9) and reached the quarterfinals, where she will play with the first racket of the world Iga Sventek.

Athletes from Russia and Belarus will participate in Wimbledon 2023 in a neutral state.

The former mayor of Krasnodar Pervyshov spoke about the deceased official of the mayor’s office Rzhitsky KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The former head of the city, as RG wrote, has several UAV crews in the NVO area under his command. The former mayor says that he knew Stanislav Rzhitsky well, who died on Monday.

“Today in Krasnodar, Stanislav Rzhitsky, deputy head of the department for mobilization work of the city administration, was shot in the back. I knew him as the commander of the Krasnodar submarine. In the mayor’s office, we had close relations with his command and crew, we met often.” He was a true patriot, a good man and a loving father. Eternal memory!” – wrote the former head of Krasnodar on his Telegram channel.

As we reported, Stanislav Rzhitsky was killed on Monday while jogging in the Beregova street area of ​​​​the regional center. The stranger shot his victim multiple times, after which he fled.

A criminal case has been initiated. The investigation of a resonant crime was taken up by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin.

Bernardo Silva could continue his career in Saudi Arabia

Bernardo Silva could continue his career in Saudi Arabia

Manchester City midfielder Bernardo Silva may change his club’s registration in the summer transfer window. It is reported by CBS Sports.

According to the source, Al-Hilal expressed his willingness to pay the “people of the town” 70 million euros for the 28-year-old footballer. It is reported that in the event of a transfer to the Saudi Arabian team, the player himself will receive 50 million euros per year.

It was previously reported that PSG and Barcelona are interested in the services of the sky-blue midfielder.

We add that Silva has been playing for Manchester City since 2017. He made 55 appearances for Josep Guardiola last season, scoring seven goals and providing eight assists. He is a five-time champion of England and winner of the 2022/2023 Champions League.

“RV”: Armed Forces throw Leopard and Bradley to break through Zaporozhye Front near Orekhov KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The main blow of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is delivered to the northeast of Rabotino. Here, at least five Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, several Leopard tanks, mine sweepers and other armored vehicles were hit by mines and artillery fire in one day.

Earlier it was reported that when repelling the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian army in Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region defeated the 10th column of NATO equipment.

Volodymyr Rogov, head of the Zaporozhye We Stand Together with Russia social movement, said the situation in the Rabotino area was under control: Russian troops were holding their positions and were also driving the Ukrainian army out of its positions north and northwest of the town of Rabotino. .

Dragon Ball Super: First Look at Manga Chapter 95 Revealed | spaghetti code

 Dragon Ball Super: First Look at Manga Chapter 95 Revealed |  spaghetti code

The story of Dragon Ball Super is still one of the favorites today, as it completely repeats the first stage, created and drawn by Akira Toriyama, while new characters continue to grow, but now we are in a special arc.

If we know well, the manga continues to publish a new chapter every month and now we are close to learning more about this highly anticipated arc that adapts the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie that has become canon and we are very close to see Gohan the Beast.

On the official Dragon Ball website, he shared the first image of Chapter 95, which is closely related to the battle between the androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 against Gohan and Piccolo.

This means that we will be close to seeing one of the most exciting and intense battles in this history, as well as learning about the new transformations of our Z Fighters.

In the images, you can see the beginning of the fight between Gohan and Gamma 1 after reaching his final transformation and put him on the level of these androids created by Dr. Hedo as part of the Red Patrol organization.

Andreeva, 16, lost to an American. Mirra got angry with the judge and did not shake his hand.

 Andreeva, 16, lost to an American.  Mirra got angry with the judge and did not shake his hand.

Andreeva, 16, lost to an American. Mirra got angry with the judge and did not shake his hand.

Pavel Panyshev Jul 10, 2023 15:29 UTC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

The Russian woman led 6:3, 4:1 and had a break point, but failed to reach the Wimbledon quarterfinals.

Mirra Andreeva, playing in her second straight adult Grand Slam tournament (after Rolland Garros), continues to delight Russian fans. In both Paris and London, the 16-year-old Russian woman made it to the final stages through qualifying. Interestingly, at the beginning of the year, Andreeva was still playing in the final of the Australian Open for juniors, and now she is already fighting to reach the quarterfinals of the adult Slam.

On the way to today’s match with Madison Keys, the youngest of the Andreev sisters has already knocked out the Chinese Wang, the Czech Kreychikova and the compatriot Potapova from the fight. Thus, for the first time, Mirra reached the 1/8 final of the TBSH, repeating the feat of Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon, who surpassed this milestone exactly 20 years ago, also at 16. Among the Russian tennis players of the 21st century, no one else could do this in the English Slam. If we take earlier time, then the best result here belongs to Anna Kournikova, who in 1997 at the age of 16 became a semifinalist of the tournament, losing there to her partner Martina Hingis.

Mirra is already settling into the top 100 of the live ratings, getting closer and closer to the top 50. With such progress and attitude towards the matter in the future, there is no doubt that Andreeva will only progress.

“I am very happy to have won this match. Anastasia played very well. Congratulations to her and all her team because they have done a good job. I did everything I could. I gave it my all, I was able to get back into the game with the score 1:4 in the second set. So, of course, I feel great, ”Andreeva said after defeating Potapova.

How Andreeva defeated Potapova:

Andreeva won the Russian derby! Mirra, 16, advanced to the fourth round in her Wimbledon debut

If we talk about the keys, then just before the start of Wimbledon, the American in the final of the tournament in Eastbourne turned out to be stronger than the Russian Daria Kasatkina. Madison has been on the women’s tour for a long time, she is an experienced and proven tennis player.

The girls had never played with each other before. Keys, as a more experienced athlete, started the match much stronger, hitting a break on the move, but Mirra immediately responded in kind. A rope played for the Russian woman at the decisive point. Mirra slowly played and added to such an extent that she made two more breaks and took the first game away from the stunned American. The Russian woman played very cleanly and intelligently, it’s nice to watch tennis in her performance. Kitty is ahead in hits-10:5, but she also has more unforced errors-12:6.

Mirra began the second set with a confident break, before taking her serve. Madison was getting more and more nervous: the American’s game got out of her hands. In the end, Andreeva had a good chance to take someone else’s serve for the second time in a set and take the lead 5:1, but her opponent saved this game and then took our tennis player’s serve, obviously adding psychologically.

As a result, a tiebreaker was reached, in which Keys turned out to be more successful. The American has a very powerful backhand, with forehands often putting Mirra in a difficult position. Some kind of plan needed to be devised to prevent Madison from displaying her best qualities on the court. Angry after the lost game, Andreeva threw the racket, for which she received a warning. Keys began acting more actively and was constantly going online. She is ahead in hits-18:5, but she also has a lot more unforced errors-21:6.

myrrh andreeva

Photo: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

In the third set, Keys started more confident, and Mirra seemed upset and slowed down, missing the shot, also double-faulting at a key moment. Perhaps, the fatigue began to affect the game of the Russians. The day before he had played while Madison was resting.

Andreeva endured and did her best, tears began to appear in her eyes, and then Mira was punished at the most important moment for allegedly throwing a racket onto the court. In fact, Andreeva’s supporting leg twisted and she dropped the racket. The referee awarded him a penalty point, because there had already been a warning earlier and it turned out to be a match point. Keys took advantage of the situation and led the match to victory. But for Mirra it still turned out to be an excellent Wimbledon, the young Russian can only be congratulated. Andreeva is approaching the top 50 of the women’s ranking.

Novosibirsk investigates death of 15-year-old boy who was treated for tick-borne encephalitis KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

Unfortunately, this is not the first case of a serious infection following a tick bite infection. So, a few years ago in the Kurgan region, a 14-year-old teenager from Shadrinsk fell victim to tick-borne encephalitis.

Despite active calls for vaccination and the opportunity to get a free vaccine, in Russia, according to Rospotrebnadzor, about 30 people die every year from tick-borne encephalitis.

Alina Korneeva reached the 1/8 final of Wimbledon junior, beating the Czech Valdmannova

Alina Korneeva reached the 1/8 final of Wimbledon junior, beating the Czech Valdmannova

Russian tennis player Alina Korneeva defeated the representative of the Czech Republic Vendula Valdmannova in the second round match of the Wimbledon-2023 junior tournament.

Note that the meeting ended with a score of 5:7, 6:3, 7:5 in favor of Alina.

The 16-year-old winner has three aces, four double faults and seven break points made from 17.

Vendula fired twice, hit six double faults and converted six break points.

We add that in the match of the third round of the junior Grand Slam tournament, Korneeva will face the Italian tennis player Greta Greco Lucchine. The winner of the match will advance to the Wimbledon junior quarterfinals.

The 10 best transfer news of the day. Barça sells stars, and Cherchesov will be reinforced in the RPL

 The 10 best transfer news of the day.  Barça sells stars, and Cherchesov will be reinforced in the RPL

We continue to cover the summer transfer window. June 10 turned out to be rich in RPL news, but a lot of interesting things happened in Europe. In the last summary, we tell you everything at once.

The main news of the day before.

The 10 best transfer news of the day. City’s deal with Bayern and Juve’s rejection of the legend

Barça is going to get rid of eight players

The club’s sports director, Mateu Alemani, promised to process a real sale. According to the journalist Javi Miguel, Barça is going to get rid of Clement Lenglet, Sergino Dest, Eric García, Franck Kessier, Pablo Torre, Nico González, Ferran Torres and Alex Collado in the remaining weeks of the transfer market.

There are nuances only for Torre and García. They want to give up the first, and are willing to keep the second, unless a profitable offer comes their way. With the rest of the players on the list, Barça is going to say goodbye completely to straighten out the economic situation. This is especially true for Lenglet and Desta, who have large salaries.

Manchester United set a price for Maguire

It is no longer news that Manchester United is open to selling its captain. But now the details have come to light. The Manchester Evening News says United bosses are set to get €58m for Harry, an interesting price given that until recently the club was willing to part with the defender under any conditions.

And it is also reported that even if Maguire remains at Manchester United, Eric ten Hag will remove the captain’s armband from him. So in the new season the team will have a new captain anyway! Meanwhile, Maguire’s 30-year-old contract with United is set to expire in just two years.

Spartak bought the CSKA player

Transfer bomb of the day in RPL. The upcoming transfer of Jesus Medina from one Moscow club to another became known over the weekend, and today the deal was officially confirmed. Spartak, judging by the information in the media, paid CSKA 6 million euros for the universal midfielder and will add another million euros if the bonuses are activated. The 26-year-old Paraguayan signed a contract with the rojiblancos until 2027 and took number 19.

Jesus Medina

Photo: spartak.com

Will Hulk return to Europe?

Legend! The striker, who has torn down Porto and Zenit in the past decade, faded slightly from the radar when he returned to his homeland. Now the Hulk is already 36 years old, but there is still interest in him. Journalist Yagiz Sabuncuglu claims that Samsunspor is ready to return the Brazilian to Europe. The Turkish club has already contacted the Atlético Mineiro board with a request about the availability of the Hulk.

Tottenham reject Bayern’s conditions on Kane

These negotiations are now in a stalemate phase. Bayern initially offered 70 million euros for Harry and was turned down. Now the second offer has arrived in London, 80 million euros, but, according to Fabrizio Romano, Daniel Levy was not satisfied with this offer either. Tottenham is not going to agree to such conditions and a larger amount. However, Bayern remain optimistic and hope to reach an agreement with the Londoners during these difficult negotiations.

It’s time to praise Bayern

Bayern are doing well. A stark contrast to last season.

The Saudis took the goal away from Juventus

Does it happen to everyone? This is the moment, you know. A couple of days ago, the media wrote that Juventus had agreed with Sergei Milinkovich-Savic to move to Turin. And now the situation has changed dramatically. La Repubblica reports that the Serbian midfielder has accepted Al-Hilal’s offer and is leaving on a three-year contract valued at €20m per season. Lazio will receive €40m for their long-term leader, exactly what they wanted.

Pochettino chooses between two forwards for Chelsea

We’ve already talked about Chelsea’s interest in Dusan Vlahovic, but another striker is in the news. According to the Evening Standard, the team’s new coach Mauricio Pochettino will choose between the Serb from Juventus and, surprise, Ellie Vai from Montpellier.

Chelsea, of course, is not the cheapest club, but the option with Vai will clearly be cheaper. The 20-year-old is valued at €20m, while Vlahovic is worth around €70m, but at the moment, the choice is obviously up to Pochettino. At least the Argentine coach is determined to put the striker in the team.

Dusan Vlahovic and Ellie Vapi

Photo: Getty Images

Lloris offered to two big clubs

Tottenham bosses learned of David de Gea’s Manchester United split and decided they didn’t need their own legend either. Sports Zone claims that the services of Hugo Lloris were offered to PSG and Inter. This is the end of the steps to move to one of the two best clubs.

But that is not all. An unnamed Premier League club is reportedly interested in Lloris. At the same time, the 36-year-old world champion only has one concrete proposal on his hands. Guess where. That’s right, from Saudi Arabia. Al-Shabab has already sent Hugo a contract, but he has yet to respond. Apparently, he still wants to stay in Europe. Lloris’ contract with Tottenham, by the way, only expires next summer.

Tottenham have already bought a replacement for Lloris:

The best club in the Premier League got a great goalkeeper at a low price. Who will replace world champion Lloris

Is Malcolm also going to Saudi Arabia?

So the Saudis came to the RPL. Agent Timur Gurtskaya said that Malcolm is close to moving from Zenit to one of the Saudi Arabian league clubs.

Timur Gurtskaya

football agent

“Malcom is about to leave, he may be about to go to Saudi Arabia. There is information that an offer of 50 million euros has been received, and with it a salary has been agreed. By some estimates, it ranges from 10 to 12 million a year. I tried to find out from Zenit, they don’t deny it, but they don’t confirm it either. Malcolm has a termination clause of 60 million, if the Saudi Arabian club did not want to enter into negotiations with Zenit it would be 60, but they want it for 50.

A defender of the RPL comes to Cherchesov

And here is the reinforcement for Ferencváros on the eve of the new season! Ivan Karpov informs that 28-year-old Ecuadorian defender from Krasnodar Christian Ramirez will continue his career in Stanislav Cherchesov’s team. The amount of the transfer will be approximately 2 million euros.

By the way, before moving to Krasnodar, Ramirez played only for Ferencvaros. So this is a return transfer. In Russia, Christian will be remembered – 187 matches for Sergei Galitsky’s club ran after all! It is true that he did not take a single trophy.

American expert Johnson predicted the collapse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the beginning of winter KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

“What will happen to Ukraine after December is debatable. I think it has no chance of continuing hostilities due to losses in personnel and weapons,” he said.

According to Johnson, the United States decided to send cluster munitions to Ukrainian neo-Nazis because the Americans themselves had a shortage of weapons. Furthermore, the expert stressed that Washington cannot increase weapons production to the point of meeting the future needs of the kyiv regime.

The SEPE warns: it can take away the subsidy for people over 52 years of age for this reason

The SEPE warns: it can take away the subsidy for people over 52 years of age for this reason

Finding a new job in Spain when you are of a certain age is not easy. That is why the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) manages financial aid for people who are in this situation, as is the case with unemployment benefits for people over 52 years of age. This can be accessed by those who have lost their job and are close to the legal retirement age, but do not have the right to receive a pension or unemployment, having exhausted it or not having contributed long enough to Social Security. In order to receive it, it is essential to meet the requirements set by the public body under the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, led by Yolanda Díaz, since, otherwise, there is a risk of losing this income.

This subsidy aims to provide financial support to people over the age of 52 who have lost their jobs and who, finally, have greater difficulties in re-entering the labor market. For this reason, one of its main characteristics is that you can receive it until you reach retirement age and you have the right to collect the contributory pension, as long as you haven’t found a job before.

In turn, the beneficiaries can receive the benefit while working and earning salary. According to the SEPE, it is possible to combine it with a job when you have a full-time contract, indefinite or temporary, of more than three months duration. For its part, the company must complete the importation of the subsidy up to the salary.

These are the reasons why the SEPE takes away your subsidy

As is the case with the rest of the aid that is in the hands of the SEPE, this body can withdraw the payment of the subsidy for people over 52 years of age to those who commit serious infractions, as indicated on its website. One of them is to reject a job offer that the public body considers “adequate” and that has been offered by the administration or placement agencies, unless there is justified cause.

In the event that the beneficiaries commit these infractions, the SEPE contemplates a loss of three or six months of the benefit or its termination, if it occurs repeatedly.

But this is not all: the public service also identifies as a serious infraction and, therefore, withdraws the subsidy, those who refuse to participate in employment or social collaboration programs, labor insertion or promotion actions, training or professional retraining, offered by the SEPE.

How much money is charged with the subsidy for people over 52 years of age

In order to receive the benefit, applicants must be unemployed and registered as a job seeker, have contributed for a retirement pension for at least 15 years, sign the activity commitment and that the monthly income does not exceed 75% of the salary Minimum Interprofessional (SMI), that is, 750 euros per month.

Those who meet the conditions that have been previously detailed can receive the subsidy for people over 52 years of age, the amount of which is 480 euros per month. This represents 80% of the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM).

The amount of this aid experienced a rise at the end of 2022, after the Government of Spain approved the increase of the IPREM up to 600 euros, as included in the General State Budget for 2023. Thus, it has gone from 463.21 euros per month to 480 euros per month.

Spartak announced the transfer of Jesus Medina from CSKA

Spartak announced the transfer of Jesus Medina from CSKA

Spartak signed CSKA midfielder Jesús Medina. This was reported by the press service of the rojiblanca.

Note that the terms of the deal between the capital’s teams, as well as the terms of the deal with the 26-year-old, are not disclosed at this time.

It was previously reported that the transfer would cost Guillermo Abascal’s team seven million euros, with the Paraguayan signing a contract until the summer of 2027.

The midfielder is reported to have been given a number 19 jersey in the new team.

We add that Medina has been playing for CSKA since January last year. Last season he played 33 games with the red and blues, scored 11 goals and gave eight assists. Together with Vladimir Fedotov’s team he won the Russian Cup-2022 / 2023.

“Do you understand what you are doing?” Andreeva collapsed due to the actions of the judge at the decisive moment

 "Do you understand what you are doing?"  Andreeva collapsed due to the actions of the judge at the decisive moment

“Do you understand what you are doing?” Andreeva collapsed due to the actions of the judge at the decisive moment

Sofia Kolodkina July 10, 2023, 16:50 Moscow time Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Mirra lost a point and gave Madison Keys a match point in game three.

The 16-year-old Russian star, Mirra Andreeva, left the Wimbledon courts in the fourth round, losing in a fantastic three sets to the American Madison Keys. As, by the way, in 2003, Maria Sharapova, the future five-time TBS champion, stumbled at the same stage – she lost to her compatriot Svetlana Kuznetsova, also in three sets.

Definitely, the American, seeded under number 18, was the favorite, but the start of the match failed completely. Halfway through the second game, it all seemed over for her: Mirra led with a set advantage and a break, but at 1:4, Keys woke up and brought the second game to a tiebreaker. In experience and composure, she closed it out with a score of 7:6 (7:4). In a fit of emotions, as happens even with experienced tennis players, Andreeva waved her racket on the grass and received the referee’s first warning: in tennis it’s verbal. Subsequent violations are punished much more severely, which, of course, many people forget. And this moment came back to haunt the 16-year-old Russian at the end of the match.

Due to emotional devastation, Mirra missed the start of the third set: Keys broke, defended her serve and went ahead – 4:1. Andreeva was able to return the break, but the help of the net and the American’s serenity on the pitch played her role.

myrrh andreeva

Photo: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

Calling for the match, Keys missed again: the Russian woman had two break points and could have stayed in the match for at least one more game, but she failed to convert her chances and then gave her opponent a point.

At 2:5 and “more” with the service of Mirra, there was a long rally with access to the net of Kis. The American hit sharply in the left corner, but Andreeva did not have time to get to the ball, she slipped and dropped her racket on the grass at high speed. The referee immediately awarded a penalty point for allegedly throwing a racket onto the court, as Mirra had already received a verbal warning.

The Russian woman tried to argue with the judge that she did not break the racket, but slipped and fell – her supporting leg came off and dropped the racket. She and even she said to the emperor: “Do you understand what you are doing? I didn’t drop my racket, I slipped and then I just dropped it.”

Perhaps, due to the peculiarities of the grass courts of the London TBSH, any decision is interpreted much more strictly than in the same hard or clay slam. This is due to the centuries-old traditions that local caciques honor so much, and also to the special care of such capricious coating. Therefore, any such action, such as hitting a racket on a court, is immediately punishable. It doesn’t matter if it was intentional or on purpose.

myrrh andreeva

Photo: Screen

And, as you know, the judges do not have video challenges for this, as well as the practice of overturning their own decisions during the meeting. Then Mirra lost a point and Keys took advantage of the situation and led the match to victory. Already behind the scenes, Andreeva did not shake hands with the judge after the loss at Wimbledon and she quickly left the court. “I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel pressured. I knew she was a great player, but I didn’t want to be the one to lose to her in the match for her first quarterfinal entry,” Madison Keys said on court.

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US national debt increased by $1 trillion after Biden signed legislation to abolish his cap KXan 36 Daily News

Opened in St. Petersburg exhibition dedicated to the patron saints of the city KXan 36 Daily News

The total national debt as of July 6 was $32.47 trillion, $1 trillion more than the level of $31.47 trillion last seen on June 2, according to the Treasury Department. By law, the US federal government was prohibited from borrowing more money.

However, on June 3, Biden signed into law a bill brokered with House Republicans that requires a small cut in spending next year and allows unlimited federal borrowing through 2025. With the debt ceiling in place, borrowing federations raised more than $350 billion in one day to surpass $32 trillion in less than two weeks. This rapid increase reflected pent-up demand for loans, which the government had suspended while negotiations for a debt ceiling deal were underway, Fox News reported.

The national debt has risen by $4.7 trillion since Biden took office in January 2021 and is expected to continue rising due to annual budget deficits of at least $1 trillion a year. So far in fiscal year 2023, the government has spent $1.16 trillion more than it has collected, and the Biden administration projects a budget deficit of $1.5 trillion when the fiscal year ends in September.

Kanojo Okarishimasu Reveals Cover and Details of Upcoming Manga Volume 32 | spaghetti code

 Kanojo Okarishimasu Reveals Cover and Details of Upcoming Manga Volume 32 |  spaghetti code

Having crossed the 30 volume barrier, manga author Kanojo Okarishimasu plans to add another one to the shelves after revealing the cover and first details of his 32nd volume a couple of days after its official publication.

Volume 32 of Kanokari will be published on July 14, 2023 in Japan. The protagonist Chizuru Mizuhara graces the new manga cover with an unusual expression. Could it be that Pajasuya is finally influencing his personality?

Since Kanojo Okarishimasu’s volumes consist of a total of nine chapters (usually), the twenty-ninth volume will cover the events of the manga starting from chapter 265 (“The Bride and the Second Birthday (2)”).

Kanojo Okarishimasu is a short story written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima that is published weekly in Kodansha’s Shunkan Shonen Magazine. The manga currently has 289 chapters and (soon) 32 published volumes. Panini Manga is responsible for publishing Rent-a-Girlfriend (Kanokari) in Mexico and Latin America, resulting in 22 volumes being published and translated into Latin Spanish.

Will you buy Kanojo Okarishimasu Volume 31 when will it be available in your country? On the other hand, the animated adaptation of Kanojo Okraishimasu began its 3rd season on July 7, 2023. There are currently 25 episodes in Kanokari anime, which you can watch on Crunchyroll both in the original language with subtitles and dubbed in Latin Spanish.

It became known how much Tottenham is willing to sell Harry Kane

It became known how much Tottenham is willing to sell Harry Kane

Tottenham Hotspur have set a price of 140 million euros for striker Harry Kane. It is reported by the Daily Mail.

According to the source, Bayern, claiming the 29-year-old footballer, has no intention of paying such an amount to the London club for the transfer. The transfer of an England international to the Munich camp in the summer transfer window is reported to be unlikely. The Bavarians can try to sign the striker in January 2024.

We add that in the 2022/2023 season, Kane, as part of Tottenham, participated in 49 games, scored 32 goals and gave five assists. His contract with Spurs expires at the end of June 2024. In total, he has 84 appearances for England, scoring 58 goals and 18 assists.